Senate Votes To Strip Internet Privacy

Not just your chrome browser history. Employers can background check your internet history from your fucking ISP.

What the actual fuck guys


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Get fucked.

Here's one with just the yes vote.

They will be able to see every post I've ever made on Sup Forums

wtf i hate republicans now

Please give tl:dr for the new rules.

>Both of my Senators voted Yea

I hope they like looking at porn and weeb shit.

its almost like they want the civil war to happen

>Sup Forums will defend this

They've literally always been able to do this. Stop getting triggered over nothing.


then what was this law you fucking inbred faggot

Stop being a retarded liberal. Access to the internet is a service you pay for, not some magical safe space that is a natural human right.

god dammit. we are fucked with either party.

these cocksuckers should hang.

>not voting

what the fuck, Rand?

Try to prevent them from being able to do this you fucking retard.

You would be a liberal if you supported this you fucking idiot.

Does this mean we now need to pay isp to not sell our browsing data?

If Access to the internet is a service, then the ISPs are liable for all the viruses and child porn that my computer downloads. They were complicit.

If ISPs are a common carrier, then they don't have the right to search through shit like that for a 3rd party, they are just the messenger and breaking the wax seal means they are out of a fucking job.

They want to have their cake and eat it too.
problem solved

If my employers want to put in all that time to find out I watch trap hentai then so be it jokes on them

>implying that tor isn't a FBI honeypot

> tfw your senators got this one right but have fucked everything else in your state up

No we won't.

Trump please veto this faggotry.

Feds have no authority to regulate local ISPs

you're confused with words son. check the senators who voted for this. all republicans. we the right wing are happy about this because we're all about business. fuck you and your privacy

It's a one party system. They keep it going by tricking people into picking a team every four years.

He won't. He's never been on the right side of this.

>tfw we should have elected the Randlet

Using Private/ Incognito so they have nothing against me

You do fucking realize you go straight to watchlist if you just write 'Tor' into the search engine? Goddamn you people.

How high up do on the ladder do you have to be to not be affected by this? I presume politicians is safe?

>corrupt republicans

>he still thinks Druumpf is on Sup Forums's side

Democrats freed the slaves? No. Republigoyim have you be theirs. Always have been the fat ass illiterate statist party



Not only that.
They can profile you for your porn consumption.
Dragon dildo advertisement will pop up in any page you visit.
Everyone will know you are a degenerate.
Your insurance company will know that and will charge you more because some shitty science publication says fapping to hentai reduces life expectancy.
Every advertising company will know you post rare pepes on the Internet.
Nobody will want to hire you because of that.
Nobody will want to make business with you because you are an "alt-right troll".

You can't defend this.

You can be profiled with a precision of above 99% using a correlation of many other factors, like the browser you use, the OS you use, your screen resolution, etc. I don't remember where I read a paper detailing that.

Reminder feinstein votes against it,therefore its good

>Before the FCC's 2015 Open Internet Order, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was the primary regulator of companies' privacy and data security practices. The FTC had the authority to bring enforcement actions against companies who engaged in "unfair and deceptive practices." The 2015 reclassification of broadband providers removed internet service providers (ISPs) from the FTC's jurisdiction. On April 20, 2016, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed a rule applying privacy requirements of the Communications Act to Internet Service Providers (ISPs). However, the proposed rule would not apply to edge providers and web sites, like Facebook and Twitter, since they still fall under the FTC's authority.
As you know, Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona introduced S.J. Res. 34 on March 7, 2017. This resolution would repeal the FCC's privacy rules. I do not believe a two-track system in which the FCC regulates ISPs while the FTC monitors the rest of the internet ecosystem is good for consumers. For this reason I cosponsored S.J. Res 34.

>mfw searched about the "Tor Vergata" university

Just goes to show that mainstream political parties will NEVER change.
Make your own political parties and get your own representation in, GOP and DNC scum will never truly fight for your interests

>democrats still voted for it

E mail them
Call them
Use tweets or facejew

Tell them you will never vote for them again. Let them know they fucked up.

The bill still hasn't passed the house. Contact your reps, tell them how you feel. Don't take this shit passively. I sent hate mail to my congressman that should get me on a watch list yesterday over this.

D-WA Murray voted for it

Captcha :internet carrer

Or just let states regulate ISPs

>implying they didn't do this already

This already happens. Everyone sells your information whenever they can. I hate it and wish it wasn't a thing but literally everyone who can do it does it.

