What are some arguments against universal basic income?

What are some arguments against universal basic income?

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Well if you're a socialist you could say UBI is a liberal/capitalist measure to prevent the revolution.

A pressure valve, so to speak.

Curiosity bump

First, get a job. Then get a second part time job and give all the income from that to some useless nigger or other social parasite. Then come back and lecture us on the topic.

It's always so easy to virtue signal when you're being "charitable" with the fruits of someone else's life and labor.

universal basic income will literally be needed to keep society stable, but this society is rotten to the core, better to let the strongest survive, make it to the gated communities or the country

The UBI creates a slave caste dependent on the government.

>society needs to give do-nothings gibs in order for it to remain stable

Let it crumble. That society was never worth anything in the first place.

The government is taking part of your labor, and giving it to everyone so they don't have to do jack shit.

Would you really be motivated to work if the government seized your money and gave it to everyone else so they can sit on their ass all day?

as opposed to the slave caste dependent on international conglomerates such as walmart we have now. wow, what a big difference....

>write my thread for me
No. Read a source, apply logic, argue something, write more than a totally effortless and contextless one-line writing prompt.
Newfags, stop giving (you)s to spam.

Well imagine that was an option for people. What would be the incentive to work? If I can live off of the basic income, why would I ever work? You could say "well what if you want to buy X, or you want a bigger house?" and certainly, some people would want that. But not everyone would. Universal basic income would not only create people dependent on the government, but it would also create people who don't work hard, and as a result, don't develop certain skills.

Is that Prague?

>stop trying to start a discussion!
Sure, I wish OP gave his two cents in his post, but this is better than another "Y U MAD WHITE BOI!?" thread

Except that wouldn't happen. Because those in the work force would be working in skilled positions. Meaning that it's a choice between the lower rung of our society dying out now right before we are about to reach our peak as a race, or having them cling to the teat of productive and useful citizens.

they do this already tho.

jump in the form of literally thousands of disperate programs. no one knows exactly what the gibs are and who qualifies for them.

UBI you scrap every single program and just rebate all the money lump sum equally to everyone.

for example the US govt spent 4trillion in 2016.

that divided by every person in the usa is 12k each.

or a family of 4 gets 50k for example. much better and way more efficient that the current system

There are some pro's but it doesn't handle the single mother problem damaging children because they can.

>we don't live in a post-scarcity world
>automation has not yet been achieved
>niggers don't deserve more gibs



This is Czech Republic?

My god I need to get to Europe before it crumbles away forever

Right now I say no. Through the years of AI taking jobs, yes, within reason. And then we should have most jobs replaced by AI and robots and they generate the revenue/pay for all of us.

Why strive for anything more if you're getting what you need already.

I like having purpose in my life.

I think it's the only viable option for us once we reach a majority AI workforce

Do you find purpose outside of your work?

That is an extreme simplification and unfair assessment of how UBI is funded.

The real problem with UBI is the possibility, and probability, that a slave/master relationship will come about between a government and its citizens who are receiving UBI.

I actually think most people would still be motivated for a better life that provides for more than just basic necessities. Sure, a few people might sit and mooch for a while -- let them. Most will take the opportunity the extra money provides to educate themselves, invest wisely, or otherwise improve their lives. And it would provide a huge boost to the economy as a whole.

The amount you deem "a basic income" is subjective and thus cannot be universal, as different people will demand different amounts, resulting in higher and higher wages, resulting in higher and higher inflation until either the economy collapses, or you're earning 60k a year at McDonald's, making burgers that cost $5 to make, supply and help keep the store running. Or, companies alternatively will just end up turning to automation.

humans need a dominance hierarchy to feel like anything is worth doing

Watch this retard

Yeah, fucking your wife.
I guess I should go do that some more.

nothing, the system is flawless

>tfw I can't wait to smoke weed and play vidya 24/7


That it's shit and encourages parasitism. That having an underclass whose main function is to be given money by rich people so they'll spend it is a retarded way to run a society. For post-scarcity basic income that would actually work, consider the BM episode 15 Million Merits.

There are some real jobs to be had, but the default is peddling on a bike, ostensibly to produce energy. In a way, it makes sense, because a hugely advanced society would have way more people than they could ever need working, so generating electricity inefficiently gives everyone a little something to contribute, people still get rewarded for working harder, leeches get bumped down like the scum they are, and you have a big enough gene pool to still get your brilliant people to do the stuff that matters.

But the real secret here is that the bikes aren't generating anywhere near the amount of electricity to power the screens they watch, let alone the food and everything else. They're pure consumers, existing only to be given merits that they funnel towards things they find appealing, and jobs that matter recruit from the horde on the bikes. Work harder, you get more. Slack off, you get less or bumped. Either way, you're being about as productive as earning coins playing Angry Birds 2, but it really feels like you're a part of society, and that your job matters. Even if it's busywork, and there're fusion reactors humming underground, everyone is a part of a little economy with a job to do, and that's a very important thing.


