Now it says here that you have no social media. Could you explain why?

>Now it says here that you have no social media. Could you explain why?

Because the kikes steal my precious personal data through them, sir.

>">He fell for the social media jew. Sort yourself out."

you have no idea how many recruiters/prospective employers ask why i dont have linkedin

because I dont want my life/resume out on the internet for everyone to see, are you that ignorant?

> because it's degenerate sir

Do people seriously ask that kind of shit? Fuck, I'm happy I went into trade.

>Not enough interest in using it.

There, done.

Because i'm not stupid like you



Because I don't want normies stealing my shit.

"Because I'm not a narcissist."

I only use LinkedIn. I don't want to interact with people I went to high school with in anything but a professional setting.

"Because it's childish. It's for people who lack the talent, skills, or track record of success to be confident in themselves, so they need to have external validation on tap which is what social media is: a mutually agreed upon circle jerk of everyone's collective ego. They also might lack actual interpersonal skills to network face to face, so more often than not they use it as a crutch and become overly dependent on it to compensate for their own lack of ambition to develop their weaknesses. Simultaneously it's an excellent tool for creepers, voyeurs, and other degenerates of society to stalk others. A product of a "Reality TV" culture where everyone believes their lives are worthy of sharing." Then I would nod at them to indicate that they should move on to the next question.

Because I hate seeing my friends act like retards on Facebook

>implying I don't have a LinkedIn with all my professional shit and a Facebook with a large friends list but no posts and one picture

I don't feel like it's necessary. I have never been hindered by not having one

Because I prefer socializing in person.

That sounds suspicious, unless you are hot.

They do all the time.

Suspicious fuck, serial killer profile.



Pretty much.

Valid reason, hired.

As above as below.

So do I.

"I do, it'a just private and I avoid the JOG run media, are you a kike sympathiser sir?"

"You don't have to worry about me being on my phone then every 5 seconds"

Employers are impressed with that because ultimately you're there to work not to be cool.

I don't want it sir

"Because I wouldn't buy a used Xbox from Mark Zuckerberg at a yard sale. Look at him. Why would I hand him the info of my family and [one point five] friends? Did you know he called his first users dumb f'ers? Everyone doesn't care. It's like Snowden never happened. Have you read 'Cypher Punks'?"

I believe it leads me away from enjoying life. I feel I'm much more content out making memories, with friends. Than making posts on social media alone. I'm glad the technology exists, it plays a massive role in long-distance communications. I'll probably get one when I get a little older though, to stay in touch and all.

>willingly subjecting yourself to the NSA

>i dont feel its necessary to leave my personal info out in the open for any random person who could potentially blackmail me to see.
>its not interesting.

next question.

Mag dump into his chest and jump out of the window.

I have a linkedin I barely touch.

want to see my Sup Forums image collection?

I refused facebook for so long that I can't just up and get one now, even though it's almost mandatory, I'd lose all cred.

they sure fucking do, half of white collar life is doing bullshit for appearance (i.e staying after 5pm with nothing to do, just not wanting to be the first one out) whereas trades work require actual output/substance in order for success

they do, im a good looking guy but not that good looking

they just want an easier way of resume-surfing/finding candidates-I've gotten 100k job offers in my linkedin inbox

Just letting you know that I laughed until I cried reading this.

I have no real idea why.

reasonable, decisive, to the point.
I like it.

But I do have one. Although it's mostly because I use Facebook Messenger to talk to my friends, but it's also because I just graduated two years ago this June and the girls from my high school aren't all fat yet, so their profiles are still worth seeing on occasion, since it's the only time I get to see most of them while I'm not nearly blacked out on Captain Morgan.

What's suspicious about not being interested in social media?
Have you seen the kinds of utterly inane drivel people post on Facebook? What a complete waste of time. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

>As a white male my opinions are invalid.
The employer smiles, shakes your hand and informs you that you said the correct answer. He hires Jamal instead.

Exactly this. I'd also throw in something about the documentary 'Terms and Conditions May Apply, 2013.' It's a good one. Highly recommended. Simply explain that Facebook was created by college guys trying to get laid, college was fun, college is over, and it now holds no interest as it seems rather adolescent.

I have a Facebook but it's basically just 90% awful puns and random text spam. If an employer looked at it they'd think I was either a 70 year old man in disguise or some kind of AI experiment.

>no sir i-i do its just not in my name so that i can remain anonymous and spam racist frog memes to lamestream media journalists