Rock pill

Tfw when we all have nigger in us

>All the same
>Out of Africa

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I always knew I was a king.



loading refugio

I'm not too sure on the history. But arn't there multiple theories of where humans first came from? one is africa, the other is asia. Doesn't seem to me that losing skin pigment is enough of a evolutionary force. Gaining it can be especially in africa.


Out of Africa theory is so hilariously wrong. I can't believe there are people who believe we left Africa 10 000 years ago (or any time similar) and we evolved into the diverse races of today. Footprints have been found in Europe from a million years ago (800 000 conservative estimate)

What next the Earth is 6000 years old?



>homo sapiens were originally black



dat filename KEK


out of africa is false

>you will never play quake irl with yo niggaz


What the fuck


It's all Ziolies from satanists who hate God.


did he died


I always knew I could call my niggas niggas.

wasn't left in there long enough

why? lol


what did I just see?


so long gay Bowser reenactment

is he getting high or something?
i remember a story a while back about homeless bums huffing shit in paper bags to get fucked up

imagine being an african nog. You don't even any have clothes. your only skill and way to survive is stealing. But you were shit at stealing so you got your hand cut off. Then you fucked up again and got the other cut off.

I see people not much better than this flooding into sweden daily.


mhhhh whites have neanderthal admixture and jews traces of melonhead genes though.


What happens here?

Dont be confused niggers renove your hands to torture you not punish you.


That's cruel
Not better than Arabs

Fat bitch had the right idea though


>both apples and oranges come from trees that grows in the dirt. therefor apples and oranges are the same
That's how retarded you sound. Out-of-Africa Theory has been rebuked by nearly every scientifically-literate community.
>1 post by this ID

>muh humans are all from Africa
Look up aquatic ape theory. Stop believing Hebrew science.









is that nigger dodgeball?

>liberals today would find way to claim the perpetrator was unequivocally innocent and the cop was a white supremacist monster




You're a retard. Sapiens came from Africa, the footprints are from non-sapiens humanoids. Deal with it stormfaggot



Say i was a Ford Mustang for arguments sake

Does that make me equal to a Ford Focus just because we both originated from the Model T?





He was a qualified electrician

check your privilege





thats one blunt machete tho

Just watched a ted video on it. Seems remarkably persuasive. Make a lot more sense evolutionary wise than the OOA theory

grass is good, grass is life

Couldnt they like. Dig some holes? Wtf niggers.

I wasn't stating they didn't, idiot. I was discussing out of Africa theory as stated in my post. You're a non-country Jew puppet. Get out of Europe.

>at 0:06
>Zoom in on the floor

Fuck man. This is the worst. Fucking coons.


Aussies cut off fingers to get out of work back in the convict days.

get in here

Seeing the Enlightened_Kangs video, I can clearly see they are really uncivilized. Tribe-like society.
And yes, there are a lot of people in the "civilized west" that would still act like these, but you know where the difference is? We have developed institutions that prevent things like these from happening. There are no mobs lynching today. Institutions, and a more developed mentality, prevent those thing from happening.
Why do these things still happen in Africa, then? Because they haven't developed those kind of institutions. There are countries with infrastructures, but they employ little to no control over these behaviours. They simply let them happen.
Might sound racist, but these people are stuck at the tribe-like society they were 3,000 years ago. It's a fact.

Did she just kill someone by jumping on them in attempts to twerk???

slaves good for nothing but working on the end of sticks have been doing that forever, it's a reasonable thing to do.
If you are useful in any other way you get utilised. Some convicts became surveyors, architects, cooks, craftsmen, whatever.
Field nigger = factory, shop floor, toolshed
House nigger = office
Overseer = entrepreneur or CEO
Slave owner = less than 1% of planet earth.

source ?

You wish you had a tenth of our gallo-roman DNA, leaf. Go give Chang his welfare check and don't forget to prepare the bull Trudeau had imported today

damn. sauce?

Andy is that you?

holy shit this is next level retard

at least cats cover their shit

The filenames

It depends on what you consider to be a "nigger." From the limited research that i have conducted through reading Anthropology texts, Charles Murray and listening to lectures in the genetic basis of race, there was a migration out of African around 80-60,000 years ago of Sapiens.
These people were not the Bantu that currently constitute the most prolific populace on the continent.
The Bantus, which are dark skinned and generally look like what some would consider a "nigger," and these people developed later than the last migration out of Africa in the Niger Delta region. They then spread east to the lake Victoria region and then south. As they went, they displaced other populations of less advanced African populations: Huetentots, Pygmies, San, and other bush peoples. The later was moved to the bush, as it could not compete with Bantu Tribes in the more fertile areas
Those populations that left before the Bantu invasions and conquest of much of the continent, would be considered, "nigger" free. The Bantu conquest culminates with their migration to South Africa at about the same time, of not after the First Europeans arrived there.

The understanding that the root stock populations of Sapiens are either the San/bush people or another population that was out-competed by cannibal Bantus, or subsumed into Bantu tribes, can give one solace that you are not what one would traditionally consider a, "nigger." That is unless you have a very progressive view of "niggers;" one that includes all non-white peoples.
