The horizon always appears perfectly flat – except in NASA and other government pictures...

The horizon always appears perfectly flat – except in NASA and other government pictures, which are obviously faked (as part of the global conspiracy)

2,700'+ height.
obvious curvature, not using fish lens.
Captured from a non-government source.

Anything else?

This should be bannable
Stopnwasting thread space

It's extremely easy to debunk spherical Earth conspiracy. Just travel to the edge of it.

forced b8/10

Well if youve ever been in a plane you could see the curvature of the earth yourself

>pol is this retarded

flat earthers btfo in one picture.

Eat a dick slav.
This shit is belongs here >>/x/

tfw you're retarded enough to stop what you were doing and come into this obvious bait thread to tell everyone else that they're retarded.

If the earth is flatwhy do ships dissapear behind the horizon after time?

>implying the Moon isn't clearly shaped like a carrot with the blunt end perpetually circling over the Earth

>the earth is flat

Where are all the reports from the edges? Pictures?

>moon is the earth
Getting desparate now

>tfw he still thinks it's a bait

Right on man. Earth is flat. It's weird people think it's a globe. NASA is total bullshit science fiction.

The evidence is all around us.

Because Earth is a cylinder.



There is a ten thousand kilometre long train track in Russia. Globe-o's BTFO

They fall off the edge

The flat earth map disproves the flat earth theory since the flat earth map is just an azimuthal equidistant projection which greatly distorts the shapes of the continents.


>tfw everyone falls off the edge, but no one falls off a ball spinning at speed of sound

t.clueless parrot

My question is: why?

Why bother faking so much?

Why fake launching rockets several times a month? Why fake astronauts on the ISS? Why fake all these pictures?

What do Spacex, Blue origin, NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, CNSA, and all the other national and private space companies have to gain by faking all this work and technology?

If you think it's because of money. Then why are they spending all this time and money to fake all these launches, landings, etc. wouldn't it be easier for them to say "sorry, were cutting our funding for space exploration" and then give the money to whoever they want?

It just doesn't make sense.

That question is making you not look into it, because you think it doesn't make sense.

Find the curvature and ask why later.

you can see the curvature of the earth by sitting on the beach and looking at the horizon.

Why are you lying?

might want to get ur eyes checked out m8