>Inshallah my white man, why haven't you converted to Islam yet?
Inshallah my white man, why haven't you converted to Islam yet?
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He looks British
I like bacon Nigger
plenty of sand negresses that will be with you without converting, especially iranians.
Would converting to Islam save the white race?
I don't condone slavery. I say ship off all the cucks together with the muslims, maybe the white genes will make them more intelligent.
but I already have
Fuck off b2reddit
I'm not an inbred, retarded, backwards, goat fucking arab
Iranian women are fucking gorgeous
Islam is Arab supremacy.
if you're not an Arab then you are a cuck getting cuckolded by beduins on camels.
arabs are white
The Pre Arab middle East was already white
When the Arabs invaded they race mixed the shit out of them
Any intelligent genes were then wiped out centuries later by inbreeding, which is condoned in the Quaran, and the eventual Islamic banning of Scientific thought
Fuck you Sweden
"told you not to speak while sucking dick"
Damn, that man is fine as hell
Islam is little more than Arab polytheism combined with Levant monotheism from the north
Even the black stone they worship was originally a pagan monument
Maybe in all honesty
Because you have even fewer chances of getting a woman over there. Bosnia is my neighbor, they're the whitest Muslim you'll ever find and STILL their women are a hell of a lot more reserved compared to everyone else. You're getting the first degree from he family the moment you go pick her up.
Although to be fair things may have changed in the last eight years.
ameriga, I...
What kind of shitskin muzzie can only grow a chinstrap? I'm NW european and I have a better beard than that.
Can you imagine? Being such a beta faggot, so desperate for pussy, that you actually convert to Islam for a woman? Like, you literally abandon your Father's religion, your Father's culture, and your Father's family history and everything they worked for to leave you this wonderful thing called civilization...to convert to Islam?
Jesus Christ. Better he killed himself, tbqhwy.
>those shoelaces
Mohammed is literally quoted as saying that Arabs are not superior to non-Arabs.
She's pretty hot desu
Your argument:
>If its semetic it must be untrue
> Muh forced conversions (very rare in conversion of Europe to Christianity)
>Race and religion intersect in any way
Kill yourself retard.
At least I don't count Arabs as white
Exhibit A : Egyptian Copts
true famo
>t. iranian
They look no better/worse than any other cacausian
>mfw developing a burka fetish.
>mfw I would love to fuck my oneitis in a qt burka
Islam also removes all the attractive genetics of women by no longer having competition based of good facial features or an attractive body
Most marriages are arranged between cousins so ever generation gets uglier and more inbred
Because Islam means that you'll also be flooded with brown people.
need one
Because I'm not a child.
>No alcohol
>No pork
>Retarded religious observances
Literally why
Cuckstianity and Gaythiesm are cancerous and very easy for kikes to control and subvert to destroy society. If we converted to Islam we'd have some hope at least.
You're stretching it, there are hot ones, there just isn't any piece of pussy worth betraying your heritage, especially trading for a sandpeople-tier one.
>Muslim people escape from the hell hole that is Middle East
>come to a culture where women throw themselves at the immigrants and they get help wherever they go
>their first notion is to re-create the hell they escaped from
Truly strange people.
>"White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the >MIDDLE EAST< or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, >ARAB
Everything will be fine as long as you submit to our Arab religion otherwise we are peaceful :^)
>Being such a beta fag you need your father's approval
I'm Jewish and will never succumb to the Arab threat. The Jewish people will maintain our 90% white population
Yes our census was jewed by Franz Boas in the 1920s
The government considers Jews and Arabs white
But no one else does
Fuck off b2reddit
So what? That doesnt negate Islam is fundamentally an arabic religion through and through. Its entire philosophy is from the bedouin jahadas, moon worshipping pagan cult deep culture of the arabian desert.
They are. Funny how their men aren't though.
Baconfags are embarrassing. In fact, all of you with the vice of eating meat are degenerates.
I'm talking in general
Not every Muslim is going to be as inbred and ugly as your average Pakistani or Sudanese, but there is a trend in Islam towards marrying for incest instead of marrying for love/beauty
> What is a Dhimmi
Sure, Arabs are soooo tolerant
Badly underrated file name.
Inshallah means "if god wills it". Thats a wrong use of the word. If you're trying to say hello, say "Assalamu alaikum" which means "peace be upon you".
Not a muslims but if you christian cucks can't sell me your religion when you hang gay flags from your churches.
Found the kike
Because organised religion is for people with weak minds. Islam is worst of all, it is the cancer of major religions.
Mostly b/c of those stupid hats.
Christfags are desperate to remain relevant so they try to bandwagon the whole progressive thing.pretty pathetic honestly
just look at all these white people
>pic related
is sweden really this retarded?
Thanks, Mohammad.
Because Jesus was the last prophet and Mohammed is a lying goat fucking faggot pawn of satan who enjoys beating women and marrying and raping children?
Yeah I'm gonna go with that.
