Lately in 3rd world country called poland I started to see strange advertisements.
>pic related
I wish I could live in a country like USA with Trump as president. Unfortunately, this shithole is making me think it's bad. Fucking morons. People are so stupid nowadays. How do I fight that here? Why is this shit on billboards even?!
I live in third world country, so I have the privilege to not bother with all political bullshit. Why did they do that? What is the fucking purpose?
Ayden Nguyen
You wouldn't want to live in the USA. Trust me. Nevertheless O would love to take in the entirety of Poland or other white countries to boost our white population.
Brody Baker
Napisz cos po polsku, Marcel.
Julian Green
I am white, somehow educated with masters degree, I want to work hard and I work here in municipal police, I would love to have the opportunity to grow myself and contribute to society but this shithole called poland do not allow me to do it. That is why I would like to live in USA. Plus hurr durr they take like 60-70% of my income in taxes. And gives nothing back, free healthcare? SUre, go there if you want to wait 20 years for surgery or want to fuck up your body. We pay like 50% tax for the roads bnuying fuel but later we have to pay a fine to even drive on that roads. Fucking pathetic bullshit. Plus catholic fanatics everywhere who tells that a sperm may be a fucking human. Totally...
And here we go. Even when I am white, hard working, want to learn and contribute I can't go to USA because of fucking VISAs. You guys are blocking good white people from coming there. Sadly. Anyway, I am fucked up.
Back to topic, why they make such advertisements?
Colton Peterson
What it's like there now? I was in Poland nearly 20 years ago and it seemed like a shithole. I grew up in the USA but my parents are Polish so I can speak and read the language fluently just never learned to write.
Connor Jones
USA has uncivilized people everywhere at least Poland's all white
Wyatt James
It's a disaster. Catholic fanatics everywhere, cashflow to churches, they buy land worth $1mil for 10k... Really. People are shit, everyone is sad and if you smile on the street people are afraid of you cause you are strange or some slavs will beat you up. Basically.
I have masters degree, after two promotions and two raises in municipal police I earn around $370-380 a month. I pay $250 for rent for my single flat in a block. Living the dream. And everyday I see fucking thieves and people who just do nothing and drive porshes and brand new BMWs and they are all 20-30 yo.
Tell me how, cause I can;t even buy 10-12yo used car with my salary. Fuck, I can;t even pay for rent and food. Good thing I do not live alone cause I would die.
Easton Cook
I hope you can come to America someday. Bring a Polish QT wife and pop out five polish children if possible pls.
Ryder Harris
My cousin recently stayed here and worked a part time job because apparently our money is 4x more than zloty is. All the Polish people come here to shop for clothes and take them back since the same item costs 4x as much or more. You'd be more than welcome here in America, we need a bigger Polish population. Hope you get that chance
Owen Nguyen
I guess the based Poland meme doesn't really live up lol
Angel Jenkins
What the hell is the sign even supposed to mean? I speak Polish but it doesn't make any sense.
Levi Fisher
No way, there are going to be VISAS all the fucking time. I can only dreams about that I worry.
It's just strasnge that your government prefers niggers and uneducated pleb rather than white people aho want to learn and work. This world is somehow fucked up in so many ways and levels.
Yeah, $ is like 4.something zloty.
I would even love to have some remote job from US or western europe but even if I try something they say naaaah cause poland. Wtf?
All I want is opportunity and I know that behind opportunity there is work to do, but this is what I love. Just give me the chance. USA, why?
Henry Martinez
You don't speak Polish you fucking mutt and it's clearly translated here:
John Cooper
someone help that nigger plz.
PS poland is technically 2nd world country.
Ryan Brown
I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. I can find a million things to complain about here as well but at least when I'm not I'm school I live in a 95% white city. Right now I'm about to finish University and the school makes this murzyn move in right before I'm graduating who acts like a complete chimp. I'll be going to Poland later this year so I'll see it for myself and compare.
Hudson Rogers
Przestan sie mazac, chlopaki nie placza.
Jace Hughes
The US is definitely better than Poland.
All I would say is you should try to get a job with an american company and then get transferred or something.
People with masters degrees make fucking bank, and there is still areas in the US that are white, granted they are extremely depressingly becoming fewer and fewer and more so out in the country.
David Davis
Sorry, reality check. This is a load of fucking bullshit. >masters degree >I work here in municipal police You can't do shit as a city guard in Poland. Most of them are frustated good for nothing cunts that were not allowed to the Police force due to inclinations for abuse for power, and they try to desperately grab whatever little power they can get. They give parking tickets and catch people jaywalking. Also, you need to finish HS to be in city guard.
>be me >masters degree >work corporate >started with 2k eur monthly >getting yearly 20-25% raises due to working hard feelsgoodman
Evan Collins
Very far and few in between. Even the city I was born in slowly got taken over by beaners over the last 25 years. The areas owned by the Mexicans are fucking shacks like you'd see in Haiti or some other third world country. The city government tries so hard to keep them zoned off, but there's so many of them.
