>The goal is to humanise the terrorist, so to speak, and to dare to do it. Daring to ensure that the terrorist is a human being, he says, and continues to clarify his point.
>The goal is to humanise the terrorist, so to speak, and to dare to do it. Daring to ensure that the terrorist is a human being, he says, and continues to clarify his point.
Fucking despicable. Sweden should create a secret police whose only job is murdering every single person who has fought for the Islamic State.
what are you waiting for, user? take your country back
I would start rolling if a terrorist attack takes place in that theater. You couldn't make it up if it happens.
DARE to DO IT Svenhommad
I fucking dare you
It would truly be perfect. Would they wake up then?
Sweden, please do something. You're making genuine apologies for people who outright want to murder you and are happy to speak at great lengths about it.
SÄPO has files on all ISIS fighters in Sweden. They refuse to share this information with the municipalities (who are forced to take care of them) and certainly wouldn't share it with the public. I believe SÄPO should "accidentally" leak this and allow vigilante justice to take place.
Not at all impossible that it will happen, there are more ISIS fighters from Gothenburg than from the USA. Not even making this up.
Hate can only be fought with love, user.
Can we all agree to nuke Sweden?
It worked out to Japan, mostly.
this triggers me
Fuck you, with a pike.
I'd love for Sweden to continue existing.
Interestingly, my part of USA has a solid little Swedish colony of sorts, Swede-descended locals who still fly the flag of the old country and are proud of their roots. It's sad to think that little spots like this could become the only remaining reminders of former Swede culture
The day of reckoning cannot come sooner, Stockholms blodbad 2.0 is going to be glorious. All the multicult leftists are getting what the deserve.
gave me a chuckle
In theory this is great, and as a Christian I believe everyone can be redeemed, but let's face it, sometimes people are monsters, and must be executed. Terrorists are example A.
Just all meet up somewhere, gather more sympathizers and when your confident in your numbers, night of long knives
>as a Christian I believe everyone can be redeemed
Not really Christian myself, but I always liked this attitude they have, even though it's to a fault sometimes. Everyone deserves a chance, not sure about infinite chances.
>Absolut, men på samma sätt som IS-krigaren avhumaniserar sin fiende för att kunna begå de illdåd dem gör, så är det lätt att avhumanisera de som åker här i från också. Då kommer vi inte åt själva kärnan i problemet, säger Johan Gry.
>Absolutely, but the same way as the IS warrior dehumanizes his enemy to be able to commit the misdeeds that they do, that's how easy it is to dehumanize those who travel from here [to fight for IS] as well. Then we don't reach the core of the problem, Johan Gry [writer of the play] says.
So the message here is: If you are offended by the play and believe people who fight for IS shouldn't be treated as human beings, then you are no better than the IS terrorists yourself. Touché!
You should be given a second chance if you display some form of genuine remorse over what you have done, and understand why it was wrong for you to do so in the first place. The IS terrorists have done none of this. They traveled to Syria to murder innocent people and force their violent religious cult onto other people, and when they were defeated they fled back to Sweden to receive medical care, housing, financial aid and a refuge from the people in the country that they terrorized who would surely execute them had they stayed. Nothing in this situation indicates they have even lost their loyalty to the Islamic State. This isn't deserving of a second chance. They should be locked up at the very least to prevent them from committing further acts of terrorism and then be severely punished for the atrocities they have committed, judicially or extrajudicially if the legal system is incapable of taking care of it.
t. Sven Trudeau
No disagreements here.
I hate you
I love how Trump bans countries Iran who for being a muslim country has few terrorist attacks.
But does not include Sweden who openly house and finance terrorism.
The nasty surprises all those cocky swedish girls
But the terrorist is already a human???
It's just a human we really really hate?
>mfw Sweden starts up taxpayer funded ISIS veterans pensions.
When will Sweden go on streets and protest in great numbers? Not doing anything i will just assume that it's what they want.
Are you a unitarian or some shit?
Also speaking of this topic, i think Sweden should be included in the travelplan so the rich cuckjews understand what they are doing with this country.
Travelban* not travelplan kek
It's Saudi money in action.
Can they do one were the nordic front gets humanised too?
