Gay ex-altrighter

I don't love the Alt Right anymore.

Maybe I shoul support the Antifa even if we sometimes have disagreements. At least they actually like me. I used to be strongly loyal to Europa and everything, but supporting Trump was a mistake. I don't give a fuck anymore.

I even lost friends for being "a Nazi". I liked the Nazis a lot.

Look for new allies and friends because I no longer support you no mo. If you treat us like shit, then we don't like you. Maybe Israel isn't that bad since they have gay rights. If Pence wants to harm us, then I may shill for the left and the Jews instead.

You lost a friend.


Other urls found in this thread:

Adios, faggot

Fine. If you identify yourself solely by the fact that you take it up the ass, than you belong to the left.

Good thing you are leaving. You wouldn't have been much support when you die in a couple of years from aids anyways.


With Milo, we already have all the faggots we need. Bye bye.


Good. We don't need sodomites. And you can take that kike puppet trump with you.

Good riddance, faggot. Hopefully you get AIDS and die in a homeless shelter.



How can our movement survive without the support of pozzed sodomites? It's over. Time to pack it up and shut it down. We had a good run

Funny thing is that, on top of that, I'm not "white enough" because my eyes are brown and I will always be a shitskin to many of you. I will never be "white enough".


You will never see us as part of your racial family deep down, and to be honest, I even get tanned a little during the Summer. So why am I defending people who don't like me because I'm not enough perfect to them?

You know what? If you liked the Nazis so much then maybe you should have never bombed Dresden, America. Spain is shit, but at least we never attacked the Nazis. Go cry about muh white genocide somewhere else. It's your fault and we shitskins and faggots don't care.Jews won WWII and whites are pathetic. Now Jews own your gigantic army, the biggest on Earth.

Jews are the smartest race all in all.

I wish Iived in israel at least, then I'd have a job. I don't have to love a nation other whites hate because we're just another Mexico to them. And lol, supporting Pence and Trump even if Pence wants to torture us. And I told my Commiefornian friends to vote for Trump and everything.

Without Röhm Nazis had never ruled over Germany.

And so on.

Ungrateful pigs.

I think you are worrying a bit too much about what other people think, m8. And you might be being hard on yourself.

You sound depressed. I feel bad I was hard on you, user. There are better days ahead.

Buen bait Manolo, pero la siguiente vez aligera un poco con Israel y antifa, es un poco obvio.

I loved Trump, but it seems we faggots belong to Moloch Team rather than Kek Team. Fair enough. Then Moloch is my choice.

Oh, and Alan Turing gave you your computer and your Nazi forums. Without us you wouldn't even have a Nazi movement at all and you wouldt stay completely ignorant about what's happening, but when was the last time a fucking breeder was grateful? I'm starting to hate the white heterosexual man a little too. You're called oppressor for a reason.

After all the artists and intellectuals we gave to the West, and yet you hate us even more than the Muslims and the Jews, even if we like you, even if we fight for you, even if we defend you many times. Röhm was a martyr and we were great friends of both the West and the Nazis, but if this is how you treat us, if this what you think of us, then we don't fight for you anymore. We may fight for the enemies of the white race from now on as long as they protect us from you, you monster.

I don't see why I shouldn't prefer Soros over Pence, huh?

Maybe we should discuss who betrayed who, after all these years of blind loyalty to the loser of Hitler?

Blind loyalty is suicidal, follow Hitler to the grave for all I care. Being white is hard. Being gay is hard. Being an homosexual white male who fights for whites is utter Hell and you guys already made me choose between my love for Europa and my homosexuality. It's an horrendous moral dilemma.

I cannot change my homosexuality.

There are many things I can do for the Alt Right, but not changing my homosexuality, not even if I want to (I don't want to anymore). And you expect me to fight for you even if you almost prefer racial enemies who hate you over gays who love you?

Fuck off, mate.

Maybe I care too much about what other people think, but I don't have to do this anymore. Today is the day I permanently abandon Nazism. Laugh while you can, but you'll be massively outnumbered at Stalingrad a second time, and you deserve it.

Antifa are a bunch of 110 pound pussies loving in the mom's basement. But they think they are cool. KEK

Homosexuals are abominations.

Globalist shill, here. Serves you right, you fucking jackass.

Fuck off, commie fat virgin. No spanish in /polgbt/

>If you treat us like shit, then we don't like you.

Bye Felicia.

Your sexuality isn't a personality trait.


>Maybe I care too much about what other people think

You definitely do.

It's stopping you from being who you could be.

One day you'll see.

