Why should I believe in Jewish fairytales about a zombie who may have not even existed?
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Jesus isn't real although i wish he was real so i could cap his ass with my desert eagle
no objective & rational reason, really.
not Sup Forums
Why believe that you existed 10 minutes ago just because you have a "memory"?
He is discussed by a few major historians soon after his resurrection. While he lived he was not important enough to be mentioned. People need to fucking study their history and use a little common sense. Of course he existed.
And he rose from the dead.
Christianity may have began in Israel but it became a European religion, and much of the legacy of our pre-Christian roots survives in traditional Catholicism. Like it or not Christianity is ours- and it contains the wisdom, myth, and philosophy of our European race for the last 2000 years. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
What that thing you CHRISTFAGS say all the time? Oh yes
>politics and religion are inseparable
damn man. when you guys post I am reminded why I hate faggotry, stormfront, and atheists.
no reason to, but how is that relevant to op?
racist assholes that constantly ask what is white, who is white, why niggers are inferior, and all that bullshit. they never stop and they show that white people are as retarded as every other race on the planet.
You shouldn't
Praise kek
How does my thread have anything to do with stormfront?
that image could either be jesus, or a mugshot of a rape suspect in sweden.
Been seeing stormfront people attack Christians because they think they are in touch with Oden and other retarded gods. And there are some atheists in the nordic wonderland racist groups apparently.
Stormfront people just want to stop Jews from genociding white people.
Stormfront people don't attack Christians. A lot of them are Christian. Have you been on Stormfront?
He is mentioned by both Jewish and Pagan Roman sources, let alone all the Christian sources.
No serious historian can claim that he didn't exist, with such overwhelming evidence supporting his existence.
I know sorry guys, I just got mad and had kneejerk reaction to the anti-christian threads.
The existence of John the Baptist within the same time frame as Jesus, and his eventual execution by Herod Antipas is attested to by 1st-century historian Josephus and the overwhelming majority of modern scholars view Josephus' accounts of the activities of John the Baptist as authentic. One of the arguments in favor of the historicity of the Baptism of Jesus by John is the criterion of embarrassment, i.e. that it is a story which the early Christian Church would have never wanted to invent. Another argument used in favour of the historicity of the baptism is that multiple accounts refer to it, usually called the criterion of multiple attestation. Technically, multiple attestation does not guarantee authenticity, but only determines antiquity. However, for most scholars, together with the criterion of embarrassment it lends credibility to the baptism of Jesus by John being a historical event.
Don't you ever apologize to Pagan/Neo-nazi trash. We, actual right-wingers, are better than this.
>hurr durrr people just made up shit about Jesus so they could like, control you dude, haha
not an arguement.
>No serious historian can claim that he didn't exist, with such overwhelming evidence supporting his existence.
There is aboslutely no proof whatsoever that jesus existed and if he did, he was likely just a historic figure who became mystified.
Stupid fucks.
Jews hate jesus.. so your assumption does not make sense. Therefore, i must assume that you are a faggot, and probably "jewish" as well.
it's a laughable fringe theory that Jesus didn't exist. whether you believe the gospels or not, virtually EVERY scholar agrees he existed. find one mainstream historian of that region or period of history who doesn't, ill wait.
No proof to your claim.. that makes you stupid
I believe he existed but also believe all our accounts have been jewed up to become nothing more than propagandist bullshit in some ancient psyops
so basically the Bible is bullshit and organized religion as well
There is no definitive proof that socrates existed, but it is totally obvious that he was a real teacher to the likes of xenophon, plato, and alcebiades. Dude the whole no proof thing comes across as internal rage and hatred of christianity coming from some childhood issues or something.
Josephus was a propagandist for Titus, who conquered Jerusalem and used him to create a pacifist religion instead of the militant Jewish sect that was causing him so many headaches. Even the Catholic Encyclopedia admits that Josephus's references to Jesus were a later, 14th century, insertion. Do a little fucking homework on your sources.
Thanks man.
Why should I believe in evolutionary fairy tales about dead, inorganic matter that magically came to life one day?
He was real...at least Roman historians seemed to believe so
But no, he was not a magical messiah...just a lazy hippy who couldn't cut it as a tradesmen so he formed a cult of sjw pussies.
All jesus' teachings are cucked..muh, turn the other cheek...fuck off hippy
turning the other cheek stops the hatred. love cannot be conquered because it sacrifices itself for the other person, even if that person hates him or her. It takes a powerful gift of God to let go of yourself, your pride, and give it back to Him. I havent done it yet.
There are zero contemporary sources for his existence, no record of the "earthquake" in Jerusalem upon his body dying. Nazareth, his supposed hometown, did not exist at that time. The census that Joseph supposedly fled did not happen at that time, the "slaughter of the innocents" is not recorded by anyone. He was not born on Dec. 25th, that's the pagan holiday for the winter solstice. Easter? Istar. Rabbits on Easter? That's pagan as fuck, a symbol of fertility (fucking like rabbits), of spring.