Bentley King
I do speak Polish, and it doesn't make any fucking sense. What do you mean it's a ticket to Canada? Why would it be a ticket to Canada?
Cameron Miller
You are retarded. I can only imagine crying policemen if there were not Municipal Police. You simply do not even know the competences and possibilities we got. Typical catholic fanatic working nothing and doing nothing - corporate rat. TOP KEK You can;t even do reality check because corporate rats do not live in reality outside.
Praise kek/10
See guys? This is exactly what I am talking about.
Evan Perez
It's a metaphor... Plus, I have no idea also why it says something like that. I can only imagine that they try to say Trump is bad and crooked hillary would be better... Kek/10
Luis Young
Metaphor for what? I scored in the top 5% on standardized tests and I'm totally at a loss to understand this.
>not just a hat >a ticket to canada >the hat is a ticket to canada >the hat makes you go to canada
Am I missing something?
Oliver Reed
Gabriel Roberts
Almost all cities are filled with shitskins and homeless niggers begging.
Mostly you have to just find a cold city (kills the homeless) with very low (((diversity))) and just stick to the white areas.
Jason Lee
dude, even i could understand it and i don't speak polak
John King
What the hell does it mean by, "the hat is a ticket to Canada?"
Kevin Lopez
Andrew Cook
it means that trump makes canada look more inviting by making america worse
Cooper Evans
I live in a blue county right now and it's terrible. At least in the rich white areas the only scum are rednecks where I'm from.
Ayden Jones
Stop fucking posting jesus christ burgers already have a bad reputation and shit for brains like yourself dont make it any better.
Honestly how fucking dense do you have to be to not understand the message?
Cameron Thompson
>Poland >white
Nathan Howard
Canadian passports look very identical to Trump's MAGA hat. The Polish are mocking the hat and saying you can use it as a real passport. There have been reported cases of it, though
Evan Evans
You write like a retard, no wonder you work in straż miejska. Nawet mi ciebie nie żal xD
A z reklamą - no cóż w końcu to (((Agora)))
Josiah Mitchell is a leftist Jewish portal BTW. Good news is they're struggling now
James Roberts
>Asperger the silent killer
Colton Smith
Just a typical polish guy. I wana be someone, but I am just a dog on government and police leash. Studies here are meme tier, all of them. If you think that just after graduation you get your dream job, you are going to have a hard time. >btw working in subhuman police tier job >kys for you stefan
Angel Wood
btw Guys any normal newspaper, with you can read in our glorious country. >buy newsweek yesterday. Fucking left wing merchant piece of shit.
Gavin Lee
>this is not a hat Probably why you're still a 3rd world country mate, that IS a hat if you look close enough.
Bentley Morgan
Note to international community: that hat advert was made by GW, Gazeta Wyborcza, our local equivalent of Washington Post they push liberalism, main redactor is brother of stalinist murderer, they are always first to lash at right side, and I would not be suprised if they got money from Soros
Jonathan Mitchell
wtf you babling about, op gave clear translation of whats on the pic. can u read? its looks like a teaser of top story in the shittiest jewish-leftist propaganda newspaper in Poland. probably related to Canada's just passed bill about anti muslim hate or whatever.
Anthony Murphy
if we are 3rd world country, why terror and murders are part of your country and not ours? brush your teeth traitorous briton
Mason Walker
No najlepiej to spierdalaj z tej chujolandii. Niestety mentalnosci ludzi nie zmienisz.
Nathan Parker
>chujolandii expat, pls I like it here, it is struggle, but I enjoy it
Blake Morales
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this? Guess it's time to get your special camps up and running again, poles.
Jeremiah Parker
It means if you have a hat the Canadian border enforcement will just let you through.
Ryder Flores
>I wonder (((who))) could be behind this? Marcel or proxy.
Kayden James
>mentalnosci ludzi Gorsza jest mentalnosc ludzi wokol ciebie tylko ze Albanskiego jezyka nie rozumiesz.
Colton Garcia
there was an tv and net commercial about a socialist communist newspaper 'gazeta'pl' from 'gazeta wyborcza' They are practicly cnn the commercial
Levi Price
>practicly cnn that is TVN
Dylan Bailey
Kurwa seba jak Ty żeś tam się znalazł Na wakacje pojechałeś czy normalnie tam żyjesz ? Jakie życie w tym bankowym kraju ?
Andrew Reed
What kind of bipolar grammar is this ? Negation and affirmation in the same time
Michael Butler
"To" means "this" in polish. "Tak" means "yes".
Oliver Nelson
to jest - that is to nie jest - that is not I do not get your problem
Dominic Fisher
My wife is Polish. I'm English. She makes very good money in the UK, we saved up, bought a house and now have enough equity to buy a decent house in Poland without a mortgage. It is possible.
Joshua Davis
it sounds like yes in our language
David Watson
how does kompot sound like? :^)
Anthony Peterson
To jest kurwa, ptak.
Adam Cooper
Just wait till you learn how popular "no" as "yes" is over here.