/nhg/ Nihilism general angsty emo teen edition

/nhg/ Nihilism general angsty emo teen edition

"A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it ought not to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it does not exist."

Basically, you're a nihilist if (You)
- believe in nothing
- know that nothing has sense
- know that everything is useless
- have no loyalties
- want to see the world burn


inb4 edgy teen
inb4 Nietzsche wasn't nihilist

Nietzche wasnt a nihilist
Nihilism sucks
Fucking nihilist.

>tfw nihilistic
>tfw you wish you weren't...

Watch some jordan peterson videos lad. Take the green pill and reject the black pill.

From a purely subjective point of view I'm going to die and the universe will end so might as well have some fun while I can

>Nietzche wasnt a nihilist
It's literally written in the OP. Can you read Y or N?

I became nihilist when I realized our White race, countries and legacy will be gone due to the lack of spine in White countries

Like swimming against the current

I feel you m8. Our countries are fucked against the globalists. So why bother?

The nihilism you're describing is akin to plebian hollywood ideology

I read it, thats why i said it.
Stupid frog.

Fuck you. I'm so triggered omg.

>its because of self hating whites like this that were in this situation.


>Nietzche wasnt a nihilist

yes he was, but not in postmodern angsty teen sense of the work but in classical greek meaning of it. but still he was a fag.

You gonna surrender early again then frog bro?

You're excused user. I didn't want to be rude.

Let's discuss this topic: why Video games are the perfect nihilist hobby

They are nothing real, achieve nothing valuable, doesn't get you /fit/, doesn't give you real friends, all you do in them are lost when turned off.
Assembling 2 LEGOtm bricks is more constructive than finishing all the vidyas of the Earth.
If (You) only enjoy vidyas you're probably nihilist without knowing it

>you will never destroy the human race
>you will never save all the animals from the humans
feels bad man

Yes and you mighty anglos will come again to save us

It's the rational outcome of the propaganda world view. You can get afflicted even against your will

None of you man children are nihilists. You're just tagging on to justify your apathy and laziness.

I am a Nihilist. I gave up on Islam 2 years ago. It was too much of a bullshit for me to handle.

Real nihilist wouldn't even post on Sup Forums. Or eat. Or get up from his bed.

or if you abandon rationality in favour of temporary gratification

nihilists should just kill themselves if there is no point

kys thx

eh I almost did. But I've kids so I have somehow a reason to live. To make them a better person than I am (it will be easy)

>a real nihilist would just lay down and die

Theres still a sense of self preservation, as pointless as it seems. Just because the sun is eventually going to explode and annihilate any trace of humanity doesnt mean people still dont get hungry and eat for the sake of being content.

That cynicism, you fucking retard

>A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it ought not to be

I mean

And get your shit in order you worthless, lazy emo faggots

Stop insulting strangers on internet.

If you don't care why did you create this thread?

Then stop being wrong

>Being a Nihilist
>Claiming to have absolute knowledge

How are nihilists wrong and why do you care?

Nietzsche wasn't nihilist
he hated them. Because they were fags. He was also a fag, but at least he wasnt a nihilist.


Nihilists are not wrong but your interpretation of nihilism is jean-phillipe
What you're passing off as nihilism is extreme self centered-ness with a hint of anarchy

I am a nihilist and an atheist, but I don't advocate for it. I think nihilism and atheism are wrong because most people (including me) can't handle the complete truth about reality, they either become depressed (which I did) or lose all of their morals and become degenerate like nowadays' normalfags. Not saying all people become those two things, but the vast majority do. I don't think that religion should be in the way of science, but I believe it is important to have a bigger meaning in life. If you're going to die anyway and consciousness is a lie, then you might as well die happy and deluded, It's way more productive. I wish I could become religious and happy again but I'm too stubborn and can't lie to myself.

I don't want to be a nihilist but it's hard caring about stuff when you're at the nadir and don't have pillars anymore

Wow, I'm sure your parents must be proud.

That's deep.

How do you know the universe will end? Cause Le Black Science man said so?

