What's Sup Forums's stance on public breastfeeding?
What's Sup Forums's stance on public breastfeeding?
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I quite enjoy being breastfed by your mum in public
Babies need food. I need fap material
As long as it doesn't become degenerate exhibitionism, it's fine to me
She needed to multiply her shame.
Day of the rope when?
Feeding human babies is cool but not little monkeys like in OPs pic.
It's the least degenerate thing a woman can do.
However if it's a shit skin baby like that it should be grabbed and thrown in the local alligator pond
You know, for as much attention as this gets in media, I have almost never actually seen any breastfeeding in public.
In fact the only time I have seen it was this past January when I was on a plane. The mommy was pretty cute, so I snuck a couple quick looks.
At least we know she doesn't have pepperoni nipples
They taught us in kindergarten that it's rude to not bring enough for the entire class.
i'd throw that baby into the ground and stomp on it if i could get away with it
>It's natural
So is pissing and shitting, but no one does it in public. They should cover themselves up!
God sees you.
Search "hand expression" on youtube
She is beautiful and it would be hard not to cop a look. She could bring a small blanket with her. It is done as a political statement which irks me. Though she does have nice tits. Sorry. The breastfeeding does not stop me from only thinking of her awesome rack.
If it's discrete. What the fuck, feeding your white baby is okay, nothing to be ashamed of.
I milk my gf sometimes
>mfw a qt girl like that produces a niglet
It hurts
Totally worth it user
It's only alright if attractive women do it
Why is she feeding someone elses kid?
Is she the nanny?
Irrelevant given that your pic is of a coal burner.
Here's my stance.
I don't understand why people freak out over it...
It feeds the mother's need for attention.
Underrated kek
What if That was a Nigger baby?
Is that her mulatto?
yeah it does, this one triggers me hard every time i see it, she's fucking cute and thick
>hahaha..... being completely naked......close your eyes
>jerking off
God damn it. Problem ******************************.
she's fat. the pic is taken at that angle to hide how fat she is.
So it's ok to shit on the table when you're at a restaurant, right? And I avoid the homeless and impoverished because I don't want to get mugged at gunpoint/knifepoint by a paranoid schizophrenic.
It turns me on.
>White mom
>Non-white offspring
>No dad in sight
It's fine if they do it discretely, but some women are just begging for attention by popping it out in the middle of a crowd. Makes my peepee feel funny.
Normal, should be encouraged
90% of the time these days it's less about feeding a baby and more about a woman trying to use a biological act to make a statement and show off her boobs in public. All women have an exhibitionist drive to them. The attention is literally a tun on in a sexual way. It's a byproduct of their desire to constantly show themselves off to solicit better buyers than the one they are currently shacked up with. Breastfeeding in public in this age of sexual liberation and women's rights is not what it used to be, however it's often not easy to know who is doing it because it's a conscious decision of how they want to feed and raise their child and who is doing it because they want to tell everyone how empowered they are for whipping their tits out in public.
You know what I'd throw into the ground and stomp on?
>bottom statement redundant >90% of the time
it shouldn't be encouraged, because she shouldn't leave the house, she should stay at home to take care of the baby.
Nothing wrong with public watersports. I'm being oppressed and must be brought beautiful women to piss upon in public
It's fine, the kid has to eat.
since when is breastfeeding a liberal or feminist ideal? how do you breastfeed an aborted fetus?
>No dad in sight
>Wearing a nice top and lovely necklace
She's just getting ready to go out with friends!
Heck yes! I like your style! Babies gotta eat too. There isnt anything wrong with it in my opinion.
My hand is making many expressions now.
Most of them involve religious slaughter of racetraitors.
That's unusual for a Canadian
When you swallow the redpill these images become from rage inducing to hilarious
Literally nothing of value was lost
As long as you don't breastfeed a nigga it's ok
>What's Sup Forums's stance on public breastfeeding?
What is a mother's stance on me staring in a creepy manner?
There are only two things I hate more than coalburners. Halfbreeds and Jews.
>What's Sup Forums's stance on public breastfeeding?
I have no problem with public breast feeding as long as they have no problem with me watching, and masturbating.
Why do they always get upset when I whip my dick out in public, and perform a natural bodily function to relieve myself?
public breasfeeding is the ultimate redpill
K but I don't have to avert my fucking eyes, you're in public. I can look...it's in public. I should be able to come up to you and have a conversation with your titty out.
I like it.
I told the same to the cop and he was like sorry sir but this is Possession with intent to distribute, fuck that guy.
What "climate change"?
I don't get it, what's so hot about breastfeeding?
Exactly, the amount of looks I've gotten in public by doing what you described made me uncomfortable. It's not like I was the one breastfeeding or anything.
shameful breastfeeding in public
Fine if it's a white baby.
>qt girl like tha
coalburning borderline fat butterface a qt?
Maybe in bumfuck Tennessee
Is that her Service Monley?
Slide thread. Fuck off with your miscegenist threads dirty nigger. Also sage.
Look at that kids hair, its not a niglet or even a mexican its worse he's indian.
If you want to do it, then just fucking do it and fuck off.
Stop taking pictures of it.
Stop tweeting about it.
Stop writing goybook posts about it.
Stop telling people about it.
Just fucking do it and move on. No one fucking cared until they started forcing everyone to "accept" it as if anyone anywhere was complaining except under unusual circumstances.
As usual women just want attention for something that isn't special and want to play the victim card in order to look brave for doing everyday things. They are pretending it is controversial by cherry-picking the dozen examples of people getting upset and pretending men are a monolith.
Remove kebab. Fuck off roach. Still sageing.
- Pro breast feeding in public if she uses a cover/blanket
- Not so pro race mixing
>breastfeeding zoo animals
wow what a catch
Comments are amazing.
My wife is breastfeeding my daughter (2 months old), and she seems to understand there's a time and place, as well as a method for good manners. She uses one of those thin cloth things to give her and the baby privacy.
The people trying to appropriate this as some kind of feminist power move are delusional.
This is how aids got started.
>hand expression
The physical act of love.
Nice, would like to try sometime.
And liberals wonder why Trump won.
Oooh fresh milk, me likeyy
>get to suck tits
>gf/wife will be relieved
>gf/wife will enjoy it too
>receive nourishment and pleasure
I'm for it if she brought enough for everyone.
Breastfeeding like OPs pic is only acceptable if the mom is attractive
I'm indifferent to it
Maybe that's the reason why Americans are so niggerized.
of all the fucking places where a woman can breastfeed, she chooses the supermarket?
that's plain exhibitionism and she's looking for an excuses
How large are your peperoni slices over there?
also it's degenerate when out in the open and visible like that
Aren't you guys more into fresh cow piss?
Fucking typical leaf.
Thanx for fucking with muh YouTube algrithms