What can we do about Gen X?

I'm 20, and I still live with my parents. They're pretty opinionated, and we talk politics fairly regularly.

They're a pair of lifelong leftists. My dad unironically supports Marxism and 'equality', and yet often he'll talk negatively about Muslims. They're both about as socially conservative as the old left types get (not very, but better than the dildo left), but both watch the BBC and only the BBC for news.

They still listen to me, and more often than not end up agreeing with me (I'm not pushy - I let them start the discussions). But every time I think I've redpilled them on any given topic, even entry level shit like the Muslim problem, within days, maybe hours, they will revert back to the default position of 'muzzos dindu nuffin, nationalism rayciss!' (we're not niggers, but that's the level of thinking we're talking). Basically, they just wait for the BBC to tell them what to think after any given event.

This morning they were kvetching about how terrorism isn't terrorism, it's just individuals acting because they're bad people. They unironically think that just because white people today are completely atomised individuals acting in a raceless, cultureless vacuum, every other race is the same.

And then they started whinging about how hard the Muslims have it because they'll be judged for this, and how terrible it is that it helps groups like 'the BNP' (this is how out of touch they are) and UKIP (as if we don't hate being proven right). They talk about how they don't want a 'fascist' state, but they don't realise that this country is already basically a police state where white people get surveilled and imprisoned for having the wrong views, meanwhile openly treasonous Muslims are released from jail and allowed to kill our people in the streets.

What can be done? How can we convince people like this, who have endured a lifetime of liberal brainwashing, to do the right thing? They obviously can't be reasoned with, so how can we counter-brainwash them?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS701US701&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=drinking deaths in the uk&*

>How can we counter brainwash them
Drag their asses to church and shame them. Religion is the cure for marxism.

Wouldn't work with people like this. My dad believes that low birthrates are healthy and good, and believes that the Catholics' (he pretends to be a Protestant) promotion of high birth rates is a sinister projection towards world domination. I hate to say it, but the guy is an absolute cuck.

>But every time I think I've redpilled them on any given topic, even entry level shit like the Muslim problem, within days, maybe hours, they will revert back to the default position of 'muzzos dindu nuffin, nationalism rayciss!

i faced the same problem with my parents during years : all the redpills were forgotten in few days, and each time i had to redpill them again and again.
Eventually i became bored of this and asked my father if he intentionally forgot everything i was saying. He answered me with a no but stated that the leftists have a protection mechanism who just erase any information who is contradictory with the commie utopia we are supposed to live in.
For example after the combo Bataclan/Nice attack, my father decided to stop to watch the news because now the violence was "too close".
Cuck level : out of reach, so i eventually stopped to try to redpill them because they induce their own bluepills by being proof-proof.

You think you have it bad OP?
I am genX and have spent nearly fifty years listening to the whingeing leftism from them.
You can't do much about it realistically, their opinions were formed from late 60s to 70s hippy politics and education.

That's how I feel as well. My mum's pretty much a typical woman. She has a simplistic, child-like understanding of the world, and she's very socially sensitive - she basically moulds her views to match whoever she's talking to. She actually responds pretty well to redpill material (even got as far as racial intelligence differences once - she was surprised by what she was hearing, but it clearly made sense to her). But my dad is pretty much the ultimate beta, and she's pushed him around for years in his own house. If he manned up and actually held his ground on any given issue, she would change too, but that's never going to happen.

You cant do anything about it. You are best off assuming a stance where you learn on your own and totally on your own. Be secretive, play along when necessary, but dont seek any kind of answer in others. Thats a sure fire way to get fucked over. If i was to give my past self a piece of advice it would be that.. and i would emphasize how strict to go about it. Human beings are pure evil. It is not always their fault as life is a battering and there is confusion and fear involved but the fact is that most people are so inhuman they would throw their own children to the sharks without a problem.

A lot of times a person may not have a choice as there is now alot of tyranny in white countries.. in that case it would be best to die rather than be an indoctrinated miserable person and they are miserable. I know Sup Forums often says ignorance is bliss but apparantley they arent aware of how utterly miserable most people are. No one is in bliss.

