Can someone red pill me on Fluoride? Is it real? Should I be worried? Is Jones right?
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>Is flouride real?
Your average InfoWars subscriber, gentlemen
Yes, it's real. It's for your """""teeth"""""
Caused by spitting toothpaste, it's actually not deliberate. Many western countries will actually take steps to remove it from the water supply.
It's a "conspiracy theory" like middle eastern royals funding terror is a conspiracy, don't scare the little people by reminding them that yes, we have already poisoned the water supply by being an industrial civilisation and we continue to do so because toothpaste companies are still big enough to use corporate cronyism.
Meant, is the conspiracy real
Is that fucking Thom Yorke in the crowd?
Ireland uses it the most in their tap water.
It made their people compliant.
Hence why the chimp out happened in North of country.
And we're 70% water so... have fun.
It isn't Fluoride you should be afraid of, it's the dihyrogen monoxide they put in the water.
Fluoride is a problem. Avoid it if you can.
They are putting water into water? Monsters.
I bet he is!!!
Near the end of 2015, Ireland was the only country in the European Union with a nationwide mandate for water fluoridation.[18][74][75]
The majority of drinking water is fluoridated. Around 2012, 3.25 million people received artificially-fluoridated water.[22] 71% of the population in 2002 resided in fluoridated communities.[76] The fluoridation agent used is hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFSA; H2SiF6).[77] In a 2002 public survey, 45% of respondents expressed some concern about fluoridation.[78]
In 1957, the Department of Health established a Fluorine Consultative Council which recommended fluoridation at 1.0 ppm of public water supplies, then accessed by ~50% of the population.[79] This was felt to be a much cheaper way of improving the quality of children's teeth than employing more dentists.[80] This led to the Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act 1960, which mandated compulsory fluoridation by local authorities.[80][81] The statutory instruments made in 1962–65 under the 1960 Act were separate for each local authority, setting the level of fluoride in drinking water to 0.8–1.0 ppm.[82][83] The current regulations date from 2007, and set the level to 0.6–0.8 ppm, with a target value of 0.7 ppm.[84]
Implementation of fluoridation was held up by preliminary dental surveying and water testing,[85] and a court case, Ryan v. Attorney General.[86] In 1965, the Supreme Court rejected Gladys Ryan's claim that the Act violated the Constitution of Ireland's guarantee of the right to bodily integrity.[86][87] By 1965, Greater Dublin's water was fluoridated; by 1973, other urban centers were.[88] Studies from the late 1970s to mid 1990s showed a higher decrease in (and lower incidence of) dental decay in school children living in areas where water was fluoridated than in areas where water was not fluoridated.
>thom yorke
In Ireland there are people calling to put Lithium in the water, as well as Flouride.
The added flouride in water is actually pretty safe and is good for oral hygiene. As far as I know there has only been one study that has conclusively proven flouride in a water source to be bad for you and that was based in China with contaminated ground water which is many hundreds of times the amount you find in tap water across developed countries.
There are better chemicals to put in water if your goal is to make the population stupid.
Labour, immigrant politician proposing it further:
Ive personally talked to companies responsible for water supply. Its mandatory to add in many places in US.
Fluoride should not be consumed. Most companies put minimum required amount into water supply because they know it is bad.
Look up Los Alamos
which filter should I get. I live in Commiefornia
Fluoride is now officially classified as a neurotoxin. It's known to cause apathy and depression in people, although it is good for your teeth as a TOPICAL.
If you want my opinion, it's intentionally put in the water supply to make populations easier to control and making people more content with their lives. It's not even really a conspiracy anymore, that shit in the quantities released into water supplies is not healthy.
That meme is so fucking cringy. It reminds me of reading about the elitist fucktards in the late 19th and early 20th century who were convinced that everyone who lived in a rural environment was infected with hookworm and that you could tell because they had a "hookworm stare".
Only shit tier countries add fluoride into the water. I mean, they have understood that they cant control us with high IQ:s.
Is that Thom Yorke on the right hand side?
>live in city where fluoride in water is banned by law
>water is so hard my fridge has stalactites
I'd rather not think about what else is in there