>turn the other cheek
>rifle butt to the side of the head
>family raped
Its idealist crap
I don't fault those that it brings comfort to but i think its all silly
Did you really say that out loud? First of all evolution is a demonstrable fact, theory of evolution is best explanation how this process is happening and none of that is commenting anything you just said, that would be biogenesis that is more of hypothesis, but with actual evidence backing it up, how ever its still not a theory..... before you say anything there is several meaning behind the words, in this case scientific theory is not same as your normal theory, learn the fucking difference and study what science says about evolution before spouting ignorant bullshit about it...
Ou and your side is still going with:"God done did it!" and proof for that was still "cause bible says so" or "i have faith"? Witch all are fallacies and debug ages ago..
Shameful demonstration of ignorance, from person living in fucking UK, witch should have ok education...
Every agricultural society has a dead and resurrected god. Cucktianity just happened to make their agricultural god their central motif to please the Romans. You people are worshiping Roman propaganda.
Fundamentally untrue, Josephus was a legitimate source according to the majority of Scholars.
Aside from that there's Tacitus, who also references Christ.
Educate yourself.
Dude, we literally only have about 2% of documents from that era, yet you are jumping the gun like we have EVERYTHING from that era.
That was a fucking backwater, and yes Nazareth DID exist at that time you dork.
There was a minor historian that did mention a darkness at the time of Christ's death and related it to an eclipse, but Origen astutely noted that an eclipse on that day would be impossible.
Are you literally ripping your info from a couple websites? How old are you, dude?
there was a lot of revision along the way to turn the religion into something official that could survive millenia
religion unified very different cultures of europe, and eventually all the continents
so you'd rather believe in a Jewish zombie rather than a true Nordic god?
Only atheists think in terms of science vs religion. Think of it this way, science is the measure and study of the physical using observation and experimentation. By it's very nature it cannot presume to offer any substantial view on the metaphysical. You cannot materially quantify the immaterial. It's like looking through a microscope and trying to find an atom of justice or a molecule of mercy.
I hope you see why you're being fallacious.
how very Eastern philosophical of you
Jesus is a historical figure even if you don't believe in any of the supernatural stuff.
a majority of Biblical scholars. Also- there is zero evidence for the existence of any of the 12 apostles or any of their supposed missionary work. It's a zodiac number. I have a copy of Biblical Archaelogy where they admit that there is not evidence any of the 12 apostles existed. Just like King David. Supposedly ruled the Kingdom of Jerusalem. In all of these decades of digging in the "holy land," not ONE coin, statue, parchment, tablet nor anything admits the existence of King David. It's a jewish fairy tale. Nor Solomon for that matter. Not one contemporary historian admits the existence of either. Herodotus, the Father of History, traveled from Babylon to Egypt and recorded nothing in Judea but collections of mud huts. You would thing suck fabulous and great leaders would leave their mark in some way outside Jewish fairy tales.
Jesus was a homosexual.
Says a "man" from denmark.
The "holy land" is the most examined piece of worthless real estate on the planet. They have found nothing to verify anything. Show me.
You argue like a liberal, stop being so emotional
Repent brother, you dont want to look this foolish when your standing before the Lord at the Great White Throne. God bless
I cant just now recall what Tacitus writings were, but majority of scholars agree that from Josephus, his writings have been altered by Christians, least the wording if not whole text.
There were ton of cult leaders back in the day, one just happen to get traction more than others and cause most information was delivered from mouth to mouth and people are not recording machines, information was altered from person to person, creating these high tail tales about walking on water and such, not to mention most from bible is copy pasted from other older religions, so thats a thing also.
What i have studied on the topic, its fairly reasonable to say that there was cult leader who was some what educated and captured peoples interest for Jewish country, talked against romans and was taken down for stirring problems. Nothing magical in there. Its theists job to prove such miracle claims and its my job to believe when proper evidence/proof is provided. So far only thing we can believe is that there were cult leader, nothing else.
Ah hah, the ultimate retort.Fear of damnation for not believing jewish fairy tales. Tell me, do you believe in the talking snake?
Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,
Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.
The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.
This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.
Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:
duh beacuse christianity is american and european values they were nothing without christianity never forget ok??
jesus is the king kike, the first jewish trickster. the final jew.
I'm not an atheist at all. I believe in Design. It's nature escapes me. But I shall not deposit my belief in jewish fairy tales for lack of a complete answer.
Your picture is bullshit and a lie. The Washington Post story identifies the couple in question as evangelical Christians.
I'm continually amazed people believe anything written on this website.
that's the joke. you didn't get it.
It helps people that can't cope with existential crises (most people), and gives them a bit of structure to their life instead of falling into a nihilistic death spiral.I can't say for certain, but the logic behind the rudimentary good/evil and the significant changes to the canon over time leads me to believe that all religions like christianity are pretty much bunk.
god damn mudslime, fuck off back to the deserts
Make Arabs Grovel Again
all semitic religions were a mistake
>inb4 le ebin reddit fedora
You have to be 18 or older to use this site.
