Political reasons or something unrelated?
Also It's /our guy's/ birthday today
Political reasons or something unrelated?
Also It's /our guy's/ birthday today
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That's one of the most cucked things I've ever read. Holy fucking shit.
hahahaha jontron btfo
maybe he will have to make more than one video a month. boo hooo
>Harboring spite for a company you probably had good ties with as a whole until they got pressured by the sj(e)ws to cut you from a game
>until they got pressured by the sj(e)ws
What if the design team just didn't want to be associated with him?
Imo they shouldn't let entitled whiny teenagers make their decisions
Yeah it's more likely the design team shares the view of the sjws at this point.
>harboring spite for a company that publicly denounces you
yeah sounds stupid
JonTard BTFO
This picture is posted all the time. It's always in the context of saying this team is SJW. I have never been given a reason, no matter how many times I ask, as to why. The closest I get is "They have beards".
The game was shit, they're failures. I think that's as far as it goes though user.
>unrelated image.jpg
Then why bring it up at all? What makes you think they're SJWs?
That's Hello Games, it's not the same company in the least.
Then please explain the picture. I've heard
>They have the nu-male beard so I know their political views
at least a dozen times. I just want answers.
no thats professional you NEET shit.
His job is his inet persona and stuff, thats called being a pro.
Just the vibe they give off, i guess.
Oh shut the fuck up with this /ourguy/shit, he's a faggot video gamer, he isn't our guy
theres no answer mate, it just works with the rethoric just like the muslim chick pic from the london attack.
After so long. My quest was meaningless.
The way forward and the experience along the way is the goal. theres no endgoal, just enjoy the ride and be the best man you can be.
Its an endless circle.
welp, its official
they replaced jontron with emptyhero because they thought that he was actually black
here's a voice clip leaked from a developer's twitch stream.
I made it about 30 minutes into his 'debate' with Destiny before I had to tap out. Does it get any better or does he just stumble over himself talking to this retard for another hour and a half?
he is most of the baby faggots /guy/ here. This board is full of 18 year olds.
>current year
>enjoying anything
Stop shilling your shit channel, Sup Forumsscum.
>doesn't understand acting professional
Found the leftist
That you even have to ask... I hope you never procreate.
Because I'm willing to give them the benifit of the doubt?
>culture has no effect on politics
Yeah, right, because the left totally didn't manage to take over Hollywood and colleges.
>see a rally of KKK members in white hoods
>you can guess their views
>see gathering of men wearing the cuck uniform
>you can guess their views
You're right, they may not all be cucks, but they're wearing the uniform.
He's already a meme, where have you been?
The nu-male beard is red hair dye for men
it's the same reason why 95% of women with dyed red hair are feminists, they lack an individual identity