do you guys have white/Latin american mixed kids?
pol only seem to focus on black/white and asian/ white
im interested on how they look like.
do you guys have white/Latin american mixed kids?
pol only seem to focus on black/white and asian/ white
im interested on how they look like.
"latin american" is actually white + native
so LA + white gives mostly white with some native blood
they're called "chicano" and there are a lot in california
Dont pretend all natives are equal. Youre no Northeastern/ plains indian
yea but i want to see at least a couple of pictures from this era
those are straight up Mexicans
In my town they look like this.
I'm mixed and basically Marco Rubio but with smaller ears
No they aren't. That's not the term for mixed kids but anybody of Mexican descent born in the US
Mine's white with dark blonde hair and brown eyes. I thought he would be darker like my wife, but he looks like a white boy
>white/latin mixed kids
fucking everywhere
my mother is one and because of my grandfather I'm technically latino too despite my other 3/4 heritage being polish.
It's weird in america, you can't be any race unless you have no latino heritage so you have pasty skinned polish minnesotans like me that are technically latino
Your sister, bendejo.
poland is the mexico of europe anyway
George Zimmerman is one.
I'm also one.
I look white.
I have a few cousins who are, some look more brownish, some look white like me.
one drop
Whats with the Turkish porn?
>It's weird in america, you can't be any race unless you have no latino heritage
what did this mexican mean by this?
he meant he doesn't want to admit he's a mexican
my fetish
mulatto: late 16th century: from Spanish mulato, from Arabic muwallad ‘person of mixed race.’
everyone is fucking racist.
Fucking disgusting
Im a white portuguese/brazilian amerindian mix. Im 7/10 and 125iq
Varies a lot.
I for instance know I'm 1/8th "native Mexican", but I'm still pretty brown. Argentineans, U-r-gay-ans and Chileans seem to have way less native blood in them on average, like I guess 1/32th,
Pic related, it is the colonial caste system which existed in Mexico, and was brought down after the war of independence vs. Spain
>hue hue hue
>125 iq
Forms that ask about your race look like this
What is your racial background?
[] White (with no hispanic heritage)
[] Black (with no hispanic heritage)
[] Asian (with no hispanic heritage)
[] Oceanic (with no hispanic heritage)
[] Native American (with no hispanic heritage)
[X] Hispanic
[] Other
just curious because my wife is pregnant lol
I speak dutch, french, portuguese, english fluently and learning german.
yes, the proportion of the mixture varies, but its still a mix of european and native american
also your natives were way more violent than ours, but your also built shit while ours were lazy fucks
this is my sisters boyrfreind, he is really cool i have no problem with him, sometimes he turns me on and i masterbate thinking about sucking him off.
Our natives' violent and industrious ways made them suitable for higher tasks than niggers, within the bounds of slavery of course. It's pretty funny. Your natives were more peaceful/lazy so they were seen as not even worth enslaving.
It will depend on how much native blood she has in her. I have Mexican friends who are white, and others are so dark they almost look like apes.
Chicano is a regional term for Mexican Californinas
>Triggered Tejano
They're horrible. ALWAYS left leaning and always identify as muh aztec Hispanic heritage even though they're just even more mongrelized versions of mongrel Spanish rape babies
tfw white and asian, while having no idea what to put.
she is from Colombia with black hair and green eyes.
Put asian, soak up that affirmative action
You take that back nigger.
i'm white/hispanic, but i'm not posting pictures here
My half brother is one
The CIA already has them, what exactly worries you?
do it faggot
cover your eyes or something
> i masterbate thinking about sucking him off.
Unless you are dude... then KYS faggot
why is this done? they are so vehement about differentiating between spics and literally everyone else? why are spics so special??
Was this also done with Italians and other races before they were assimilated?
>mfw only eyes
I've read threads before on Sup Forums discussing how the white/hispanic combination is the most common mix. Of course, hispanic groups can vary so much.
>t. white/hispanic
Of all the things someone could have chosen to make that, they picked roaches carcasses.
Stop posting the edit
>Black hair
>Black eyebrows
>Dark brown eyes
Full pinto
oh my, what a qt
>dark brown hair
>dark brown eyebrows
>only show color in sunlight
still just as bad :(
why would i want to show Sup Forums my pictures?