The argument is just going around and looking at your average nigger who'll happily leech off of you while contributing nothing to society, instead chimping out every chance he gets

Czech land is eastern europe, they dont let in refugees

ayo nigga I can buy all dis bape n sheeiiit wit dis check? sheiittttttt

ayo but I cazzan't buy food now, better sell crack sheiiitttt


Nobody owes anybody jack shit, unless they agree to pay them for quality work. Mother nature is not a system of handouts, and those who don't realize that are those that are eventually removed from the genepool through war, civil strife by the producers of society. If the producres are even too foolish to do such a thing, then the entire society will fall into famine and subsequently reduce in number until they can become productive again.



Maybe it's been said already but it bears repeating.

Any government powerful enough to give you everything, is powerful enough to take it all away.


open borders

The bureaucracy involved in a welfare system is disgusting and a huge waste of money. scrapping it for "universal basic income" would save millions of taxpayer money and reduce government positions

I'd rather there be no welfare or basic income, but given the two options (and we are not leaving this concept any time soon) I would choose the latter


Well if wages stagnated at the bottom while the top earners went up, why not tax the top the redistribute it? The gap from the top 1% to everyone else is unreal, and it wasn't always that way. If the gap closed and people were able to buy more with that they earned that would be great, but capitalism broke there and something needs to be fixed. Plus with everything requiring 2 incomes now because of women's suffrage its even worse for people trying to have a single income home.

Yeah, I know, but you gotta let that shit happen. They'll either learn better or die off. Look at it this way, if that's they want to live then they're probably on welfare as it is.

This is the point where socialism starts to turn into communism; as by then anything not at the universal basic income will seem "too large," and thus of course the taxes will continue to ramp up. Increasing socialization reinforces the shittiest people of a society, allowing them to do nothing as they are provided with free food and money, at the expense of everyone else.

Stefan Molyneux

What Pisses Me Off About Universal Basic Income (UBI)


I hate replying to this, but it's not about parasitism. It's about the government having the power to define the elements of a reasonable standard of living. Do you think big data should determine how you live your life? If not, then never mention this horrible topic again.

Why work / contribute when it will be given to me for free?

>> Socioeconomic collapse

It's communist bullshit utopia and lowers the living standard of the majority. It only benefits the non-suppliers. It will increase crime rate. Once adapted as living standard, people can not be integrated into job and housing market. It also encourages getting more kids to the poor and uneducated minority, spawning another generation of useless shits. List is endless

this is how we got income tax to begin with, poor people thinking that you can tax the super rich.

you cant, they will find ways to shift their taxes over to you, and you won't like it


Yeh totally dood
Why work and have a nice home and a car and good food and expensive toys when I can live on Ramen in an efficiency with five other people? #winning

Your company is taking part of your labor, and assigning the majority of this labor to a core group of chairmen and shareholders. These parasites do no labor, but profit immensely

We have it, it's the dole.
It means I'm working to support some fucking lazy nigger. You do to much of that, I'm going to say 'fuck this' and be a lazy nigger myself. And if too many people do that, you've just fucked society.
Apart from that, it's a great idea.

you need to first understand the basic argument against taxation you MONG

removes incentive to personally excel..niggers will love it!!

>open class warfare is the solution!

Welfare does that, if you are on welfare you must stay on welfare else you lose the security of being on welfare. This encourages you to stay poor. UBI provides security which allows people to take risks and do whatever they want, including become wildly successful

Why do you work? You have the option of working and living in luxury, or not working and living in comfort. Those who want luxury will work. If you dont want to work for luxury, you are free to quit and someone else who wants to do that job for luxury will take it.

The point of UBI is exactly that. There arent enough jobs for everyone, UBI makes it so everyone is 'ok', and the people who want even more can have an easy time finding a job since people are not getting jobs they dont really want to do (and thus have lower performance at) for survival.

>But not everyone would.
Thats the point. We dont need everyone to work at this point in our technological civilizations progress.
>dependent on the government
You are already dependent on the government. Who makes the roads you drive on to go to work? Who prevents canada from invading?

Office workers spending 80% of their day posting on facebook so they can fill out one report on the sales of calibration tools for the company that produces the stationary they file their report on, are not being 'productive'. They are just as much a 'leech' as anyone else.

Maintaining needless jobs is a form of welfare.

Its not binary. Society wont survive until we get to true post scarcity. The solution has to be one that can be implemented at 'less scarce' and turned up over time as we progress more towards post scarcity.

