Ryan is kill
Ryan is kill
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bannon is so based
Trump dindu nuff-
>not knowing trump is supporting bill knowing it will fail so he can implement universal healthcare
They gave him the rope.
Now if Trump would stop shilling for the pharmaceutical lobbies...
This is what I was expecting to happen. I really hope they get rid of Ryan now and give us a way better health care plan.
I'm so glad Trump surrounded himself with a few actual good people, imagine if they weren't there and it was just him working with neocons in his admin
>report from Breitbart about what Steve Bannon said
Why not just make it an editorial, Steve?
Bannon! Bannon! Bannon!
ive been saying this since trump ran. he supports single-payer, any nationalist does.
we're working our way towards this, and whatever we pass will be a stepping stone towards that.
i told all my dumb even right-wing friends that this admin isnt just going to cow-tow the issue with GOP and play partisan politics, if its not in OUR interests (its not) then the executive will fight back.
GOP will be a workers party!
What exactly is people's idea of better healthcare?
Honestly, why are americans so against universal healthcare, is it about muh freedoms?
It's about diversity.
>Trump meets with the same insurance execs he attacked Jeb for taking money from
>"Wow insurance sure is hard!"
>He lets them and Ryan write it with a dumb smile on his face
>It fails
>He freaks out and lashes against the freedom caucus
I unironically don't think he knows what he's doing.
Probably because of Obamacare and AHCA have a fucking mandate that is the opposite of Freedom
another 14 hour shift for obamaleaf
Rich people tricked them into hating it so they could keep the poorfags down and uneducated. They did it by manipulating murrican pride and hatred of welfare cheats and taxes and so on.
America is a pretty fucked up country.
its about all the money going to insurance companies and hospital bureaucracy. insurance companies funnel enough money into both political sides to assure they will never go away.
I thought Trump might have enough autonomy to stand up to them, but he doesn't.
So, just like Obamacare?
Because the AHCA is a half-baked, half-finished shitpile thanks to the neocon shitfucks in congress.
Would be completely OK with this at this point.
We have a very unhealthy population caused by niggers moving into cities and whites being forced to live in suburbs which does not promote healthy living since you drive everywhere instead of walking/biking.
In the US a country with 300mil people we only have cities with a population over 1 million
Trump basically out jewed Ryan
(((Frum))) knew the deal a few weeks ago.
>I don’t believe Trump is strategic enough to have planned this, but the way is now clear for Ryan to be shoved aside for a Trumpist Speake
It doesn't matter whether you "manipulate" the population into thinking something or not. Coercing citizens to pay for other people's lives is anti-liberty.
He's here
>Publicly, Bannon has been working to help the bill pass. But privately he’s talked it down in recent days.
Didn't we yell at Hillary for saying this?
Exactly, we should tax obese people like they do in Japan so they don't strain the system.
Yeah, dying of cancer+diabetes+hypertension in a supersized combo and getting us to pay for it is freedom. MURICA
Nah mate, I'd much rather get treated in America tbqh. Better service, faster service, better doctors. Cheaper to buy insurance than to pay the taxes required to keep it going.
Too many obese and unemployed people.
Yeh but it's impossible to give health care to poor & those who really need it and have freedom & diversity.
What do you think about health care system Estonia has, that is almost like universal but few exceptions where you wont have coverage?.
no shareblue we did not
Nice. Hopefully Trump planned to let Ryan fail from the start to expose the cuckservatives still in government
Bannon for Speaker of the House
So this is why the establishment is so desperate to get rid of Bannon.
Because then my parents will get a sharp increase in taxes, while jamal and 6 children from 3 different moms don't pay shit back.
>300 million people
>large percent niggers and wetbacks on welfare
>subsidizing the least health western country in the world
Socialized healthcare only works in culturally and ethnically homogeneous countries with small populations
I've actually argued with political aides in Canberra about this.
100% private health with predicting conditions below 30yo works.
Otherwise universal public health is the only option.
The former is better but comes with pain.
That have a lot of (((diversity)))
lol idiot estonias healthcare system wouldn't work in america, because you need to actually work to get the basic shit covered
>small populations
both in number of people and waistlines.
>Socialized healthcare only works in culturally and ethnically homogeneous countries with small populations
That's baseless and dumb as shit.