If course he did user, of course.
WeW lad
Doesn't have to be an argument to be true.
Didn't answer the question. You just come across as a dogmatic religious zealot. Pretty ironic.
>implying Jews would ever seriously attempt to unravel this narrative
Juan, pls.
I appreciate religion's unifying effect upon societies, and Christianity's influence upon Western Civilization. That doesn't make it true. And we are never returning to some Christian ideal. It is failing in the face of degenerancy and competing religions. If you continue to cling to a failed religion, your society will die with it. No, I don't have a substitute or a solution. So there's the question for the future.
The bible is like a "based on a true story" film from the 90's. its mostly bullshit.
1. story was filled with bullshit and lies.
2. paul was brought in to rewrite many parts of the original script
3. konstantine was like a big movie company demanding the story to fit his liking.
i really would love to know if christians really believe there are four beast in heaven with eyes all over their body? they stand and praise god or what ever. really retarded. also do you really believe jesus cured the blind and such nonsense?
>christianity will save civilization
prayfag please.
The book of John was written in ancient Greek and connects Christianity with Hellenistic philosophy.
You shouldnt. He was just a radical Jew rebel
Besides, if any of you "christians" are going to church on SUNday (Mithras) and not Saturday, the true sabbath, you are totally full of shit. I'm not Christian. Neither are you.
>ateists cant fuuckking read
Whats new?
Christianity is the furthest from a European religion. It's entirely Middle Eastern/ Abrahamic.
Yes, sodomy and idolatry are european, goy.
Atheism is on the decline because of the fall of communism and because non-whites are converting in huge numbers. Unfortunately it is still rising in Europe and the US
It is not the Christian religion that failed, but the people that failed to uphold the moral order.
Christianity has failed in the face of competition. Let's not fail with it.
Attached is voting intention by belief. Notice how atheists and Jews are virtually identical.
If you allow people to think that atheism is acceptable you get moral degradation, communism, identity politics, etc. Things that directly enables Islam.
You should fight the enemy within with the same vigour that you fight the enemy without.
You might get faggots replying to this post saying 'hurr well I'm a red pilled atheist I voted for Trump', well how is that any different from Abdul from Syria saying 'I'm not like those other muslims, I'm moderate'? Stereotypes exist for a reason, and evidence dictates atheists are social poison.
Whites are declinin too. It will balance itself out.
>He won't inherit eternal life.
Whites had faied. Christianity iis just getting stronger.
Either you're retarded or just not a native Dane.
You're forgetting the evidence and scholars that support the story of Jesus
>His birth
>His teachings
>His followers
>His baptism
>His arrest
>His death
All without a doubt happened as the Bible states.
That all means that the multiple prophecies written (according to historical scholars) centuries before Christ was born all happen to be correct on the time, place, and person.
>let me guess: lucky guesses ayyylmao
>He is discussed by a few major historians
Yes, Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi who told everyone he was the Messiah, king of the Jews, and the Jewish community had the Roman emperor torture and crucify his ass for blasphemy.
Many many years later, members of his cult wrote bullshit stories about his miracles, sold these stories to pay for their cult church, and eventually scammed the world into believing these bullshit fairytale stories.
Kind of like how Muslims today scam people into believing that a pedophile talked to a moon god.
Most people are just really stupid and believe anything you tell them.
>unironically shilling REZA ASLAN and his garbage book hyped and promoted by the "progressive" American left
Your pill couldn't be bluer if you tried.
why you say? lol, because its the truth. Test it and see. It has been tested many, many times and has withstood the harshest scrutiny.
Look, we are all controlled by something and I would not argue religion is a control system. But Yeshua is different. It is plain there is nothing else like him and Yahweh..... Christianity is the red pill. It is a hedge against islam, secular humanism & atheism.....where ever you find Yeshua you find a blessing.....go and see, He comes quickly now! His reward is with him and he forgets not his covenants......
At first I thought you were talking about Golems because I had that episode of X-files on my mind where they turned the guys corpse into a Golem so it could get revenge on his killers.
you fail to cite such evidence. If you believe "without a doubt" you are the ultimate cuck. Tell me, do you believe in Noah's Ark? Perhaps you should look up the Epic of Gilgamesh. That's a Sumerian fairy tale.
That's a nice opinion /Reddit, but let me remind you that the miracle of the sun, the Fatima revelations, and the curing of Sister Marie-pierres Parkinson's disease are all miracles that have happened in the last century and are all attributed to Christ.
Do you exist 10 minutes from now?
That golem clearly skips leg day
I don't think it can be proven beyond any doubt, but I think doubt is a part of faith. I choose to put my faith in the sacraments, the scriptures, the traditions, and our European church with its 2000 year communion
>t. atheist fag