I would accept her if she converted to me, not the other way around.
I think this is supposed to be a re-meme of the Ken-san meme
He opens with "gomenasai" which means I'm sorry
>liking bacon automatically makes you be from reddit
Rake Yourself
Cuck to religion.
Ignore those other fags, my opinion is the only one that matters. Temporarily it would but in the long run no, either everything that makes the western world great will fall or more likely once the dust settles and its peaceful everyone will rebel like they did with Christianity and we could be facing the problems we are right now but even worst due to government being more centralized and minorities already voting their rights away. Having more children and maintaining Christian values is the best path.
Like seriously, though. Imagine yourself, sitting there right now at your computer and all of a sudden thinking, "You know what? I'm so God damned desperate for pussy that I'm going to become a fuckin' Muslim..."
Like...think about that. All of you reading this right now. I mean, who the fuck in their right mind thinks that's an intelligent decision? You'd have to be insane, right? To actually think, "You know what, I'm gonna become a fuckin' Muslim..."
Ugh. It sends shivers down my spine. Fuckin' disgusting. God damn. Eww. Get this feel out of here. I don't like it.
I need to go bathe or something. God damn. Ugh. Just the thought of it is fuckin' disgusting.
No, they hate Europeans. The whole world does. We are the greatest competition, collectively, for every other ethnicity.
>create new sect of islam
>main points are to kill other sects
>100% immune to critics
What could go wrong? Why don't we create a kekist branch of islam?
Because I like my pork, and know that sharia law is fucking bullshit.
I want to put a burka on this qt... slowly lift it up and eat her out while hearing her qt moans....
my gawd
because i don't want to go to hell
yeah but then they have to worry about their dads, brothers and uncles stalking them and raping them before dousing them in gasoline and setting them on fire
no pussy is worth having to deal with that shit
>still believing in Greek mythology
>implying Muslims get pussy
If you had the choice between never having children or converting to Islam so you can reproductive. You should always go with the latter. White nationalists are cuckolds because they are incapable of being pragmatic about this issue.
Seriously, don't cuck yourself out of being reincarnated. People are recycled and they come back every thousand years or so through random chance genetics (Saddam Hussein admitted to being the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar II along with sharing memories, he would not admit this due to his Islamic faith if it wasn't true), but with genetic engineering you'll be able to live indefinitely.
>so you can reproductive
so you can reproduce*
You are a liar. Your lies have no power.
>mfw they let breivik out because they can't imprison a muslim
Is this why you're obsessed with pleasing daddy trump? You know the man can't sustain an erection, why do you taunt him like this?
But really, think about it. Converting to...Islam...
I mean, holy shit just kill yourself. lol. "Hurr durr hey Dad I'm home for Christmas, I wanted you and Mom to meet my new girlfriend, Aisha. I'm in love with her and her and her family think I should convert to Islam so I'm gonna go ahead and convert to Islam."
Like, how do you as the Dad, not just realize you're a complete and utter failure as a human being? Like, how do you not just go get the family shotgun and blow your head off right then?
For fuck's sake. "Hurr durr, I'm gonna convert to Islam..."
It just sounds funny to say. It's so God damned retarded. lol. "I'm gonna convert to Islam..." hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Get a load of this retard. Everyone point and laugh.
>tfw mainstream muslim values are nearly 100% aligned with what Sup Forums believes
>Seriously, don't cuck yourself out of being reincarnated. People are recycled and they come back every thousand years or so through random chance genetics (Saddam Hussein admitted to being the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar II along with sharing memories, he would not admit this due to his Islamic faith if it wasn't true), but with genetic engineering you'll be able to live indefinitely.
hes right. kys
Not that I would encourage anyone to convert to Islam, but white male muslims are highly desired by muslim women in the muslim world, a good degree more white males elsewhere (though they're still the most highly desired). And they're open about it, too. They say they want to marry a white muslim Africans and Arabs are too strict.
Though i'm sure if half the NEETs on this board converted they would be used as suicide bombers and not be let anywhere near a muslim vagina.
Err, last i checked Sup Forums isn't advocating fucking goats
b-but hes getting l-laid user...
bet she is only wearing panties under that, with her juiiccy booty bouncing all over
I despise my father he is a lefty for muh gibs, a deist, and a lunatic.
Still like my culture and my religion though, and have no interest in slapping on a funny hat and trying to act like I'm not uncomfortable around my new family of brown people who's language and culture are so alien to mine.
It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: "Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated."
I'm Mormon (that makes me powerful). Ate a bacon cheeseburger for breakfast. Married to a hot wife. Can defend my home and family.
Please read the Book of Mormon and find out what your missing out on.
oh my shiva!?? gonverding du budhiddem dusd to ged puddy!?? somebuddy wud turn dey bag to hindunism dus to ged some loyal buddy cuddy??
are they really dad snuggy in their puddy??
cound me oud. im stigging to hod hinduffu.