For what it's worth, Latino + White children usually tend to come out white. My mother's friend had two boys and they came out white/pale with blue eyes and she's pretty fucking dark.
Also, another thing I've noticed Mexican + White is kind of degenerate. The kids usually end up wanting to be cholos.
my wife has Colombian parents so i should be good ?
My 23andme had almost the exact same NA/EURO split as another user, we traded pics and aside from the jaw line, fuller lips and chinky eyes looked totally different
Son of a mostly scots mother and a castizo father with a relatively recent influx of german blood. Brown hair, pale skin, blue eyes. When I go for appointments anywhere for the first time people call my name, look at me like I'm retarded when I answer it, and call my name again even when I'm signalling that it's me.
The best part is only my last name is Spanish.
thats me. im just a less brown, less short, less stupid version of my father. can pass as sicillian in the winter. kek.
I know a girl that has a 1/2 Mexican father (never seen her parents though) and she's a pale, blonde hair, green eyed girl. Unless you looked at her ancestry tree, you wouldn't even know she's 1/4 hispanic.
any more pics of the chick or a link to the video
>i love turks
I know blue eyed Colombians
>tfw can fuck all the latinas all I want without damaging the white race
>The kids usually end up wanting to be cholos.
depends on where they grow up and how they're raised. Personality isn't written in your genes like Sup Forums would have you believe. Your surroundings and upbringing mold your personality.
If you lack basic parenting skills and live in a shitty beaner infested neighborhood you're pretty much asking for it.
Plains Indians are the most niggerous of them all.
>implying asians arent even more discriminated against
It depends how dark the spic is.
I'm Cuban and I'm pretty white, some mistake me for American white.
So how dark is she?
no just a couple of special ones
she has black hair green eyes
I am half Puerto Rican and half Jew, how gassed am I?
Brah no one here who states their IQ is likely to be over 120. Only, I would guess (without any of the relevant information), maybe ten people a day have IQ +120 on pol and they probably do not post it and might not even know it. The rest are out being successful.
Smart people are often not failures as a matter of tendency.
Lots of dunning Kruger on this bitch though
I literally have not heard the term Chicano used in decades. Probably the 80s.
At least not sarcastically.
But the skintone user.
Btw chances are the baby will come out pretty white.
Unless you care about the 1 drop rule then he'll be fine
>you guys
Im half hispanic. Kids will most likely be white. Here's an example of a(good looking) half Hispanic guy. It's the most common mix in the us.
I come from a white dad, and mestizo mom. I look neither white nor Mexican, just weird as fuck. Good thing is, is that I'm 1 generation away from having offspring that are indistinguishable from whites.
nah i dont care for that meme
idk brown? light brown ? she is from south america lol
Generally most Hispanics that arn't black, are already crazy mixes of European and natives. If they are on the lighter end of brown they will become lighter if they stop picking produce on or fields and avoid the sun.
say hi to Mr. Kotter for me
Why the fuck do you not know what color her skin is, is she your pen pal or something?
South Americans can have skin tones anywhere from lily white to black as coffee, they're all mixed. The more white admixture the more intelligent and less violent.
Jews obsess over their genetic purity while forcing multiculturalism on White nations.
I have two cousins who are half white and half "beaner" I guess. They basically look straight up white and you wouldn't suspect they are half beaner.
>accuses other of posting edits, posts map with edit of argentina being majority black
My daughter is 1/4 Mexican. She's the whitest person I know.
You're mestizo.
Jews obsess over purity? HAHA for themselves maybe but definitely not for "us".
Mexicans can be white if they have no Indian blood. She's most likely mestizo though.
>all these american mongrels
And mexico being mostly white. It's a dumb OC from an autist from Sup Forums
>The whitest person i know is 1/4 shitskin
I'm native chilean and swedish.
I know some latino/swedes and most look pretty white to me. Best part is getting mistaken for an arab
It's just a retarded way of saying that someone is a Mestizo. Identifying someones appearance as Hispanic is dumb because anyone can become Hispanic by learning spanish.
half and quarter latinos aren't really visible minorities they can pass as spaniards or italians
Is it clear to you why the West / South should be removed from the U.S? They harbor these fucks and pamper them with identity politics, unless you're from the North, you aren't a proper American. Just some Mestizo or Inbred "white" hiding behind the American flag.