Yeah the Alt Right is full of neckbeards, people from R9K and losers. No seriously, it's full of insecure losers.

I used to be apart of this too. You people need to get out, live life and make some friends. Seriously, it's not too late no matter what you think.

good riddance faggot

Nigger half of us aren't even white. Did you even watch HWDU?

Look if you are willing and able to disavow facts and reason because some people don't like you then fuck off. You will not be missed.

Also now that you're leaving does this mean the Commie General threads will stop?

>using the "alt-right" meme unironically
>g-guys let's support Israel
>all this failed concern trolling
>I swear I used to believe this thing but then thing happened and now I don't like thing anymore
>I'm all about this whole "Nazi" thing when saying bad things about gay people is when I draw the line!

>when saying bad things about gay people is when I draw the line!

>but saying bad things about gay people is where I draw the line!*

Wow, this had the be the worst rebuttal post I've seen in a long time

Yes the alt right is a real thing. Or is that just fake news?

Fuck fags. Seek help or off yourself because you're just as mentally ill as trannies.

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:

Bye, don't let the door hit you on your way out and your new Muz friends toss you off a roof

why are you feds trying to farm gays anyway?

Don't conform to either side.
Neither side is your friend or ally, they're both useful idiots serving the larger purpose of eroding any unity among people and diverting attention away from the interests of the elite.
Think for yourself

It's fake news, an attempt to label the undefinable.

If you unironically identify as "alt-right" you are controlled opposition.

You just feed into Alinsky tactics. If they cannot define you, they cannot defeat you.

If you do not have hierarchy, they cannot hamstring you.

Do what you want, but understand that many of us are playing this game a few dimensions higher.

kill yourself

Ex-gay alt-righter. AMA

I learned my lesson, user.

Never again.

Now I can be fabulous instead. :)



You are fucking delusional, mate.

So you seriously take yourself for so important that you need to strike off a Sup Forums thread and whine about you leaving us? Just because we are not coddling you enough? You are what's wrong with gays. You solely define your entire raizon d'etre by being gay.

I'm a homo, mate and I wouldn't trade Sup Forums for the world. Maybe you just don't belong here. Go to reddit, sign up for the JIDF, go have yourself a ball and see you next week.

This is Sup Forums after all. You are here forever.

When did you start purchasing water filters?

Good. Fuck off faggot. You are a disease.

>you hate us
Who said we hate gays? Keep your private life private. Nobody can criticize or judge unless you are flaunting it for a reaction.
I think you are very angry at a boogeyman in your own mind. Antifa and the leftists want to embrace Muslims, who will KILL homosexuals. Would you rather be called a faggot by whoever or thrown off a building?

Aka, you're doing fucking nothing.

>Be faggot
>Act like a faggot
>Be surprised nobody likes faggots

Into the gas chambers you go.

One man's nothing is another man's everything.

>hate the white heterosexual man a little too
Ok gonna have to stop you right there

See, the issue is not really the white straight men. They're really just slaves to the pussy. They don't hate gay men because white straight men decided to hate gay men. They hate gay men because otherwise the straight white women would think less of them, and they want to fuck, so they'd do A N Y T H I N G to make themselves look manlier to straight women, and that includes hating gays.

But still... white straight men are not the biggest issue we face as gays.

Sure, white straight men are in power and they are usually the ones making sure laws that favor us don't pass or failing to make it so the system will protect us as much as it should protect any citizen.

But the ones actually killing us? Not whites.

We might end up in fights with whites IF we intentionally put ourselves close to them, but the ones who actually hunt us down are not white. And they are the real danger.

The whites might put us in the streets by firing gays or just not hiring gays, but we'll get stabbed by non-whites.

Whites are the ones who gave us everything we currently have. They're pretty much the ONLY ones who gave us anything, really.

I'm not saying we should just bend over and accept anything whites do, but you're insane if you think you'll have it better with, say, blacks.

The only non-whites who are somewhat nice to us are the true asians, and in their case it's mostly that they're very civilized and just hate us silently, but that's still better than being thrown off roofs or stabbed to death, isn't it? And these asians are just honorary whites anyway.

Bought a year ago. Started lifting and biking a few months back and my sex drive went through the roof and suddenly I wanted to fuck every woman I came across.

Never fucked/been fucked in the ass so at least I can chalk it up to teenage experimentation.

I've always been far right but now I consider myself a full on fascist.

Jesus Christ you are a self important faggot

>Never fucked/been fucked in the ass so at least I can chalk it up to teenage experimentation.

Can't really call you gay then, bicurious at best.