Show them how their self destructive nature is sociopathic and how they have ruined everyone's lives they've ever been around. It shouldn't be hard they are gen x'ers as you said so they are probably horribly degenerate.

sad little teenies. listen to yourself. "redpill the parents"...
i hope you will once understand in what time your parents grew up, what problems they faced during their time, what was the political consensus back then. doesen´t mean that they don´t "get" what you say, they just have different opinions.
imagine yourself in 20 years, do you think you will use terms like "redpill"? heck, all your view will either change 10 times or you will get stuck with your meme-nationalism, in that case prepare your basement and mountain dew, this will get you nowhere in life. just saying

i am 35 year old, faggot. Stop projecting.

>If he manned up and actually held his ground on any given issue, she would change too, but that's never going to happen

This. The feminization of the Western male is what's causing all of these problems. We need to stop letting women make all our decisions for us, evolution has not made them to perform this role.

They're not degenerate as such. My dad was a binge-drinking alcoholic for most of my life, but he doesn't do that anymore. My mum's most destructive habit is her constant need to attack my dad over petty things. She puts him down and humiliates him in the most vindictive ways, and he lets it happen. It's basically the nightmare of a feminist household - my dad will only ever say a word against feminism or liberalism in general if I do it first.

dude, as a child I knew I would never change when I'd become an adult. What the hell are you talking about ?

also they had it too easy during their whole life. My parents always had a job, hey worked in the place place during their whole life, not having to be productive, always had cash, girls were docile, France was still white, they bought their first house for 1/10th of what it cost now...
they don't understand yet how everything became shit so fast.

Don't blame an entire generation based on the observations of two people. Also, you are 20. Why the fuck do you still live with mommy and daddy?

Tell them every time they voice a retarded opinion to shut their fucking mouths and research the subject beforehand. For example if they start excusing islam ask if they've read the quran, if they haven't and they don't even know a single word written in it they should shut the fuck up. Every islamic country is fucked up for a reason, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why.

>My dad believes that low birthrates are healthy and good

Well they are , the problem is they are bringing in millions of third worlders to offset it when they should be letting our populations slowly drop

have you tried talking about the blatent agendas the BBC and other media outlets have been pushing?
if you can undermine their trust in the media they might be more susceptible to other points of views.

Gen X have the most fucking un-trapped minds of any generation. We have been fucked over by every government we have been alive for. Totally necessary for others survival. You want to get rid of a generation then baby boomers are the most selfish cunts and killing one of them pays for 10 gen x pension in fiscal terms. Go do the maths.

>fight brainwashing with brainwashing

They haven't changed their views, though. Ever. They're content to go along with the destruction of western civilisation and every tradition because Ska and John Lennon and Thatcher being mean in the 90s. I don't see myself converting from ''''meme nationalism'''', let alone ten times.
>do you think you will use terms like "redpill"?
I'm not some raging autist. I don't use terms like that in daily life. I'm using it here because it's part of the jargon here.

Sort yourself out.

Move out.

Feelings are women and numales. Real men don't have feelings. If your dad will back you up speak your mind then that's a start. You should be able to say how you feel without having to worry if she'll fly into a libtard rage.

Also grats on your dad giving up the sauce. That's a hard one to kick for most people so he's got some will power somewhere.

Ska is true though. I did do a lot when I was young and I do eat baked beans on toast for tea. However John Lennon was a cunt, the Beatles a bunch of retard who sold records at 2000% profit being in a generation of famous people who think it is o.k. to super rich and not give a fuck about anyone else.

Well how do you suggest we fix the problem? Like it or not, we have an aging population here, and if we can't convert older people, we're fucked. They don't research any topic, ever, and only rely on one news source. They didn't get here by reasoning, so we can't reason them out of it.
Every time we discuss these issues, I refute everything they say, and they end up agreeing with me. It's only when they think I can't hear them that I hear them having feverish PC circle-jerks. It has to be seen to be believed.

Bollocks. Women are as hard as nails with their feelings. Most men would think about hitting another man in the face because of the consequences. Most women will slap out and then expect someone else to step up and take a beating. Heartless females. I have plenty of scars on my soul from the ladies who have fucked me over. I definitely have more compassion than the average lady.

That's because you're Asian and women hate Asians

Not everyone is open to rational discussion, you have to be prepared to out-propaganda places like the BBC, that means maintaining a constant barrage of counter information until they swap.

