Well said
Well said
Other urls found in this thread:
why do you guys always resort to foul language? what would your mother think?
It's a child like behavior.
It's similar to calling Trump "Drumpf", leftist children think it's bullying and they're so clever and mean.
Same with swearing. It's "Edgy" and "Woah they're really mad!"
>fuck trump
>I love my pitbull
>not a yeti cooler
This is a trash human being
Wow, so edgy!
this is just another example of a proud american that Sup Forums simply cant handle because they are beta cucks
greasy bomb maker
I live in a more rural part of California and every truck in my city has a pro-Trump sticker and every subaru outback has a bernie sticker.
So what was it when the right spent the last eight years calling him Obongo, Obummer and other hilarious names?
Muhammed is a dirty pedophile that burns in eternal hellfire
well said ol chap
Low energy meme and post. Must be shillery.
so "tolerant"
Trump is a Puppet for the Jewish Elite
Donald Trump on Israeli Relations
> angry screeching
> no coherent argument
Checks out for liberal
I still think the alternative would have been much worse.
Who is Tromp?
>Fuck Trump
>I Pick up truck
I'm willing to bet this is a Mexican anchor baby that's all growed up
Really makes you think.
>a fucking cockroach