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Genocide of Males
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is fine
We can't allow men to end like this.
>Men's sperm production is decreasing rapidly and the scientific community is struggling to find an explanation, writes Dr Phil Hammond
Sup Forums's only solution is "hahaha just man up bro forget all the other factors just man up".
Nevermind the fact that men are hindered on a chemical, hormonal level as well as with laws and social stigmas against us, no, Sup Forums just thinks we shouldn't even try to change all that. We should just "man up" and try not to change anything and we should validate a corrupt society.
Fuck you, Sup Forums.
Too many newfags who are literally fags.
This shit is EVERYWHERE, you can't escape it. Thermopaper is literally coated with BPA.
it's genocide of male's lineage, nobody will notice this because the newborns are still ~1/2 male
>A 1995 study showed that liquid from canned foods can become estrogenic (19). Canned foods such as peas, corn, green beans, baby formula, and condensed milk were gathered from grocery stores in Spain and the U.S. They were then tested on their estrogenic effects using a human breast cancer assay. The experimenters also ran a chemical analysis of the liquid from the cans. The study found that all liquids that contained Bisphenol A had an estrogenic effect on human breast cancer cells. The study also linked the canning method of autoclaving as a possible means for Bisphenol A being transferred from the resin can-coating into the food product itself.
>These estrogenic effects can be detrimental to sperm production and viability, and this is why Bisphenol A poses a threat to human reproductivity. The following graph shows the effect of differing concentrations of Bisphenol A on sperm counts:
But why does Sup Forums advocate such an effemimate solution to all of this? Why does Sup Forums not want to directly go after the source of all these problems? Sup Forums essentially advocates blind male servitude.
And people wonder why undeveloped countries have higher birth rates...
Ignorance is bliss.
>Thermopaper is literally coated with BPA.
This includes receipts you get in a store. Try not to touch them too much.
>fig1: Effects of BPA and E2 on (a) cauda epididymal sperm counts, (b) relative body weight, (c) testis weight, (d) epididymis weight, and (e–l) the cauda epididymis histology with or without ICI 182780 pretreatment. Rats were treated with BPA (0, 2, 20, 200μg/kg/d), E2 (10μg/kg/d), or BPA 200 and ICI (500μg/kg/d) for 60 days. Bars represent the mean±S.E.M. (n=eight rats per group), *P
I don't want to derail the thread away from it's impact on males, because this is incredibly important. Just wondering if these xenoestrogens are also responsible for females hitting puberty and developing at increasingly younger ages.
These chemicals, and their prevalence in the face of so much evidence on their dangers is rather alarming.
Indeed. There is BPA-free thermopaper but it's more expensive.
>Bisphenol A Induces Superfeminization in the Ramshorn Snail
Very likely imo, as there has no other reason been found for the earlier onset of puberty in females.
The "male genocide" title is of course dramatizing, this is an issue that affects everyone.
>Sup Forums just thinks we shouldn't even try to change all that
of course we're trying to change that where we can but if you keep complaining all your life, what have you reaped?
Polacks should stop to hinder themselves until society is perfect again because this will never happen. Exploit the current situation to the best avail.
>Environmental chemicals, and particularly estrogen-mimicking, “gender-bending” chemicals that easily leach out of the products that contain them, are a likely culprit; this includes phthalates, parabens, PFOA, bisphenol-A (BPA) and more (these environmental chemicals are also linked to other health risks like cancer and heart disease)
90% of Sup Forums won't even acknowledge that it's a problem. The implications are too large.
I've been in conversations about this stuff over and over on here. I've explained twice in this thread how Sup Forums responds to all this. Nobody here really wants to fix anything, it's just "man up" and that's as far as the conversation goes. The rest of it is just shit flinging of insults and memes.
>A 2009 study found higher urinary concentrations in young children than in adults under typical exposure scenarios.[196][197] In adults, BPA is eliminated from the body through a detoxification process in the liver. In infants and children, this pathway is not fully developed so they have a decreased ability to clear BPA from their systems. Several recent studies of children have found levels that exceed the EPAs suggested safe limit figure.[175]
>Infants fed with liquid formula are among the most exposed, and those fed formula from polycarbonate bottles can consume up to 13 micrograms of bisphenol A per kg of body weight per day (μg/kg/day; see table below).[198] In the US and Canada, BPA has been found in infant liquid formula in concentrations varying from 0.48 to 11 ng/g.[199][200] BPA has been rarely found in infant powder formula (only 1 of 14).[199] The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) states that "the benefit of a stable source of good nutrition from infant formula and food outweighs the potential risk of BPA exposure".[201] BPA is present in human breast milk, having been found by several studies in 62–75% of breast milk samples.[202][203]
I tried, but Sup Forums is lost it seems.