Fuk this shit man, i will round up 10 fucking gypos and we are coming there to exterminate you all.
Well iam not surprised, I guess the black gold still weighs more than reason for some.
>When will Sweden go on streets and protest in great numbers?
Never if they haven't already. Thinking they will fight back anytime is just living in denial that they are already too far into the cycle of insanity to come back.
>The goal is to humanise the Nazi, so to speak, and to dare to do it. Daring to ensure that the Nazi is a human being, he says, and continues to clarify his point.
The only one who can save your country is you, Sven. High time to grow some balls.
fuck I dont know man, I would like to think Sweden could take two nukes to the anus and come back better, but at this point it might only serve as a warmup
>literal throat cutting ISIS members
>"the goal is to humanise the terrorist"
>Pic related
i litterally want to fucking die
>>The goal is to humanise the terrorist,
Goal is clearly to desensitize normies
kek wills it. Take a couple of muzzies with you too.
The X-Files already tried to do this last year in an episode called Babylon. The hilarious thing is that everyone just called it Islamophobic because it had Islamic terrorists in it and everyone knows that they don't exist.
Achievement unlocked. New goal is to make sweden brown.
I see the propaganda is working on you Sven. Kill yourself and give your women to achmed you racist white male Nazi. Don't make a mess when you do it either, achmed doesn't want a cleaning bill for Helgas burka.
>Expecting Swedes to protest against it
They fucking voted for it, so no you will never see that happen.
Just get the popcorn, some whiskey and try to enjoy the show from afar.
>Thinking the happening will come with huge explosions everywhere and mass destruction
>Not realising it's a decades long low intensity happening of smaller more regular attacks that desensitise us until we become completely apathetic
the goal is to humanize the terrorist so to speak
the goal is to humanize the terrorist if you will
the goal is to humanize the terrorist or what have you
the goal is to humanize the terrorist more or less
the goal is to humanize the terrorist to an extent
the goal is to humanize the terrorist or something like that
My point is that you won't see Swedes go out with signs to protest, The Swede does not have time for silly stuff like that he reasons.
However when the system collapses you will see the other side of the Swede which you have not seen for a long time.
Question is when?
I doubt that.
We should have seen that side of Sweden when Malmo became rape capital.
I have almost 100 + pics of "Sweden YES" to prove you wrong.
I wish what you say is true but the "Sweden is gonna rise" is just a meme.
We keep talking about the collapse and after that happens people will wake up. The current system may manage to keep itself going for many years yet holding on by it's fingernails and eventually using police state tactics to ensure its survival. There is a large chance the collapse won't happen, at least not in the way we'd like to see it. If the current system can hold on kind enough then they will ensure a large number of people in the west are now mixed race, non white or Muslim approaching 50% in some countries. After that they will be more able to vote in overtly communist or islamist governments. Then it's over. No take back, no happening (at least one where we come out on top). Then native white/Christians are the persecuted minority with no state support.
>I have almost 100 + pics of "Sweden YES" to prove you wrong
Can I have a .zip of that mayne
Well it will be too late when he rises, There is too many backups for the system so it will never collapse the way we want, But if it did collapse without anything saving the system then it would be a completely different story.
Hate comes from the wellspring if love
No it can't
Sweden can recover
This is the difference between American and other countries of the West. We have the 2nd Ammendment, and if/when things get as bad as they are in Sweden we'd have gangs of Patriots running around going Boondock Saints on the terrorists' asses.
this is a great initiative
not memeing
if you can't see how it could be helpful/worthwhile to be able to empathize with the enemy you're an idiot
you are the meme
quality bait.
nice argument
sensationalist press about literally nothing, trying to rile up anti-Swedish and anti immigrant sentiment. Russian shill or just idiot?
did you even read the article?
det är bokstavligt talat bara en teateruppsättning om en jihadist. jag fattar inte vad problemet är över huvud taget
No everyone just hates you and your migrant bullshit
It's not even quality bait
Are you in SD?
exactly, we're guilty before being tried, we're guilty by default.
speisa has an agenda aimed at us, this is known. what they're reporting on here is really just a healthy country being healthy, but Sup Forums just jumps at the opportunity to shit on sweden
Wait, did they just make a backhanded comment by saying that terrorists aren't human and that they must be made such? Whoops!