>Keep your private life private. Nobody can criticize or judge unless you are flaunting
You should know that it's impossible to keep something as big as this completely private.

Eventually someone will see that you happen to be married to someone of the same sex. Or that you happen to live together with someone of the same sex.

While you can be very discrete, eventually someone will know. It's not something that can be completely kept in the bedroom like eating feces, not unless you're one of those faggots who has no long term relationships, and those are a lot more harmful than the ones in stable relationships, for all of us.

Maybe you should tone down the double standard a bit. Your kind always thinks that straight people making out aggressively in public is fine, but two gay men holding hands are "pushing it down our throats".

It's true that it's possible to passively hide it pretty well, though, and that really does reduce problems to a minimum. But you can't hide it all unless you make it your life's mission and that's not really living.

Goodbye even other fags won't like you because your such a little bitch!

Spaniards really cant handle the bantz

Remember that scene in the matrix where Morpheus told the audience many will not accept the Red Pill and are not mentally strong enough to break free of their dependence on Cradle to Grave Statehood. You must be one of those people.

You are more interested in what other think about you then your own self interest and self esteem. You are unworthy and are low energy.

Or you are a CTR shill trying to inject cognitive dissonance into /pol./ Either way, good try.


>Eventually someone will see that you happen to be married to someone of the same sex. Or that you happen to live together with someone of the same sex.

In my experience it's never been an issue. People act differently once you tell them, only because they expect a certain archetype.

But neither one of us is flaming, we just don't see it as something that matters.

Who we fuck is not who we are.

Obvious bait. But generally if you're gay and not a total slut about it then I'll accept you as a fellow right-winger and treat you with respect, as will many others. But I'll never cuck for gay rights. And obviously if you are a degenerate standard fuckparty fag trying to pozz negholes then into the oven it goes.

>Who we fuck is not who we are.
it is if you choose to fuck dudes

Hi JDIF!!!!!
Israel has gay rights my... Sell your bullshit on plebbit
They make sure to discourage homos and mixed marriages in their ethnostate

>white straight men are in power

No, Jews are.

And you're disliked because you constantly push your shit on children, you are used to destroy the family unit, the institution of marriage, you promote homosexuality to kids and other people who would otherwise be fine with heterosexuality, your orientation includes not having children, a lot of you are obnoxious attention whores and leftists, etc.

Millionaire Gay Couple is Suing to Force a Church to Hold Their Wedding

Mozilla CEO resigns for being against gay marriage

New Mexico Supreme Court: Christian Photographers Must Shoot Homosexual Commitment Ceremony

Air Force Sergeant Claims He was Fired for Refusing to Endorse Gay Marriage: Faces Court Martial

Ashers Baking Company: 'Gay Cake' Row Could End Up in Court

Chaplains Group Investigating Claims Army Threatened Chaplain Over Facebook Post on Homosexuality

Denmark Forces Churches to Perform Same-Sex 'Marriages'

'Duck Dynasty' Star Suspended for Anti-Gay Remarks

Gay Couple Suing Church for Refusing Wedding

I should clarify, if the intention is to deliberately get a reaction so one can bitch and be an angry victim (this can be anyone really, feminist, furry lover, whatever) then they are pretty much wanting negative attention.
My observations for the most part is if you are living your life without looking for special attention, most people will leave you alone and go on with theirs. If they don't, then fuck them and don't waste any energy worrying about what they think.

I fucking hate autocorrect on my phone
>Op is still faggot & kike

You can't sue someone if they followed the law.

It's not our fault that people open up businesses with no intention of following the law.

Gays pay taxes that support these businesses as well. They don't get to discriminate right now.

We don't like you, and now Islam is going to kill you.

Do you have any idea how many gay men have contributed to society in the past?

You yourself mentioned Turing.

You think anybody would have even noticed if you hadn't been all "but muh public buttsex"? Think again.

But I know your type. You're here for the attention, to act like the big baddy wants you back so you can walk away throwing up your middle finger.

How dishonest. With behavior like that, you don't deserve to be here. Good riddance.

You'll go down to your grave knowing that you could have been here with us, but that it was your character that was found wanting.

Only a sith deals in absolutes.

A lot of these aren't actually laws, just public pressure incidents. Most of these are private companies that aren't state-funded.

And you and your leftist and Jewish masters are the ones pushing for these law changes forcing people to do whatever you want even if it's against what they want in the first place, so don't complain when people don't like you if you do that and sue everyone, then claim people only dislike you because "they want to look manlier to straight women".

This. This is the truth.

As a bi male I grown sternly upon you.