Most people don't change their views significantly in their lifetime, this stuff is an inter-generational change, you need new people born into new circumstances to grow up with the opposite views.

The problem is that the west is so fucked when it comes to marraige and fatherhood, that no one wants to marry because they dont want to lose literally everything they have.

Basically just bunker up and create your own bubble of value around yourself and only let in like minded people, it's currently the age of covering your own ass and riding out the storm, maybe in 200 years when population has plummeted and socialism has failed we can make a comeback, but that's long past our time.

Tell them you're trans and that you're in love with an old black muslim man, see how liberal they are about that.

White paper out all about ageing population in UK. As 103 pages only half way through. The main premise is that age of retirement will go up to 68 for gen x and 70+ for gen y. Pensions will not longer be triple locked so will essentially be lower in value as the years pass. Gen Y will be expected to work for longer and provide more for themselves. Overall however one third of their lives will be spent in retirement and probably more healthy retirement than now.

Having said that I think the solution is a cultural change. Baby boomers normally keep their money until they are dead thinking it is something to pass on. That has not helped gen x because their parents have lived longer than any other generation. Gen X and Gen Y need to think about passing on money to their young children before death. Personally as I have no children I put a lot of effort into helping my nieces and nephews as I feel they should get my money whilst I am still alive.

I am not Asian though.

So, if Generation X all kill their parents we might be able to sort out the economy haha

They don't care. They claim to oppose 'the man', but don't care what money their only news source takes.

She never flies into libtard rage or anything like that. I've gone full traditionalist on gender roles in her presence, and she conceded some ground. The problem is the backsliding afterwards. My sister gets a bit more triggered, but she cannot defend her points, and basically lives in a completely materialist fantasy world. My dad clearly has right-wing instincts in a lot of ways, but he seems to believe it's his duty to rise above them.

I will, as soon as I can. I hate living here.

Yes. I often remind my parents about how they have ruined the world and are now sucking out the money from the economy. However they are used to having a son talking shit. They have put up with it for years.
Here print this out and give this to your parents. White Paper Pill them:

How the fucks will I work till 68, 20 years time. I feel worn out now some days. Who will want 70 year old employees, Fucking joke

They need to get enriched. They will never learn, they lost their ability to rethink their position. It's too late for them.

Women only see men as handbags or purses. The only way to get one to want you is if she sees another woman interested. You're never going to get a woman by catering to her feelings. That's a one way trip into the friendzone.

My choice was to do the opposite. I semi-retired at 35 in the knowledge that maybe when I am old and decrepit I will have to work again. I have 30 year NI payment done which leave me 5 more for a full pension which I do not expect to get until I am 70. So far my life contribution is about 3 years worth of pension. I need to live until I am 73 to make my moneys worth.

1977 here

Iktf OP, my brother and his family are bluepilled drones.

I met a lady on the street. We had tea and then she took me to a handbag shop and asked me to buy her a bag. By the third shop she said she would shag me for a bag. I replied if I am going to pay for sex I would prefer to employ a professional. She left with a meat pie and I never saw her again.

Gen x are the real problem generation, don't know why we always blame boomers.

Op needs to go fuck himself college liberals are the problem not genX

You wasted the perfect opportunity to say "if the sex is good then I'll think about it" then it could have been you that she never heard from again


Boomers are an American problem, bong.

They royally fucked us over.

>20 year-old meme nationalist thinking older people should, not only respect baby's first political beliefs in a world he cannot possibly begin to understand yet, but change theirs.

If it makes you feel any better I Have a supreme boomer cuckservative as a dad, he loves Trump but still believes 9/11 was planes doing all the damage and that the intelligence communities dindu nuffin, and Israel is le best ally kek

Wait until you're a little older and then you'll realize you are just as clueless about the state of the world as they are.

t. 40 year old

Fuck off shill, Im sure your parents hate you for being a blue haired disappointment

I'm not saying all of Gen X is bad. Millennials and boomers are probably worse. But these Gen X leftists are some of the most naive and brainwashed people I've ever met.

This is probably true. People like this are so complacent that they'll make excuses for Muslims until there are bodies in their own street and their own daughter's been raped. Maybe even after that.

