Did Israel do 9/11?

Any Israeli here willing to share his thoughts? after learning this a bit, it makes a lot of sense

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Reminder Israeli nationals were pulled over in a van filled with explosives on 9/11

They were let go. Even MSM reported this.


Well I doubt arabs planted cutting charges on the steel beams. More likely it was the jewish owners


"According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" — referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem." The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.

When the men were transferred to jail, the case was transferred out of the FBI's Criminal Division, and into the bureau's Foreign Counterintelligence Section, which is responsible for espionage cases, ABCNEWS has learned."


Thanks for being willing to listen, op.

Here's where some of the dancing Israelis admit to foreknowledge of the attack on Israeli tv.

Here Ehud Barak pins the crime on Bin Laden less than an hour after the attack.


After 9/11 happened, I noticed all the media around the world telling the same lies. Because I was not wise to jeeish power at the time, I wondered how the message could be so coordinated across international boundaries.

Many years later, i know that only the jews could pull this off.

Yes Goyim

obligatory reminder that there was a team of Israeli "art students" doing an "installation" in the WTC the summer before it fell.

>no helicopter in top left corner

And they wonder why we hate them

We were immediately bombarded with footage of Palestinians "celebrating" the WTC attack. Note the food held in front of her face @0:05. Supposedly this report was staged, and the Palestinks were celebrating a spontaneous party and free food.


fucking mossad. you know they arrested a washington post employee for attempting to impersonate an ICE officer a couple weeks ago? the suspect was an israeli-born 30 year old who had arrived in the us an indeterminate (seriously????) time ago. his house was owned by a chinese billionaire who is directly involved in bloomberg.

yesterday, they arrested an isreali teenager who was responsible for a majority of the bomb threats to JCCs internationally. why? trying to stir up a civil war perhaps? apparently his story was that he was getting back at his girlfriend. by harrassing JCCs. internationally. when he was ALSO a jew.

911 was likely a collusion between our intelligence, and isreali intelligence. this user speaks truth the common goal was to stir the pot in the mideast, for war-related profit, oil related profit, for greater isreal etc etc.....

ive been on here for years, been through all the nazi brainwashing, all the anti-nazi brainwashing, and i still dont hate jews. but GODDAMN if the mossad isnt fucking trying to make me hate you guys. seriously.

pic related. supposedly these are mossad agents. if you look up what the boxes are, they contain detonators

oops wrong pic

yeah thats these guys i believe


Don't you think that if we knew about this shit we'd warn you americucks?

Of course they did, that statue isn't a memorial, it's a trophy

Cant tell if shill or genuinely retarded

I expect the opposite. Jewish treachery makes me wonder if you're even human.

stale pasta

fwiw, I don't think Israel did 9/11. if anybody on the outside, probably Russia

but this video is fucking weird;


Maybe you. But definitely not your government.

why would the general populace be aware of one of the biggest black ops that your country ever did? do you deny the fact that all subsequent conflicts in the middle east benefited your government? every single country that has been toppled by our military in the last decade was a direct enemy of isreal. and even though you are directly west of syria, and very well off economically, your country takes no refugees. im not here to convince you that you, yourself, are an evil warmongering merchant. i dont believe it either. but if you dont believe that your government is at least complicit in these monstrosities, you are fucking dreaming.

i know a lot of friends of mine who got shipped out to iraq after high school. the ones that didnt get blown into tiny little pieces by ahmed came back broken and fucked beyond all recognition. i dont hate you. but i do hate the people that control your government.

fuck off with your russia propaganda. ive heard tons and tons of conspiracy theories about 911. some say mossad, some say cia, some say reptilians etc...
but ive never seen anything implicating russia. not even once. do you have any argument at all, or are you just trying to shill against russia? how much are you paid? they should pay you less imo.
putins no fucking choirboy, to be sure, but there isnt a single shred of evidence of any ivans being even peripherally involved in this.

I don't remember this pic, but there was evidence that came out years after I first learned the truth that seemed to directly prove our involvement. It was more thorough than anything I ever read. I forgot the project names, but the theory is out there.

I never would've researched the subject in depth if I didn't grow up in ny and have a lot of family in that disgusting city.


Another picture for reference

If memory serves correct, the boxes on the right had something to do with explosives? Don't quote me on this one.

We went right into Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11 - 2 of the final countries without a Rothschild controlled central bank. You tell me goy

Wouldn't be surprising considering how infected we are with dual Israeli citizens and zionists.

detonators. good memory

damn. thats definitely taken in the same room as my pic if they ever do reveal what actually happened that day, its going to be a bloodbath. the curiosity in me is dying to know what happened. but if mossad IS revealed to be the perpetrator, then it will literally be a modern kristallnacht, and id really rather not see that. killing a bunch of innocent jews does nothing to bring back the american citizens that were killed on 911 and all the following conflicts.