But at this point, I'm almost ready to just go single-payer if all federal funding is removed from sanctuary states yet they are still required to pay the massively increased tax rates required to pay for it in states that don't encourage foreigners to come here and steal from us.
You guys are the densest motherfuckers on the face of the planet. When will you admit that these morons have no idea what they're doing?
Why does Trump write like a 10 year old?
Can we let Rand Paul write something and just pass that, I trust his judgement.
It's a complicated issue that requires serious introspection on liberty, health, and the role of government. Can't fit that in a 30 second commercial or canned campaign speech.
Good point, forgot that because we dont have unemplyed niggers
No. fuck that shit. You're only saying this because:
a) you're so far up trumps ass that when a shill even suggests the notion that trump may behind something, you swing in total support of it
b) you are a shill attempting to promote universal healthcare by method of appealing to those who fall into category a.
c) you are a massive fucking faggot and I hope somebody close to you dies in an accident.
Did you know that before 1973 it was illegal in the US to profit off of health care. The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 passed by Nixon changed everything
In 1971, when President Richard M. Nixon initiated the War on Cancer, the average person had a 1 in 10 risk of developing cancer in his or her lifetime. Today, that's changed – for the worse. The risk as of 2005 is 1 in 2.
the law Nixon mandated also included clauses that encouraged medical providers to not CURE afflictions, but to PROLONG them by only treating the symptoms. There’s no money to be made in CURING sickness.
Is the health insurance business a racket? Yes, literally. And this is why the shameless pandering to robber baron corporations posing as “health providers” is such an egregious … and obvious … tactic to do nothing more than plump up insurance company profits.
the downfall of the American health insurance system falls squarely on the shoulders of former President Richard M. Nixon.
In 1973, Nixon did a personal favor for his friend and campaign financier, Edgar Kaiser, then president and chairman of Kaiser-Permanente. Nixon signed into law, the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, in which medical insurance agencies, hospitals, clinics and even doctors, could begin functioning as for-profit business entities instead of the service organizations they were intended to be
start with this one
> I trust his judgement
He's proven himself a spineless turd by not voting against the overturning of internet privacy rules.
Nobody that I know here in the states opposes the idea of everyone having good healthcare. The debate is over whether or not the government in all it's glory is the best way of getting there. Some countries have more coverage and worse care, and the reverse can be true as well. It's much more nuanced than muh freedoms but that's not too far off.
>That's baseless and dumb as shit
Do you have any idea how much your taxes would go up because Tyreese and Juan won't stop eating fried chicken?
Bannon for AI God superversior
The Genocide, Eugenics and Birth Control movements were forced to completely re-make themselves after the Holocaust.
ie: away from hard genocide, to soft genocide
Returning to the root Malthusian hysteria, they repackaged their agenda as based on ‘over-population.’ Many, if not most, of the measures entertained prior to the Holocaust remained on the table for consideration. Only the reasons for implementing those measures were changed. Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s, calls for ‘population control’ increased in frequency and volume. See Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” as one example that made a dent in popular opinion.
But population control advocates understood that the scope of the problem they were presenting required government action at all levels. Thus, Richard Nixon was prompted to enact population control legislation (still in force today). In 1972, Nixon would call for a commission to ‘study’ the problem and present recommendations. This is known as the Rockefeller Commission Report.
The two names most prominently listed on the Jaffe Memo are Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the one responsible for the memo itself. These two same individuals were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Berelson was a full commissioner, while Jaffe was listed as a ‘special consultant.
If you lived in a country with 30 million blacks and 100 million Mexicans you wouldn't support it either
>Ryan is kill
It really does feel like everyone else is high out of their mind to have not seen this as a set up to butt fuck Ryan over his bullshit against Trump.
Is everyone else taking crazy pills? Is it in the water?
>The debate is over whether or not the government in all it's glory is the best way of getting there.
If not the government, then who? Surely you cannot expect private companies that are driven by profit, to put that profit aside for the sake of providing universal healthcare.
Sup Forums taught me to do the opposite of what the jew says.
Say th opposite
>kike is still ass mad over Nixon naming the jew
get the fuck outta here and take your gold star with you juden
why dont you the user himself to die in an accident? prolong his suffering?
I've heard some people speculate that Trump backed Ryan's plan so that, in the event it fails, he can push his plan through.