Same with automation. Plenty of things are automated, its not on or off.

there aren't any. creating useless terrible jobs (like most of humanities sjw jobs) for the sake of job creation is awful

idk about USA, but niggers here receive full ride welfare (which is far larger than any proposed ubi) because they're automatically considered unemployable

here's what would happen
>ubi distributed
>vibrant oppressed pocs spend their rightfully earned money on valuable cultural artifacts
>poor oppressed pocs now do not have enough to survive
>POWERFUL KANGS politely request more rightfully earned reparations
>government swells in size as we basically have our current welfare system ON TOP OF ubi

two reasons.
One is the incentive problem. Why should people aspire to become rich when 90% of their income is going to be taken away? And on the opposite end, the poor have no incentive to get out of poverty because they're being paid to be poor.
The other problem is that the rich will just leave once their tax becomes too high. Now you have to direct these taxes to the middle class to sustain your socialist programs, and suddenly it becomes easier to be poor than it is to be middle class.

jews are pushing it.

so niggers should continue to receive 2000 euro/month so they don't chimpout?

Ubi is mandatory welfare. By making everyone dependant on government hand outs, threatening the supply of gibbies can be used to leverage oppressive legislation.
It also solidifies the demigogues, bankers, and political elites positions forever. Money will flow from government to consumer back to government so steadily that the work of financiers will be more masturbating than it already is.

A ubi also raises the bar on poverty. Whatever the uni is will be the new "poorest income" people living.on that amount will still have the same relative position in society but.now with a bigger number on a banks computer.

We already have a relationship via welfare, which instills far more of a sense of 'government dependancy' than UBI would. Since UBI would just be something everyone gets, like doing their taxes, nobody will think about it. Welfare programs though, you have to go down to a government building, talk to a government worker, fill out government forms, wait for government approval, receive a check, from the government.

Welfare is designed to create slaves, which is why the left favor it. UBI eliminates that relationship, UBI is for everyone.

Once UBI is implimented we will be able to eliminate so many uneccisary jobs. At least 40% of the population, maybe more, will not have a job because only jobs that actually are helpful for society will be left.

With so many people living on UBI, UBI will dictate the cost of living. It will be livable because if its not then half the population dies and the companies do not get any money at all from the corpses. Things cost what you can charge for them, not some fixed mark up from what they cost to produce. If people have less money, things will cost less.

This happens on the internet with out any material possessions or wealth involved. Money is not required to maintain the social structure.

>is a retarded way to run a society
Its the way you have to do it if you want to maintain a consumer driven market. You are free to propose alternative solutions, such as communism.

Hes already doing that. The only change is now you will get an equal portion of gibs yourself.

UBI was first proposed by capitalists. Communism is a system that would work post scarcity, but not capitalism, not unless we have UBI. If you were a capitalist you would be in favor of UBI.

>It only benefits the non-suppliers
Actually it will be great for suppliers, because poor people will have more money to buy their shit. They'll also be able to pay their fucking bills on time. In theory, anyways.

>It will increase crime rate.
I guarantee making sure people have basic necessities will cause a HUGE drop in crime.

>It also encourages getting more kids to the poor and uneducated minority, spawning another generation of useless shits.
Maybe. Overpopulation, particularly by useless shits, is a problem regardless. I'm all for Doug Stanhope's plan of incentive-based eugenics. It's the best way.

I like to ask what my enemies think of a topic before deciding for myself.


It's sexist, problematic and regressive. If you do it women will be more likely to become domestic taking care of children and household duties and be more willing to have children and extend maternity leave exacerbating the gender pay gap and reinforce toxic gender norms.

By shutting down section 8 housing how will we migrate people from secure liberal areas to politically vulnerable conservative areas thereby stealing more seats in government.

If you end the un earned tax credit to pay for umi minorities will not have as many children, it will be politically harder to give aid to non citizens.

what sort of retarded reasoning is that. you won't get taxed 90%. having a job=being upper class in the future.

It's goes against everything Darwin died for

i don't think anyone should get anything
i'm just saying if we had ubi then they'd spend the money on nigger shit and then demand more and the liberals would probably give it to them, which would defeat half the purpose of ubi as a method of actually reducing gib spending due to greater efficiency

Walmart is not allowed to kill you. They have to earn your business by beating competitors. In that way, they have no choice but to do things we like.

so do vaccines

Double checked



but they do. a nigger gets a nice rental apartment, free healthcare including dental, free utility and ~1000 eur pocket money here.
whites on the other hand aren't eligible for most welfare unless they're drooling lunatics, at which point they're likely to be institutionalized than receive Neet gibs. it's not official but as someone who's worked for city council it might as well be. non-bed ridden whites are always considered employable and if you wont find anything on your own, you'll be send to do mandatory shit tier labor

You have that exactly ass backwards. Currently the welfare system strongly favors those who spawn hordes of little shits. Un earned tax credit, food stamps, section, 8 wic and more all favor poor people with lots of kids.