True. I was a bit pissed off by then anyway. Too much walking never makes sex good. I had a incident when I had agreed with a girl to go back to her house for a shag. I was mainly interested in what if felt like to have cock sucked by someone with a tongue pieces. Two trains and a long walk really ruined the excitement. I was less than impressive. Plus she was pure tuna. Lying back refusing any other position and expecting me to thrust for England. I prefer my sex mixed up and with both parties participating. Oral sex was also a let down.

Fair enough, I do notice a lot of people take up American issues is their own because they're so exposed to them through the Internet.

In our case most people moaning about the political views of boomers turn out to be addressing early Gen-X.

you think thats bad? I'm 34 and live with my gf's parents.

I like to ask at what point enough is enough. They can never name a number of how many deaths is too many or how many rapes is too many. Because we all know the sane answer is any.

My younger brother gen-x is pure right wing. My older sister gen-x pure left wing. She lives in the city he lives in the countryside. I think that makes a big difference to how people view life.

Keep learning keep learning keep learning

The more you know, the better you can explain things. Hardly anyone, especially someone who's held the same belief system for a long period of time, can be redpilled overnight. You have to keep chipping away at them slowly

>infantalising people old enough to work, marry, raise children, vote, and join the army
what did he mean by this?

Yep. I think the boomers were a more or less exclusively American. My parents fall into the genX category and they show some of the traits the boomers had i.e. selfishness etc. Especially on the immediate female side of the family. No reasoning with them too. It's a waste of time to even tell about it. Ha, the Polish contemporaries of the boomers were well past their prime after the cold war.

This thread is about an adult living at home complaining about mommy and daddy. I think that alone deserves a little derision.

nothing, stop trying. I'm serious. It's a waste of time. Go make your own children and teach them the truth, this is 100% more valuable use of your time than talking even one second with your parents.
I was as incredulous as you for years and years and years and it never stops and they never change.
Stop trying, you will regret being emotionally connected to these people. They are essentially dead inside already, there are walking machines on a preprogrammed path. Stop giving a shit about them. Stop viewing them as human if that helps. They are demons.
Make your own life better, make sure that you make good money so you can be free and so you can impress on others how to be strong and good.
Never ever talk with leftists. If reality cant change their view, how can you hope to do it?

>he thinks housing is still affordable
okay gramps.

You Can't fix broken OP
Generational Power Levels:
Silent Generation > Baby Boomers >{POWER GAP}>Generation Z > Millennials=Gen X

True. Not possible to change people with words. Much easier to prove with actions.

Nothing at all.

Just like somewhere down the line one of our degenerate fuck grandchildren will go on a 20XX equivalent of plebbit to write "why is much great-uncle/grandpa such a stubborn old prick" -- we've gone as far as convincing ourselves we are right (seeing as how everything in the world is relative) and rejecting things we disagree with.
I can't change the fact my dad likes Jews after having been in finance for 30+ years seeing as how you can't not like Jews in that sector, no matter how many stereotypes he spouts at the dinner table.
We're just weird creatures that can't agree on shit.

This is decent advice, my dudes. As soon as I've got a good paying job, I'm gone.

Then get some flatmates like young people have always done. But no, this generation of snowflakes is too special, too busy shitposting here, playing the victim card, and calling everyone else degenerate. Surely you see the irony?

The vast majority of people in this world are fucking idiots, trust yourself nothing more to it.

This kid has a point though. Housing in the UK is impossible to get unless you have a well paid job. How do children manage to move out if the first step is financially impossible.
Solution is that the parents need to help with that. They had it easy because prices were more varied. As a lucky gen-x I had it easy rent in London was fucking worse than a mortgage. Got a flat before a house boom. The UK would have to completely collapse for that flat to be cheaper than I bought it. No chance now for the people younger than me.

>Thatcher being mean in the 90s
It was the 80s, Thatcher was mean in the 80s.

Don`t forget she also snatched our milk in the 70`s.

I live within an hour of where I go to uni. It's simply cheaper to live at home, and I'd rather save money. Sorry for not being rich.


t. mr gonna be broke and homeless in 10 years

I'm genx and a borderline fascist, though I feign to be a Classical Liberal in polite company.