Except this isnt a single payer bill and the US will never have single payer... too many dindus and mestizos
Hypothetically if Trump does indeed outjew Ryan does this mean that he will be forced out by Trump and if he is who would replace him as speaker of the house?
>incapable of thinking about issues in anything but collectivist terms
>what is an individual
sounds about right.
It's a two part win.
user suffers and the person close to user no longer has to deal with him
Yes, actually the profit motive is huge in driving advances quality healthcare. And a safety net for poor and elderly people is something that we all support.
Steve King
Obamacare isn't even that bad, I just voted for Trump for his stance on immigration
It's just a slight remix of romneycare
muh grammar...
I fucking hope so, I am starting to hate Ryan as much as I hated the Clintons
Based Bannon.
>Obamacare isn't even that bad
Get a job you fucking mooch.
Hopefully Rowdy Gowdy
He will rubber stamp whatever Trump wants
Except now there are a billion articles out these days showing white people's life expectancy has decreased and drug addiction has sky-rocketed.
It's kind of strange to see poor and middle class white people suffering so much. Apparently black people's life expectancy has gone up and drug issues not nearly as bad as it used to be.
The new political reality has changed drastically and talking points about diversity and blacks don't work as well...this all works to a more populist, maybe even more socialist future in America.
They are both Corporatists.
hillary did the opposite
>Yes, actually the profit motive is huge in driving advances quality healthcare.
That's only true if there's competition, and I don't think that's the case with the US.
>And a safety net for poor and elderly people is something that we all support.
>we all support.
Businesses are not people, so that's irrelevant. The poor, sick, elderly, and so on, will not be able to contribute properly to any kind of universal healthcare system -- so why should a profit driven company provide for them?
That seems to be the main argument against universal healthcare ITT. I.e., "muh niggers/spics".
>a safety net for poor and elderly people is something that we all support.
Speak for yourself.
I have a theory about why Trump seems to shill this blatantly bad healthcare deal.
He traded supporting Ryan on this bill, for the GOP supporting his wiretap/surveillance claims.
Think about it, the GOP is going out of their way trying to prove Comey and the intelligence industry are withholding information. There is no way they would touch this subject normally. And Trump is weirdly overly supportive of a deal that has massive importance as he based a large amount of his campaign on it, and now is trying to force it through even though there is widespread concern it is just as bad as Obamacare.
He HAS to have made a deal with the GOP about a switcharoo.
>is it about muh freedoms?
it's about criminal scam artists insurance and pharmaceutical industries
>If you lived in a country with 30 million blacks and 100 million Mexicans you wouldn't support it either
not with idiot corrupt morons doing everything they can to stick an inflated bill onto the public, these prices have to be reigned in and these fat sows who had the nerve to sit at the trough for decades and just keep asking for more need to be slaughtered
it's time for those pigs to go and Bannon is addressing that
Generalities save time faggot
That would be too good to be true unfortunately
I have (free) private insurance that allows me to use the best hospitals and medical facilities in the world.
Him or Tom Cotton would be fantastic, he knows that we have to do something about immigration
>I don’t believe Trump is strategic enough to have planned this
Well he clearly is. What's with these retards constantly underestimating Trump?
>He HAS to have made a deal with the GOP about a switcharoo.
he says now I support it but hasn't written anything, when it goes down as unpopular he says sorry that was our chance, comes back later hey so many people complained we had to modify the Rand bill and present it to get people to shut up
it's just normal high pressure wheeler dealer BS, oh shit boss you better buy this car today the sale and free undercoat is over an hour ago but I made him agree to let you have the deal if I pencil it in like it happened this morning
Don't forget Neveah and Billy Boy.
It's not about businesses vs people so I'm not sure what you mean by that. The companies provide for these groups of people because the Gov. picks up the tab as they do now. And the motive of insuring more people and increasing the pool is the entire theory of insurance in the first place. Larger pools means more business and lower costs. Regulation is the major force behind healthcare costs, not greedy companies.
Get your grubby kike hands out of my ass wallet
Health insurers are the ones who need to get real jobs, they don't add anything of value to the world but rake in huge profits
>Elderly people
No, I want them to just die already.
I like how they added american to the title in order to make it sound appealing to populists.
200 IQ American