Stop "being gay" and be a normal, upstanding, citizen. Keep your sexuality in the bedroom and don't get so offended when people speak ill of the gay community.

I've been to San Francisco during parades, it's far too perverted and immoral, far too public and children are around too!

I speak loudly against such behavior but will not take offence when a straight person does because I see what they are talking about...I probably know better than them.

Get over yourself, fag, and buy an AR15 and train for civil war, not practice sex.

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:

We don't hate gays we hate faggots. Yeah there's always that one burgerfat troll but remember where you are here not every post represents the movement

If you're a proper gay who keeps his sex life private like most people do we're fine with you if you enjoy open public displays of sex and are super promiscuous then to be honest no we aren't that happy about that but that doesn't mean you can't change and we certainly aren't going to throw you off a roof for it

As for the electric pence stuff it's just a fucking meme. Remember again where on the Internet you are

You don't get to discriminate blacks in your private company's business. You don't get to discriminate gays in some places, either.

You want to defy these rules because you disagree with them? Best deal with the punishments as well.

Anything else and you just want to have your cake and eat it, too, just like the retards who want weed to be legal and until that happens they just break the law to get their weed. They don't get to complain when they get caught, and neither do these "christian" companies (which really only follow christianism's rules when it comes to gays, nothing else).

God what a slutty attention whore, at least post a pic.

>gay males

OP you sound kinda depressed, and I think you're being too hard on yourself.

First, you have fundamentally misunderstood the alt-right. Go listen to Jared Taylor some more. You're not Nordic/German, but that's neither a good or bad thing -- it's just differences. The fact that you have brown eyes is pretty common in Spain. There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's different peoples that evolved in different societies (or got raped by moors, same difference).

I don't hate gays, and to be quite frank, gays are the last thing Sup Forums should be arguing against. Being gay in itself isn't changing the demographics of your country. Being invaded by Indios and Hijabis is. Let's say I work with a gay person at my job. He mentions from time to time going to a concert or whatever with his boyfriend. I don't think too much of it. What matters is his work ethic and ability to get along with people, not his sexual orientation.

I support a traditional nuclear family. That's because I think it's the best way to ensure lasting happiness for both men and women. As a gay man, you don't fit into that, but you still have the freedom of association to make gay or straight friends. Live your own life.

I have a friend that's gay. But he's not overly flamboyant, and he keeps his cool. I don't care that he's banging a dude in his apt. And you shouldn't care what we think of you.

Pence is just an insurance policy by trump. Trump needed an insider to give him advice and also Trump knows the left isn't going to impeach or assasinate him because pence will be president

As for you not being white I'm just against large scale immigration in general to my country because it's fucking with us economically to have more immigrants per year than new jobs/housing units but considering you like to get tanned and stuff you probably didn't want to move to Canada anyway

>gay attention whore

Not surprise. Bye fag, sage.


Know that under full globalism everyone becomes a slave no matter what except those at the top which you're not getting to because it's basically off limits now

So go ahead fight for your own enslavement because a few anerifats on an anonymous image board made fun of you. Just know that once full globalism comes im going to die on my feet with a rifle in my hands and take as many slavers down with me as possible rather than live on my knees a nameless numbered slave. And yes I'm a gay myself difference between us is that I see beyond myself and see what truly is at stake

>You don't get to discriminate blacks in your private company's business.

Did you even fucking read any of these links you retarded faggot, or even just the headlines? One of them is about baking a gay wedding-themed cake, which is a specific service that private companies should have the right to refuse.

All the other ones are about "Facebook posts" or forcing churches to hold gay weddings, or a Mozilla CEO being fired just for his belief, none of it has anything to do with the law.

This is why no one likes you faggots by the way You push law changes to force people to support your faggotry, then sue when they refuse. YOU'RE THE ONES PUSHING FOR THESE LAWS IN THE FIRST PLACE SO YOU'RE THE ONE INTRUDING

Can't wait for Mudslimes to behead you.

They don't like the fact that we aren't being their pet and following what they expect us to do and actually waking up and fighting against them rather than being a tool of their interests

You gypsies are going in first

>Mozilla CEO being fired just for his belief
Did you even fucking read any of these links you conservatard?

Good thing the mudslimes will behead you, too.

Please leave with him, faggot

Not about hiding it it's about not being in everyone's face about it. Straight men don't take their wives around basically screw them in public and run around yelling they're straight


Based Charlie

Thx for making me believing even more that gay are useless antifa faggots that we don't need


>alt right
Get out reddit

>supports trump
Back to plebbit kike lover faggot.

