Why do they do this shit ? fuck jewllywood. God damn liberals. Theres really no need to force this shit to people

Why do they do this shit ? fuck jewllywood. God damn liberals. Theres really no need to force this shit to people.

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Becky G
Is that the girl who sings in the shower, la Di la da la da?

I agree. How dare they force yet another shitty remake of a lame show from people's childhoods so they can cash in on nostalgia.

Patronizing = money

There's a homosexual, a bisexual, an autistic, a latino, an Asian, a Black and a native American in that team. Never seen a more heterogeneous group in my fucking life, not even in NY

Who is going to watch this shit anyway ?

They're appealing to young adults who obsess over this stupid shit


>yellow ranger

>is mexican, not asian

>isnt straight, is a lesbian

why do this

not me atleast not after hearing this crap.
pretty much

They do this to specifically make you mad, OP. Liberals are the real shitposters.

Eh, it's fine. It's the first one, you can celebrate that.
Just keep quiet from here on in.

True. Its just kinda stupid since its a kids movies. Most kids wont even notice. sneaky sneaky jews.


>op is openly gay

So brav.

>complaining about attractive women getting off (making out in burger language) with one and other

This would never happen in Super Sentai, well lesbians might

gay people exist

trini from power rangers was never a lesbian

Maybe they should stop forcing straight people on us.

For now.

found the faggot

it's not really forcing shit when gays exist in real life

Can't they use different names? it's clear they aren't the original characters, why threw their name into the mud then? can't they come up with new and original characters? if you're going to change EVERYTHING but the name, why not change the name too?

>its a kids movies
It's a gay edgy reboot for 20+ year olds so they can jerk off to eachother about watching it as kids for presumably some reason

Does her sexuality matter to the plot of the film? Does she les out with another girl?


uuuuuuuuh are they REALLY having a STRAIGHT women play a GAY character?

WOW it is the current year why not just have a white person put on black face and do a merry jig smdh

>going to see neo power rangers
>giving Haim Saban your money

Wow just don't see this garbage, crisis averted

Let's be fair here, Batman is kinda gay too
>lives alone with an old man
>never had a girlfriend
>occasionally abducts young boys and puts them in skin tight costumes

They have black people play white characters so

>in a scene one of the characters ask her whats going and if she was going through bf problems and shes replies with something like "my family having a hard time accepting me" or some shit.
Also be ready for 6 more movies.

Bit presumptuous isn't it?

that's ok because white people are the devil

Nah, if they fail they'll blame Trump and the evil white man

Its more than likely going to happen.

> be ready for 6 more movies.

I'm ready, saw it last night and it's movie of the year. This shit will be 10/10 with Tommy in part 2.

blue ranger was and had to hide it

so this evens things out

Will Tommy be a gay retard? We need a physically disabled ranger, give him spinabifida or some shit


>lets rewrite characters for no reason

yeah no

whats next, tommy is a saudi oil prince?



Oh wow, another Sup Forums is triggered for no reason thread.


fucking hollywood putting gays and minorities and shit in my capekino reeeeee

you shut up you bitch

im ok if they have some hot lezbo scenes whit some kissing and licking feet, spanking some scissoring and fisting will be bonus

Why are you so mad?

>hating lesbians

lol, bunch of fags

>giving a shit about the integrity of power ranger characters

lol shut up fag

Thats not the matter of the fact. Just the sjw propaganda they try to sneak into these movies.

I'm not upset, if they want to do this "everyone gets represented" shit I want a cripple fuck ranger. Or can they not be heroes you bigoted fuck?

>I want a cripple fuck ranger

hey, in the 4th season Trini lost the fight against that Car Monster, have some respect

What's weird is that if the didn't use the character's sexuality as a marketing argument, no one would bat an eye, people would watch the movie and just say "oh, ok, she's a lesbian" and that's it.

Whereas now they make homosexuals look like freaks by pointing fingers at them and saying "look at how progressive we are, our character isn't only a super hero, she's also gay !"

this is clearly just a token gesture to drum up sales/get some publicity. nothing new.


>next we need sandniggers right sjws?
way to turn childhood memories into propaganda

>Why do they do this shit ?

I agree, gays aren't progressive enough hardly brave at all.

When can the truly progressive characters come?

>Tommy not there to steal the show and make Jason look like a bitch
This doesn't feel right

Hollywood is beyond degeneracy, it's a total lost cause.

One of them will transition in between movies I'm sure

Nice legs
No tits
The girls can have her

>Why do they do this shit ? fuck jewllywood. God damn liberals. Theres really no need to force this shit to people.
The idea is exactly to shove this shit to your children, to make them think this is ok and normal.

>pro-tip: beat up your kid on the first sign he is falling for the jewish media and becoming a faggot. That is a tested and proven method to stop your children from becoming gay.


Original blue ranger was played by a gay man

>SS Rangers
>Only one of them was in the SS

I bet you got upset the new beauty in the beast movie has black people in it but not as slaves because "muh historical accuracy!" Even tho it's a fairy tale about a woman falling in love with a beast after his castle workers all get turned into inanimate objects.

I'm on your side pol but you grasp at straws way too often.

lesbians are the ok type of gay

The only Power Rangers that matter:


how about black People in pre WW1 Germany in the new Karl Marx movie.

This. Nobody in history has ever said lesbians are anything other than sexy, even Leviticus didn't give enough of a shit to mention them.

Why do (((they))) do anything?

Shekels of course

Alex jones as Bulk
This is a work of Genius

>pre WW1
Don't sell short the stupidity, we're talking pre-Franco-Prussian

You re right there

Y-you too!

Wtf does anyone else see unknown flags?! Eerie!

Sup Forums mod moved the thread, I wasn't even aware they existed

Yeah, I got Unknown flags until this post:

it means thread was moved from another board to here

Hey kids, you can only be proud of being gay haha haha

The original show was already (((Power Rangers)))

>goddamn liberal agenda

ZZZZZZZZ, indoctrination via mass media has been going on longer than you've been alive.

Because Power Rangers are produced by the jewest of jews.


Yeah that's inaccurate and I'm behind you on it. Fuck that shit.

Really mods? Moved from tv to pol? REALLY???

Just shit up my board thanks mods. By the way are the power rangers degenerate? Is Zordon redpilled? Why do girls like Tommy Oliver so much? Gas yourselves.

>$7million to a pro-Hillary Super PAC in the 2016 election

A lesbian born-female character ?
i see this shit everywhere since the 80s so what exactly is the problem

They shoehorned it into a kids movie?

You have obviously never met real lesbians outside of porn.
They are absolutely vile inside and out. Absolute.

>Kids movie

Gotta agree here.
The ones I've met were downright brutal.

If you recall, shows like this and TMNT were just a vehicle to sell action figures to kids back then.
I sincerely doubt that's changed.
The fact that they're attacking on two fronts in the hopes of getting millenials to watch it too as a nostalgia cash-grab doesn't really change that.
Anyway, although I'd never pay to see that crap, I'm half tempted to stream it for free just to see how bad this PoS is so I can laugh at it.

Thirded. The ones in porn aren't really lesbians anyway, just whores getting paid to do a job.



Ending has been leaked by a Cyprus /polack

At least it's a gay Chink instead of a white person.

Why all the unknown flags?