How do you know the sun is going to explode?

>waah i'm out of arguments or rebuttals so I'll descend to ironic and satirical shitposting waah

You're deluding yourself jacques-baguette and you don't even see it

Nothing last forever. Even stars.

I won't argue with that. Probably my laziness and lack of culture.

Nietzsche was an existentialist you fucking retard

(active) nihilism is the base from which Nietzsche developed the Ubermensch theory.
>american education

What about nothing itself? Does that last forever?

Fuck you. You don't exist OP. You said nothing. I'm not a niihilist. You're useless. Even the definition of nihilism has no meaning. I'm only fooling myself into thinking I'm on the internet and actually talking to anyone for no reason whatsoever. In fact, I'm not even doing that. Get off Sup Forums. It doesn't even exist, you don't even exist, and nothing matters. You're already dead except you can't be dead because that would be something.

If time doesn't exist, forever doesn't exist.

>believe in nothing
>using purposeful language to communicate truths
>everything is meaningless >nothing is true, etc.
>implying it's true that there is no truth


pic related: modern nihilism

>Nihilism general
Why bother?

OP, are you implying that meme magic isn't real because you believe in nothing? Go back to Plebbit. Come fight me m8.

My 2nd attempt at discussing nihilism here, and besides I get interesting interactions, it would probably be the last.

Actually no. If you even read any of his works you'd see that he wrote about nihilism being the single greatest cultural crisis Europe will ever face, the devaluation of all values.

>be nihilist
>see uneducated autists saying nihilism is "to believe in nothing"

Nihilism is the belief that values are subjective and meaningless, so on the surface saying "believe in nothing" is accurate.

Let's be honest.

We all end up dead.

All we know will inevitably be destroyed or lost to time.

We will be completely forgotten, to the point of basically having not existed in the first place.

There is truly no point to anything.

Except in the present.

I'm not truly a nihilist, I just understand what's going to happen.

TL;DR Have fun while it lasts, I guess.

>believe in nothing
that's how a 3 years old kid would define nihilism
>Nihilism is the belief that values are subjective and meaningless

Pretty much this

>- want to see the world burn
Doesn't all of Sup Forums want this to happen?

The law of thermodynamics, particularly entropy.

If we step back and look at our existence from the perspective of eternity, we aren't even observable without a very high resolution lens.

We might as well have never been born or be already dead for the impact any one of us has on everything else.

We are infinitesimal in our importance, even collectively as a species or as a planet.

You think you are the most important thing in existence when in reality you are the least.

>You think you are the most important thing in existence when in reality you are the least
i just said i'm a nihilist too you dumbfuck

Because nihilism is one of, if not the most, infantile and useless concepts ever proposed. It leads nowhere, achieves nothing, helps no one and must inevitably collapse. Either into something nonnihilistic which retreats into the shield of nihilism only to delegitimize opposition or into suicide, which is the only honest response of the nihilist to his realizations. But youre not gonna do that, nor will 99% of all nihilists, because theyre not nihilists. Its intellectual virtue signalling of the worst sort, and literally does not qualify as philosophy, by its definition. Nihilism concludes that nothing that philosophy concerns exists, and thus philosophy does not exist. And in addition to not fulfilling the definition of philosophy, it doesnt even fulfill the spirit, which is to improve the lot of mankind through self reflection.

Being a proud nihilist is akin to being proud of having shit your pants and thus proving that pants are a meaningless construct.

degenerate weak cuck faggot numale

>Believe in nothing
What the fuck does this even mean? Self-refuting.

>Know that nothing has sense
I assume this means "Nothing is logical or orderly, nothing has a cause." This is easy to refute. Drop a ball, and watch it hit the ground.
>Know that everything is useless
The only thing that is useless is something that is unused. This means that the brain of a Nihilist is useless.
>Have no loyalties
May as well kill yourself if you have no loyalties to anything, I mean, you have no loyalty to yourself, either, right?
>Want to see the world burn
You can jizz in your pants at the concept but you will never have enough power to make that happen. The closest you'll ever get is shooting up a small group of people in public and then turning the gun on yourself because you're afraid of being raped like the pussyboy you are in prison

inb4 autistic nihilists screech in unison

Who wrote he was proud of being nihilist? At least we don't pretend to have illusions of our worth or purpose in this world.

