The hatred for Muslims is rising again since the London attack on Wednesday.But who introduced mass immigration into our countries? who controls our TV stations, movies, newspapers, publications?
Muslims are subhuman inbreds who are simply being controlled by ((them)) to take over Europe and we must never forget that.
You people got JEWED into thinking that Muslims are the problem
Nice try Muhammad. Muslims are shit and are hated because they're shit, on a personal level they're much worse then Jews. I'd know since I live with both. There's a reason the governments and media are trying to silence all criticism of Islam and yet anyone could criticize Israel. But yeah sure be a cuck and spread your asscheeks to Muslims who will destroy your nations and number in the millions because 10 kikes let him in with the approval of your own cuck country.
>Ignore Western Defence Corps and Coporations profiting from war.
>Ignore western Allied links to Saudi and other State funders of Terrorism.
>Ignore Historic involvement in the region.
>Ignore Western links to the Mujahideen during the cold war.
>Rambo 3.
>Ignore Western Intelligence support for groups that Became/support ISIS.
>Ignore Big Oil interests.
>Create a distraction,
>Absorb the blowback.
>Keep supporting oppression, dictators and Regressive Muslim monarchs who kill intellectuals, secularists and pro-democracy groups.
Keep letting your deep state apparatus off the hook.
Muslims are subhuman monkeys and kikes are disgusting parasites. Kill them all.
Sup Forums Is a Trumpist board, and we support Israel and do not hate Jews. Radicals like Muslims and Ethnic Nationalists need to go.
Muslims may be savages, but there's nothing wrong with them if they stay in their own countries. This shouldn't justify our continued bombing of the middle east, which creates these terrorists in the first place. Maybe if you retards realized that our governments are funding and supporting ISIS you would see it more clearly.
like this retard. kill yourself my dude.
>destroying every thing they touch
>killing women for nothing
>work hard in society
>voted for trump
Nu/pol/ stands with Israel.
As embarrassing as it gets.
>But who introduced mass immigration into our countries? who controls our TV stations, movies, newspapers, publications?
Liberals, dummy
Do you know who blames the Jews for everything? Muslims.
Try harder, faggot.
>the amount of proxy samefagging ITT
>>work hard in society
>>voted for trump
Fact is Jews contributed greatly to science and arts wherever they went.
Muslim? Nothing.
> Irish people are STILL salty that people voted not be a part of the shit house that is Ireland
All of my keks
Why the hell are we constantly being fed good Jewish superiority meme? I think the Jews are spreading it themselves.
>The two countries with the largest Jewish population have relatively poor living standards compared to other Western nations
>Jews can't into just relaxing and enjoying life like whites and always have to fuck things up with wars and SJW shit
>The actual IQ of Jews is 110 based on studies with reasonably sized samples and not 130 which comes from a study with like 30 participants.
>A ten point difference can be accounted for partially by their wealth and education and obsession with IQ tests.
>If you just killed off all the retarded whites then we too would have an avg of >110
>Bob Dylan won the Nobel prize therefore the Nobel prize is not a proper gauge of achievement but obviously includes some interesting bias.
>Even if Jews had an avg IQ of 130 there would still be more white geniuses on earth.
>Jews can't have any genes that whites don't also have, they can only have a greater concentration of them in their population.
>Jews have completely fucked Hollywood and they are ruining video games too with their greed and nepotism
>Jews suffer from more diseases then whites.
>Most great musicians and writers are not Jewish.
Why do I see people shilling so hard for Jewish supremacy? Am I actually supposed to believe that these nuerotic psychopaths are superior in any way to whites when countries like Norway and Sweden have the best living standard in the world.
Jews seem to fuck up everything they touch.
you must be new here
What are you talking about? Sup Forums is full of STORMNIGGERS that worship Islam and Muslims.
When I first started talking to stormniggers on Youtube in 2009, I was astonished at how much they worshiped Islam and Muslims. Why do they do that?
Yes, Jews own the western world. Doesn't mean that I automatically have to kiss brown ass just because a bunch of autistic stormniggers on the internet think Muslims are nice, moral people. Muslims are not nice and they are not moral, and neither are Jews.
If you're too autistic to understand that just because Jews are bad it doesn't mean Muslims are good, then you need to go back to Stormfront and stay there.
Muslims and Jews are both Semitic scum. Mudslimes are just exploding Kikes.
Islam is not based. It is just another Jewish plot.
W-we have to stop the Muslims, they won't let me have a black bull for my fat wife!
Liar. Sup Forums never supported Jews until it became apparent that Trump is a zionist cocksucker. Now because your God Emperor supports them, you fall in line like a fucking beta male celebrity worshiper.
Sup Forums is a jewish board
A lot of leftists are not Jews but working hard for Muslim immigration still
Shut up kike, you're not fooling anyone
I'm british but its pretty scummy how Britain tried to draw NI as big as possible while keeping a slim proddie majority
You'd think someone that rich would fix their fucking teeth and face.
It's the only way they think they can get support in "race realist" movements. By claiming they're "inherently superior therefore people should just bow down to them". It's pathetic.
They know they can't play the victim card to get sympathy so they push the meme that "they're just that good and you should accept it".
>"The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They have developed no science, have produced no art, have built no great cities, and alone have no talent for the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim to be the torchbearers of civilization, but thorough their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed every nation in which they have existed in large numbers." ~ Charles A. Weisman (Jew)
>“Jewish history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world.” ~ Samuel Roth (Jew), “Jews Must Live,” page 18.
>"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).
And who's controlling those none Jewish leftists?