In an alternate universe

What would life be like with him as President?

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Comrade-General Secretary Sanders would give his daily speech about how we are continually fighting to improve the lot of the worker, the poor man, the woman, everyone who has ever been downtrodden by the previous oppressive, unrepresentative, and undemocratic government that denied us our equality.

Of course, the journey to equality means sacrifice. We would have to buy goods (food, milk, bread, veggies, meat, everything) at higher prices, after the government seized the farms and collectivized them, to help the government with its revenue problem. The problem is that the collectivization period will last for 15-20 years, meaning there will be enormous shortages of all of that food for that period. But it doesn't matter; we're all equal in our suffering.

Attacking the Comrade-General Secretary is tantamount to treason, because everyone knows how much he cares about us, how little he cares for the big bankers and the top ten percent of the one percent. He is always fighting for us. But, of course, a man of his stature and age needs some time off. Those three houses are used for him to recoup, so that he can come back after his brief breaks ready to fight the greedy rich and continue the revolution. The rich need to pay their fair share, after all.

Massive poverty, and breadline. People going to work, but with zero motivation. Shitty cars being built that would be killing people left and right. Oh, and BLM would have stormed the white house, and Bernie being the cuck he is, would have just said "Thank you, may I have another."

We'd have a lot more smarter people because college is free

He is cucked by the globalist so, pretty sure Obama care would turn into super Obama care.

Wouldn't that just dilute it down to the lowest common denominator? Essentially just making it and extension of high school? Oh wait, it's already like that. Except that whole debt slavery thing.... Nothing is free broheim.

bread lines


No one would get raises anymore based on their individual contribution, but an annual 2% raise no matter what you do; All you have to do is just show up to work and try not to get fired.


Zero doubt the violence would have kicked off by the summer

let's go counterclockwise, from the top left, shall we?

>this is already what NYC looks like
>implying this isn't what the cities of the Middle East, where the refugees that Cruz said he would refuse entry to, come from
>meme nuclear war propaganda that was unfounded
>this picture should be replaced with breadlines and the mass graves of Katyn

Trump has probably seen more pussy than any President except JFK.

Republicans would have shut down government again

Remember when people used to post this image, and then elected a president without knowing the difference between private and public economy?

niggers will still be whiny
niggers will still be good for nothing except democrat position security
niggers will still be unemployed

whites cannot be police
more gun restrictions
whites are taxed to fucking hell

because he looks like a passive, the only good thing he might do is broker peace in the Middle East
something about Palestine and something about Syria
and he would make peace with Russia


Living in north korea.

fucking leafs that know how to run USA

Same as it is now, wake up in your bubble go to work and be completely oblivious to everything around you in the world.

At least we know how to run, burger

more like blow, leaf

It would be like this:

"Out glorious worker's utopia is right around the corner if we just murder enough people who disagree with us!" is the motto of every socialist state, even the ones like Sweden who don't line people up and execute them. In western socialist states, they're flooding in muslims to do the dirty work of executing and keeping the public in line through fear.

Yeah, America just sucks.


It's funny because Bernie supporters and republicans essentially wanted the same thing.

Bernie wanted to implement some sort of single payer health care system and republicans wanted to eliminate state lines for insurance. In other words, they were hoping that New York, California and Texas would bail everyone out and that everything would magically become free.

Needless to say, that was never going to happen and now everyone is butthurt because they're going to die a slow and painful death without insurance.

One step closer to Communism and a totalitarian state. Same deal as Hilary Clinton but via a different route.