Actually here if you read the actual laws private businesses are not required to sell to anyone or let anyone in that's why some places can be membership only etc. Problem is the goddamn courts take shit in their own hands

If I ever get married I'm not going to force anyone who doesn't want to to bake my cake because one day I want to be able to open a business that only serves whites

Don't know how it works in huehuehueland but here going by how the law is written you can refuse service to anyone and refuse to let anyone on your property (which in this case is the place where your business is)

Thanks for the kind words, bro.

>And you shouldn't care what we think of you.

Sadly I do because I'm a very sensitive person and I'm fragile. I made a very serious attempt to regain masculinity and everything, but I'm tired of pretending that I'm a "real man" when I'm not. I'm not flamboyant AF and I'm discreet, but I'm not very masculine either and I will never be a real Nazi.

At least I tried.

I can become a conservacuck who opposes Islam if you find it helpful. I see what I can do, at least I never supported Islam. I really have a very serious ideological crisis lately. So many doubts, so many worries. It's not attentionwhoring. I used to take the whole thing very seriously, which why I cared for your opinion in the first place.

I'm not promiscuous at least, and I never shilled for adoption or everything, but when you say that Pence is just a meme that worries me because memes eventually become real.

It's not just "a meme". The Alt Right taught me that memes aren't a joke.

These people are serious.

What's worst about this post is that you display your lack of character and easily shift from ideology to ideology looking for the one that will praise your choice of a lifestyle. It doesnt work like that kid.
I also have trouble dealing with elements of "alt-right" that would, even when I keep it quiet and live in abstinence, want to kill me for merely being attracted to men, but since when we choose our ideology merely to fit our petty needs? No, I have bigger picture in mind and I want what is best. I never understood people that for example vote for the candidate that at some point mentioned changing this or that, because you 'have a terrible health care insurance atm' or 'want lower tax for my third home' or some such nonsense.

Holy shit you need a fucking life
You weren't supposed to be controlled by fucking memes or the redpill, you we're supposed to be enhanced, enlightened

But you were neither because you're a whinny fucking faggot, you expected that by being a "Alt-Lite nazi 1488" you would find an indentity, friends, a life.

You can't support the alt-right because you never were part of it, you looked for shit you didn't want or like.

You are everything wrong with Sup Forums you don't believe your message, you look for aprrovation, pity, sympathy for being a self hating faggot

Well newflash, everyone fucking hates you because you act like a teenager trying to get everything off for being gay.

You didn't like Hitler, you didn't like Nazis, you didn't believe in National Socialism, you believed that we would like you for doing so.

tl:dr Op is a nigger faggot

first posts, best posts


1. Pence isn't in Spain
2. Pence is just an insurance policy by trump. He wants to ensure that if he gets JFKd that hell is unleashed and the left knows this which is why he's not assassinated right now they do t want pence to become president
3. Trump himself has been legitimately OK with gays since before Hillary obongo etc started "supporting gays" for votes
4. Trump also needed an insider and someone who could appeal to the more religious republican voters who might very well have gone 3rd party
5. Pence takes orders from trump. Trump has also vowed to leave gays alone and just leave the bullshit of the tranny washroom bill up to the states and honestly as a gay myself I don't like trannies and hate how they decided to lump all this pseudoscientific gender identity shit with L/G/B there's plenty of scientific and historical evidence for gays existing since forever but it seems to be this "I identify as 42 genders and I want my dick cut off on the taxpayers dime" is something that's only existed since recently

Basically trump himself is ok with us pence is an anti impeachment/assassination insurance policy you don't want to move to the US anyway and they're trying to paint trump leaving the tranny shit up to individual states as per the constitution as "trump hates all gays" while he's keeping the nationwide gay mairrage that runs counter to the constitution

>falling for X is white memes
Jesus Christ

I feel sad, dont leave. You're welcome.

top kek OP. From one faggot to another, you shoukd know that EVERYTHING on this board is said at least a little ironicly. Part of being in a system that is always pushing the edge. People are larping as knights from the 15th C should tell you something. Don't stress about Pence because I'm not. Pence is life insurance and and that's all he'll ever be. Just look at the way Trump treats him and you'll know he's nothing. Trump doesn't give a crap about social issues if you actually pay attention. The fact is, you can't live in NYC your whole life and hate gays, it's just not realistic. Us gays are valuable because we have influance in every community in the world. Happy merchants want that power and when they have it they will kick is to the curb because that's what they have always done. And at least a good portion of Sup Forums isn't white. I voted for Trump because he promised to rip up the TPP and reform our corrupt goyernment and so far he's doing a great job so I don't regret it yet. Relax and remember no board is one person.