The GOP is fucking dead. It can't do anything right anymore. Thanks a lot, Trump

The GOP is fucking dead. It can't do anything right anymore. Thanks a lot, Trump.



Good, the GOP is a gay foam party and needs to be defunct

Hopefully the democratic party is next

12g best

>implying it's a bad thing neocons are no longer in power

I guess he did drain the swamp

I didn't like the GOP anyway. I used to be a Democuck, but now I'm GLAD that that party is crumbling too.
Let's see what Trump makes out of the remains of the GOP; it could be interesting.

Most people hated the GOP to begin with. We always poked fun at the neocons fucking everything up. And the liberals have a ginat mess of their own.

I just moved on from them. Trump's as good as we were going to get this election cycle.

Republicans and Democrats are effectively the same. Good riddance. Trump should form the Nationalist Party.

Oh hey you remembered to rename the jpg this time. Good job shill you're getting better at this.

Yeb! is actually higher energy than Hillary


jesus my first time seeing this

what a tremendous faggit

I really like that image, even if the context isn't meant to be pro-trump.


Funny thing is, it wasn't always Republicans and Democrats that were the two parties of choice during elections.

In fact, the Democrats didn't start out as this party full of pussies and crybabies. It was in fact a party created by Andrew Jackson himself to deal with the bullshit that was going on at the time. Banks fucking people, war intensifying with indians, that shit.

The Donkey as its logo? Began when someone called Andrew a Jackass. Thought it was hilarious and did it anyway.

19D Pachisi

Andrew Jackson was a fascinating guy who has been fucked by historical revisionism. It's not fucking coincidence that the Amerindian tribe with the greatest population is the one he supposedly committed genocide against. He got them the hell out of there before they were actually wiped out.

I remember in US history books that Old Hickory was played up as this unforgiving asshole who really hated Indians. Turns out, he was a manly motherfucker who had to take things into his own hands because of the bullshit that the US was having at the time.

He killed banks for their corrupt bullshit attempt to turn everyone into serfs, he had to put down Indians because of all the killings they were causing.

The (((history books))) played up the Indian hating part by showcasing the Trail of Tears and telling about how the Cherokees were really trying to integrate. They failed to mention the uprisings.

Its disgusting how public schools (in California anyway) handle that part of history. What made me question this? All the memes about old Hickory being a badass.

We get the same kind of bullshit up here.
>Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a saint!
>What about that time where he put all of Montreal under Martial Law?
*Public shaming intensifies*

Can confirm that from an outsider perspective, reading about the dude really makes you go holy shit
He's a real ideal people should live up to in the US.. fuck Reagan by the way

Did you think the swamp didn't include the GOP? Anyone got the famous picture of John McCain hanging out with literal terrorists in Syria?

this should not be printable in a family newspaper

Its amazing how subversion runs deep. Its the ones who gets to choose which information is distributed amongst the populace. And with then trying to normalize free thinking is stupid, its insanely effective.

Also, Kek confirms.

Andrew Jackson if anything was the Trump of his time. Stood to challenge the status quo and WON.

>Fought in duels and survived all of them
>Challenged the current party and won.
>Returned order to the US by getting rid of the banks that made it a point to make people into serfs (like today) and putting down the Indians causing shit

If anything, the historians handling of old Hickory, is an indicator of how they'll handle Trump. Even if the guy does put the US back to its former glory, (jobs aplenty, retirement no longer being the thing to fear, public becoming safe again) he will be vilified and become the next Hitler.

Burgers worry more about sex and nudity than violence. But I see what you mean.

What the fuck is a family newspaper?

Americans are prudes.
Europeans are pussies.

>the two party system is like two corpses with rigor mortis holding each other up with the force of their own mutual hatred

>we love the neocons

I thought that must really be him... until I saw the hands were too big.

Why should the alt-right give a shit about the GOP

>the GOP is fucking dead

Your point?

Trump isn't a Republican.

You shouldn't be rooting for the party system to begin with you cheer-leading retard faggot.