Nihilism is a phase and it opens up the vacuum that redpilling fills, except you never totally get over the phase because deep down you always know nihilism except you finally decide you have to live in the world with a bunch of other people so best to figure out the best way to do it

Suicide isn't a proper response to nihilist realizations, because your death would mean something. The end of your self satisfying misery.

Your opinions are noted and not cared about because there is nothing to prove.

I never went to the living with other people stage. I fell straight through it to the "might as well enjoy the divine comedy which is the irony of existence" stage.

Don't even have to troll any more when people end up trolling themselves for my amusement.

What's the alternative to killing yourself as a nihilist, though? Eating nuggies from Mom's oven and jerking off for eternity because she's stupid enough to think there's hope for you to pursue something in your life?

>ultra atheist thread

I want out of this shithole.

Nihilism is a phase. You either get through it and contruct your own meaning or you die. Choose well OP.


I'm not a nihilist but you're looking at this in a very shallow way. It's much more basic than that. For instance, instead of saying that a chair or a car is useless, they'd be saying that neither contributes to any sort of greater purpose because there is no meaning or purpose to life. Everything downstream suffers from the save affliction existence itself. The biggest problem with nihilism is that, ironically, it has no point. There are no useful conclusions to draw from it making it useless as a philosophy.

The whole
>no loyalties
>want to see the world burn
Is retarded though and really doesn't even deserve consideration

Knowing that humor is the essence of reality and even though it doesn't matter in the end, it's entropy to pass the time while we get there.

>I have no reason to do anything short term because look at all this shit that happens gorillions of years from now

Do you see the fallacy here? It's the biggest red herring of all time, the kind you could only find from someone going through a crisis of faith. "Oh, if there is no ultimate point, then no subset of that ultimate big-picture can be cared about at all!

Hey mate, would you like to be friends?

You seem like an interesting person. However I think you aren't following this thread anymore, maybe I have been a bit too late.

Nihilism is pessimistic existentialism. It seems that someone has only read le Zarathustra XD, right?

So, in other words, you're losers. K.
Go have fun with that, kek. Wait until Mom kicks you out.

>making friends on Sup Forums

See ya when they find your body.

I was nihilist when I was 16 then I matured.

I am a Nihilist.

I have already made a friend on Sup Forums so far, you're either new or a normalfag who can easily make friends, get out.

Nihilism is cancer and is the root of all degeneracy.

checs out
Also nihilism is the reason why things are the way they are now

what a boring and dead end outlook

theres nothing to even discuss if you're a nihilist

fuck off

>cant get laid
>nothing matters

wow, faggots ITT

There seems to be some serious tension in this thread.

Feeling upset, knowing it all ends in nothingness, anons?

To say "I am a nihilist" is to define yourself within constraints that ultimately have no meaning. Might as well kys.

>- believe in nothing
>- know that nothing has sense
>- know that everything is useless
>- have no loyalties
>- want to see the world burn

k. do it faggot.

I found my reason to live.

>>have no loyalties

I am no dog.

make sure to stream it or it doesnt count

It's okay, based Swiss-user. It's not your fault, it was your proximity to Russian satellite states. Every Russian novel ever is "This is the best things will ever get, the world is doomed to mediocrity, never try to improve your government, democracy is a lie, just wait your turn for the bread line, now go to sleep, good goy!"

I'd rather it all end in nothingness than be a fucking leaf

reality and humor mean nothing and dont exist. Whats the value in passing time? If the time and manner by which you die are indistinguishable and irrelevant you cant discriminate between them. Choosing to put more effort into living is placing higher value on it, its a discriminatory value judgement. Dont try and weasel your way out of this.


"I'm a rugged, independent individual. I don't take orders from anyone, and I go my own path."