No you suck ass
are you having a stroke?
>Bara en teateruppsättning där man försöker få fienden att verka human.
Du förstår väl att vi befinner oss i krig med dom här jihadisterna? Vi ska inte humanisera dom utan vi ska utrota dom från denna planet så fort som möjligt, En teateruppsättning som försöker att vända sympati för fienden skall inte tolereras - Tolerance of the intolerant will be the end of civilization.
Hoppas verkligen du baitar för din egen skull.
I think the truly sad thisng is that i get it. I get why the terrorists hate our nations, I hate what the west has become too. While i advocate to remove kebab i am afraid that if we ever manage to do it it will be under the banner of preserving this rotten feminised society we have become. I honestly can't see a true winning scenario, it will either be removing kebaba and staying pozz, or having kebabs make the place a shithole.
God im so fucking black pilled today.
To be honest, I thought all the shit happening in Sweden was just an over-exaggerated meme.
At least until Tim Pool went there to investigate. Tim Pool isn't a biased journalist. He exposed how far left the media is and how they're covering up immigration related crimes that are on the rise.
No one cares though. That's the worst part about his report, no one gives a fuck. Life's going on like normal for Sweden and the politicians.
>The goal is to humanise the terrorist, so to speak, and to dare to do it. Daring to ensure that the terrorist is a human being, he says, and continues to clarify his point.
dom är våra fiender, det är det ingen som förnekar, men "sympati" är inte ett ord som nån från teaterns håll använt, det kom speisa med. Man kan humanisera nån utan att sympatisera med den, och generellt är jag klart för att humanisera fienden. Jag tror den förblir fienden även om man förstår sig på den och dess motiv bättre, jag tror man är kapabel att hålla isär förståelse och sympati.
Because of faggots like
>things as bad as Sweden
Have you ever even been to an East coast inner city? The entirety of America is 40 years past Sweden
still not a single argument out of your ass
To make white people feel guilty for being white. That's the trend and world we live in today. White people are supposed to feel guilty for shit they weren't around to witness or take part in.
>Did you just get a job? How dare you. That job could've gone to an oppressed black person that had no intention of applying for the job
>Do you enjoy a movie with a primarily white cast? Racist
>Did you assume someone's ethnicity or gender? Typical white male
>Did you just explain something to a woman? Mansplainer
Everything today is political correctness and revolves around making white people feel guilty for all the world's problems.
The part I love about all of that is
>Majority white areas cost a lot of money to live in, are crime free, safe to walk around in, have high life expectancy and a lot of things to do
to tolerate them killing everyone.
your existence is my argument you fucking cuck
Solution: take out the most pozzed traitors in fake islamist attacks
bare lev rigtigt selv
resten klarer sig selv
fucking cool guy this, he doesn't afraid of anything
seriously though kill yourself asap.
You can try user, and indeed it seems that that's exactly what you are trying, but in that scenario hate would win by total knockout. The burgers didn't win the war against us by wearing "don't tax me" wristbands
>you don't have an argument
>le kill yourself faggot
The fact I can't tell if you're baiting or not is a fucking problem, sven. Fix your fucking country.
I'm not baiting, I think you should kill yourself
jesus christ
Well they organized a teaparty for you in Boston, Wasn't that love?
Problemet är att vi befinner oss i ett läge där vi har IS dårar på vårat territorium, Om vi gör deras verksamhet legal så blir det ett problem.
Att sedan göra teater där man talar om fienden som om dom vore människor är direkt avskyvärt, Man spär på elden helt enkelt.
Don't be so islamophobic
Why don't you organise a tea party in Rosengard and let us know how it goes
Well they don't have entire tradeships with it in the harbor, so that will be hard.
So we have to use conventional methods to fix that problem.
Like deporting all of the cuckslims.
There are so many incidents recently where I don't know anymore, if should laugh, rage or cry.
All I know is: Hitler did (almost) nothing wrong.
Ah there's a bit of life in you yet old boy! Spiffing!
The civilized west everybody