I don't know much about the laws ISP's have to follow and don't know if you're right but I'm pretty sure there's some restrictions ISP's should have. I believe they're due for a reclassification and revamping the regulations they have in general because the current ISP issue in the US is horrible.

There are bigger problems and this isn't it. A push needs to be made to fix the ISP situation then we can worry about the minor details. Unless they keep doing shady shit.

fire up those twitter bots /guys/ and tell Emperor Trump to Veto this garbage

Stop making fucking excuses commie. 46 is a high percentage of nays. If they owned the chamber you could still shitpost. Oh well. If common law takes away your 2A because of commas. He hasn't stopped anything else. He annexed us. He is a globalist. You love Bibi so you love him

but now it's legal. there's a distinction

It comes right from his orange ass face

>republican shill arrives

Good thinking kamerad

You could fucking code your own browser from scratch and it wouldn't change a damn thing. The ISP will still know where you're sending/receiving packets to/from. If you're not in the US but you're sending/receiving packets to/from a server in the US, they know.

The difference is that now it has been acquired through "legitimate" means and would be admissible in a court of law.

fellow CA bro?

Nice reading comprehension not surprised you vote Republican


>what is a vpn

If any of them have children remind them that they could be affected by this as much as anyone else. You really think 14 year olds are going to consider the implications of their browsing history 5 years down the line?

so, no one will ever be hired again?


>republicans for bigger government

the fuck

They dont know who is using the computer

I'm implying that both party's are fucking stupid.

normies will have it easier

(((Merchants))). Usuerers

So now my boss who leaves early to go home and fuck his mistress before his wife gets home can tell that I browse Sup Forums and porn at home.

Big fucking deal.

Yeah i know. Because that is the shit you pull in a duopoly. 46 nays from a minority. Swept to power to pass this with fat orange zionist cucks. You listened too much to the yarmulkes on here

If you have a bone to pick with someone or a person is rich, what's stopping you from buying their history and then blackmailing them or using it to otherwise ruin their lives?

So now you have to prove reasonable doubt when they previously had fucking nothing because you can't be compelled to testify against yourself.

This is authoritarian garbage and it's the kind of shit that creates Timothy McVeigh's.

They wont have data on individual users just households

Oh fuck I used rutracker a few times am I a russian hacker now? Fug

Could somebody explain why in your country when come rich ass company talk with senator and gives him $$$ to vote its called "lobby" but in the rest of the world its called bribery



I hope someday my to-be employer sits me down and explains to me why the cant hire me because I have spent time playing Euphoria

welp time to get a vpn again

The moved the regulation to the FTC which isn't staffed with telecom yes men.

They did privacy a favour you fucking morons.

Nothing to hide goyim. He is degenerate too. But lobbied to pass this. He will stare at your penis. Ban it. And watch your politics. In order to huck some wares. Spy on you. Censor you. And worse

Isn't this only in the US?

Everybody is already on the watch lists. Sort of ruins the purpose of a watch list, but that's the sort of thing I expect from government work.

Sounds like a lot of effort. Why not just throw a commercial on Fox?

>not just using TAILS

>removing regulations is authoritarian
Why would I be in court anyway?
What are you even talking about?

>fiat money is phree speech
>muh phreedumbs
>muh phree speech

for starters

Kek help us.


also for now, other countries are "safe"

You're so thick and dense and a paid liar. The exact opposite to what this board ever says in majority is the truth
Rightists. Just like haavara. Just like pink swastika

Even better. You think any of them want to deal with the shitshow because little Timmy browsed /d/ once at home?

Turn tls on. They can't see shit then. Just that you've been here.

Wtf I HATE republicanspeech now

How many services do you use on a daily basis have servers in the US?

>"removing regulations is authoritarian"
That's like saying removing the 5th amendment wouldn't be an authoritarian move because you're "getting rid of regulations" even though it has the explicit purpose of protecting privacy rights.

lol oh look the repubs sold you out again

So when your son searches up "naked 12 year old" on google images it's gonna be the dad's responsibility?
shit I'm never having kids

>not hihg

Please explain how this is authoritarian

>Republicans want to give me more targeted advertisements
>Democrats want to give me more shitskins

Woah this is a tough one guise, it reallllly made me think.

>you listened too much to the yarmulkes on here
I think for myself you fucking beaver.

Time to start using TOR for literally everything I guess.



Please explain how i need to go back to work now and that cows are presently trampling Jerusalem and that the red dragon has appeared


Mostly Republicans... Typical