UBI is usually proposed as money to each adult and not paying poor people to have kids like our current system is.

morally wrong for A to steal from B to give to C

better deregulate
regulation causes shortages
gre8 dep

Sup Forums your robot-UBI-dystopia drives against a wall.
it will help for couple decades but at the end why UBI when no more money is needed to produce.

for example if adidas makes some superfunky new shoes for literally for FREE.WHY do they need your 50 UBI shekels

>>It only benefits the non-suppliers
>Actually it will be great for suppliers, because poor people will have more money to buy their shit. They'll also be able to pay their fucking bills on time. In theory, anyways.

It will benefit corporations, not the rax paying workers

>>It will increase crime rate.
>I guarantee making sure people have basic necessities will cause a HUGE drop in crime.

And I will guarantee you the exact opposite. Crime will be increased once made a basic income. Black labor will increase drastically and potential criminals will use the free time to get extra money to set themself apart from the other jobless. Drug usage will enhance immensely with all crimes involved in that. Etc.

>>It also encourages getting more kids to the poor and uneducated minority, spawning another generation of useless shits.
>Maybe. Overpopulation, particularly by useless shits, is a problem regardless. I'm all for Doug Stanhope's plan of incentive-based eugenics. It's the best way.
I agree with the eugenics part, especially regarding non-whites but also dumb people in general plus retarded people

>Implement basic income
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers
>Niggers want higher basic income
>Raise basic income to appease niggers


goods must become durable again. €20 sneakers that were glued together with yeast infection from Ching Chong's ass are cancer

>everything a white country does must accommodate niggers
really made me think

>You are free to propose alternative solutions, such as communism.

Did you literally only read the first two sentences of my post? It explains why a tv show has a better grasp of people than you.

Universal Basic Welfare can't exist without some kind of pressure on people to not breed like rats and leech off the system. How do you plan for the divide between urban and rural? Does the same amount of money given away mean that the cost of living in rural Wyoming is now equal to Seattle?

Since you're working with complete fantasies, why design your utopia of rich corporations and wealthy investors giving money to poor people so that they can buy basic necessities and keep their cell phone turned on? The American Dream is preferable to that. If we just revolutionized the way that we deal with housing so that housing expenses were $200-300 a month and somebody with a reasonable job could pay for a house in

Lets say we are in 2070.and goods are durable.companys already produce their goods with robots and with nearly ZERO costs.why do they need your UBI shekels anymore?

why nto free hot sex with big busty blondes for all?
free beach condos
free food
free cars
free resort stays
free tv
free net
free handjobs

>The only change is now you will get an equal portion of gibs yourself

And where will my portion come from? Other people. The net effect of UBI is to transfer money from the middle class whites and asians whose who worked hard for it to lazy nignogs.

It's true. Look at minimum wage, look at obamas election (elected because he was black, people open admit it ALL THE TIME). look at how MSM neglects to mention race of black offenders and highlights race of white offenders. Look how gun law bills get thrown around when a white shoots a black, but not the other way around....

The left has basically made it there duty to fulfill every whim of the american nigger

Western countries don't breed like rats. Remove immigration and you'll have negative growth rates everywhere. In fact, poorfags in Eastern Europe that don't get migrants (except Russia that has migrants because it borders even bigger shitholes in Asia) all have negative growth rates

so you want communism=a society without money?

My last car blew up after 20 years solid service only because I forgot a critical maintenance issue. Good car. Would buy again. What a trooper.

My shoes last about 1.5 years per pair. They fit like a glove, get me through all kinds of weather, and only last 1.5 years per pair because I put a few miles on them every single day over rough terrain. Good stuff. And cheap.

Just think what more we could do without the inefficiency of planned obsolescence.

t. UBI shill
How is it replacing the social system again? The basic income just affects adults and replaces the current unemployment pay and the rules with a no-rule basic income. So how retarded are you to think it prevents rather than increases the status quo on useless no-work-more-kids class?
They still get their extra money for their little shits

personally i dont want any change desu.but thats the reality

If you cant pay for your Seattle lifestyle then you have to move or go homeless. Why the fuck should they deserve more welfare than elsewhere.

This IS a one shoe fits all welfare, make it work for you or die. No more food stamps, no more section 8, no more unearned tax credits for having kids. You get your ubi and nothing else from the government. Also no tax deductions at all, i dont care if you got 20 nigglets or your a billionaire that wants to donate to feed the nigglets program no exceptions in the tax policy.

I've done the math, if you cut out all welfare and ended all other forms of welfare you would have about $14k for ever adult citizen in the country. This is without passing any new taxes or taking on any new debts at all.

free women to beat up
free jews to stomp
free shit to blow up
free niggers to shoot with machine guns
freee niggers to throw from buildings
free rrces candy
free chees burgers

Only adult citizens get UBI you fool.

negative birth rates, especially in times of increasing automation, is not a problem. It's an adjustment. Only the globalist shills want you to believe would be a disaster