Probably because the Americans had it so good post-war while we, and presumably most others, were in such a mess. Our boomers had to put in more effort and it wasn't until gen x that people were getting an easy ride in to comfortable middle class existence, probsbly peaking in the 80s and trailing off in the 90s.

I am basically a pacifist anarchist gen-x. Been like that since the age of 12. In polite company I am the same.

Then suck it up, and don't come here whining for sympathy.

Whatever you say, potato nigger.

Such a lovely input from a church mouse. Wonder why the world hates you so much, wonder no more.

I'm not looking for sympathy. I was looking for solutions. It troubles me that my own parents' first reaction to the murder of their own people is to defend the ideology of the attacker, and it would trouble me whether I lived with them or not. You think I would make a thread like this on a normal week? Fuck off, rat.

>Don`t forget she also snatched our milk in the 70`s.
Actually I was happy about that, the milk was always sour & warm, it was a relief not to have to drink that shit.

More people in your country die from drinking themselves to death and attacking one another over football than terrorists could ever hope to kill.

It was o.k. some times in the year. Winter always frozen and summer always sickly but autumn and spring fine. What I hated was that some snotty kid would be given the privilege to hand it out and of course I was never snotty enough for such elevation. However did not miss it too much but should be thankful for still having not lost any teeth from old age YET!

>t. 20 year old who thinks he isn't a millennial

Kill yourself

I think you are mistaken. Maybe a sauce is required for such things. Is that possible or are you just shitting on a smaller country that you have failed to conquer among the many other failures in you short career as a civilised! nation.

I looked up the stats before I brought it up. And my country is fucking horrible too. Probably the worst offender of all right now.

Yet you still fail to provide them. Probably from the same stats that say more people are killed by toddlers in the US each year than terrorists. Only works if you do not include 9/11. Providing a sauce makes it easier to see the fault in the calculation. This is Sup Forums not CNN.

I didn't say otherwise. But that murderer did not belong here, and the fact that people are calling him 'British' and making excuses for his beliefs would be a scandal in any sane country.

Take your pick:
google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS701US701&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=drinking deaths in the uk&*

It is a tragedy, and I do understand your frustration. I wasn't trying to be a jerk. But I also don't think knee-jerk histrionics is the answer either. We lost a lot of our civil liberties here in The War on Terror.

Keeping Muslims is more deterimental to our civil liberties than sending them away. We're under mass surveillance, and our own people are getting jailed for speaking out against Islam.

We should just deport any migrant, through first, second and third generations, who is convicted of either one serious crime or more than one petty crime. Also, deport any first generation migrant who goes on welfare within ten years of arrival.

Most of them maintain very close connections with family abroad, and visit them regularly, so it's not as if nobody in their home country would take them in.

Introduce them to Sup Forums. Make them visit here everyday for a few months and watch them turn. The trick is to tell them how evil we are and how they can fight back against it here.

As a human being, you have the responsability to say the truth and act out that truth, always and no matter what, don't feel discouraged. You can't reason with a brick wall, but if the wall asks, by all means do respond.
Having in mind that everything you say and do has consequences you can't fully predict

t. cable watching pleb

Agree with this. The only difference between GenX and GenY is GenX have more experience in getting fucked over by Boomers.
Gen X was the first to have student loans and increased medical costs and are going to end up without a pension...but we did get EXPERIENCE in jobs. Entry level jobs were a dime a dozen....not like now. Immigration has seen to that.

This, most people are slaves who subconsciously yoke you. It's best to keep your distance and do your own thing. My family are propaganda zombies too. I wish i would have been much more crass and pragmatic towards them. Put up with a lot of bullshit for net loss.


fenX are a lost cause. a bunch of faggots who the boomers told were going to be the last generation to be able to abuse the system but the boomers never stepped down . to this day the boomers hold 3/4 of the positions of authority that matter

in america this is why the elderly currently get higher social security payouts despite paying in the least. they are all boomers. calculated for millenials we would actually get less than what we paid in because of them

>I'm 20 and still live with my parents
Hey, glad I'm not alone. My parents started me on the redpill path, so I can't talk about that, but I have talked with friends and whatever that are bluepilled. My best advice is just to not worry about it. Present your opinion, know that at some point a cataclysm will wake them up, and don't worry about it. Falling for propaganda doesn't make someone a bad person.