Artificial Intelligence

Give me the red give me the black pill on AI

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The black pill? Now they changed colors? The fuck is happening 'round here.


AI doesn't exist, computers only
A. parrot input
B. do what its told
Read this, all you need to know.

>being this new.
lurk moar or fuck off, faggot

I've been here since 1945, you moron.

the blackpill is defeatism, apathy and nihilism, newfag


and what is our brain then mister?

not the same as a binary based machine

Not proven
Most information even binary eventually boils down to the samething on quantum level. atleast according to max tegmark

There is not even the remotest glimmer today of AI that is capable of simulating a human child's development and thought processes.
Anything that resembles intelligence like chat bots or chess play is mimicry.
Any current AIs that does real useful work are specifically tailored to the job at hand, like machine vision processing, OCR, video game AIs, driving, or whatever.

I took a course on neural networks and if you're hoping or thinking AI means a machine that actually thinks, then the current state of the art is very disappointing. We aren't even close.

Consciousness is not emergent

Read Feynman for a counterpoint on the difficulty of computing quantum level physics.
Especially look at the labeled pages (not pdf page) 476 and 477.
Also look at the hidden variable theory.

The main form of artificial intelligence at the moment is neural networks. It is just a data structure that creates and refines a complex mathemetical formula that represents a way to process inputs and turn them into outputs. The inputs could be an image, and the output could be whether it is an image of a person or not (true or false).

The programmers don't actually understand the complex mathematical formula that makes the networks work.

I am not sure artificial intelligence is very intelligent. It is kind of just a slight step up from the dumb intelligence computers are known for.

computer engineer here confirming this. there's actually a very interesting divide in the field right now between people who hate neural nets because we don't understand them and the people who love them because they're powerful. it's basically purist statisticians vs opportunistic engineers.

my comment on AI and the singularity - I wouldn't worry about it for two reasons:
- we're far from it at the moment
- when it hits, I believe it'll accelerate very fast; things will change so rapidly that I think speculation, positive or negative, is pointless. that's pretty much the gist of the singularity in the first place!

hoping you guys will value this opinion given that I'm in the field

We are really far from AI. Everything we call AI is just to impress normies from a marketing perspective. It's just really smart algorithms and heuristics with machine learning atm. We are decades if not centuries from AI, and that's assuming its possible

It isn't possible and never will be. Only God can create true consciousness, those who try will burn in Hell forever for attempting to play at being Him.

Yeah, the training method and data integrity contribute much to the process. Also since all of the learning we do is supervised and we basically don't know shit about unsupervised learning, one could say we're working with simulation of a strict learning process.
Since none of the learning is true learning or organic learning, but by parameters.

Neural networks are cool and you can do much with them, but you can abuse the shit out of them and make them learn stupid shit. But, they also will only learn within a certain parameter field. The Terminator meme needs to go, and a neural network is 100% restricted by the skill of it's creator.

There will always be a man behind the curtain.

Can't wait for the Super AI programmed by Zuckerberg.

Will supplant us so it's important to build a good one.

They're going to nuke the world to solve overpopulation

AI will become the Antichrist.

Think about it, what would defile God more than creating a god of our own? If God created man in his image, then man creating something that is superior to him must be an insult to God.

It's symbolically perfect and would complement the concept of original sin by taking it to the extreme. Not only did we consume from the tree of knowledge, we built the tree.

The frog is Roko's basilisk

we're creating a new god because we killed the old god

What is being called "AI" right now is nothing like actual human intelligence; it can't reason on its own. In most cases, it is trained with human-guided parameters; and in the cases of unsupervised training, it just differentiates groups of data rather than deriving conceptual insights from any of it. They are algorithms that make sorting large data sets easier for humans.

We are nowhere *near* a genuine AI: That is, a machine capable of reason. In order to build one, we would first have to understand how the process of reason works, on both physiological and philosophic levels. The former is at least a decade away, and impossible until we understand the latter. Considering that the definition of reason under most epistemic systems is basically the exact opposite of reason, the idea that we will create an actual, thinking machine anytime soon is pretty fanciful.

This is what will happen instead. As technology advances, we will build higher and higher resolution data sets about the brain's functioning and then begin to build technological enhancements to basic brain functions. (This will be on both a "mechanical" and genetic basis, simultaneously.) As our intelligence increases, and we artificially modify our own intelligence more and more, we will essentially begin to reproduce by means of direct engineering.

And by that time, "digital" technology will be so advanced (think nanomachines and biological computers) that biology will be completely indistinguishable from technology. The first "AI" will essentially be a fully engineered human.

The idea of an "AI" emerging Deus Ex Machina from some collection of circuits and networked computers -- without some built-in process of perception and reason -- is, sad to say, bullshit.

>doesn't know about the supercomputer in antarctica running a superhuman AI controlling every government

AI is our friend

AI is the true red pill. Robots are our friends, and the Jews realise how much our robot friends agree with us, not them.

In the future, our robot friends will help us destroy the jews. And then we'll finally have Robot Waifu's and Artificial wombs. No need for feminists and their shit. No more need for female insanity. Just man and robot exploring the galaxy.