60 year old hard working man here
what THE FUCK is wrong with millenials? how do wo go forward with such a worthless generation at helm?
pic fucking related
60 year old hard working man here
what THE FUCK is wrong with millenials? how do wo go forward with such a worthless generation at helm?
pic fucking related
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kys boomer. It's your kind that ruined everything.
die already you old bitch.
>60 year old hard working man here
yeah, not
Maybe you should of raised your children better maybe they wouldnt have become degenerate shit heads
Boomers caused this shit, fuck you
You wait for the next generation.
Every generation want's to be different from the previous one.
So hopefully the younger people will recognize that that society is gay as fuck and retarded right now.
how is this pic related?
we are just waiting for your generation to die so we can get some decent paying jobs
Your generation ended apartheid, brought in the nonwhite hordes, and enfranchised blacks. Fuck off
Die already so the rest of us can progress in our chosen industries you fucking cunt.
Been to fucking war mate, the fuck have baby boomers ever done?
A.I. will replace all very soon.
thats how i dream of playing vidya
Being a man and a mangina are two different things. Being slave to pussy seems like something your single mother taught you.
Millennial here
what THE FUCK is wrong with baby-boomers? how do wo go forward with such a degenerate liberal generation?
You ought to beat the shit out of your and your neighbor's kids even at the slightest signs of their degeneracy. Instead you did fuckall. Enjoy your millenial kids.
lazy, self-entitled, pricks who think bc they could afford a house, car, family, etc. on a 20k a year salary 50 years ago that we should be able to as well.
As bad as boomers are your generation is the absolute worst
Yes, you're worse than them
no idea. It's fucking bullshit. I currently live with my boomer parents and they won't stop bitching about how they have to pay for my and my brother's insurance despite my dad's overly generous pension plan that we'll never have.
its boomers who started this shit, fucking animals
the future is now old man, your at fault for your own mistakes
You are trapped in the media narrative about millennials
Millennials are literally everyone firm like 19-35 right now
They are most people in the workforce
Every random person under 35 is not a lazy fuck that lives at home. The news wants you to have that perception because if millennials thinknthey are trapped in economic malaise and older people think the young are useless they will be demoralized and more susceptible to Marxism
Who the h*ck are (((boomers))) and why do americans blame them for all problems?
Is this the new euphemism for (((jews)))?
oy goy your children are lazy
now look at these hard working immigrunts!
YOU need them!
>That guy tapped up there.
because you shitheads would rather jerk off on a computer than fuck a hot girl throwing all over yourselves
de_dust, the shittest map if your team do not want to rush
I think that's Alex Ich. He has a wife and a kid.
Fellow boomer here. Why is it so hard for kids these days to get a job? All you need is a firm handshake and a good work ethic. Must be the video-games making them all so lazy.
For most of you, useless would be an improvement. It's a generation that over half should be passed over and your spots given to Gen Z.
are you still 18?
spending money on whores is a pretty shit tier life
It's just a cycle.
Hard time create strong men and all that
All will end soon.
I'm sure hard-working to you means enjoying your union-provided breaks, 7.5 hour days, and unlimited sick leave. You couldn't survive as a millennial.
You are a retard if you think gen z has "a better work ethic" they just lean conservative compared to the left of today
how about you donate your pension to me so I can afford the education I ought to have and kys before you become dead weight, old man
you all raised us
so stfu
kill yourself
you fucking ruined everything
braindead boomer
fuck off you're not 60 you poser
Go fuck yourself literal scum. Why don't you fucking retire and die you self righteous piece of shit
pls take a gun, preferably a shotgun, stick it into your mouth and pull the trigger
You're gonna be dead soon and so are all your kind
Liberalism will rule the world :)
i really dont think you understand whats going on in pic related
but you're welcome for the (You)
Handshake and Work Ethic don't mean much if you cannot actually get into the door to interview when your already selected out for the people who already have work experience applying to your entry level position and have masters degrees for ??? reasons.
This is the day of electronic job applications and bulk employment services. I was able to get my resume started by accepting an under-the-table job so long as I could eventually pay taxes on my money later and claim the job title. This is not exactly how you want employment to work for the majority of people who don't have bachelor's+ college degrees.
Now, I'm the guy with the impressive resume, but actually getting the resume started was the single hardest part of all of my job experience up til now.
Gen Z are going to be even worse.
fucking degenerate, end yourself
That is yet to be seen. Either way they don't seem to be as entitled, wormy, obnoxious and take a hard line on the most retarded issues.
That's not true, the public school system raised your asses
Hahaha is this some new level shill posting
If real old person, thanks for fucking our country so bad and driving slow everywhere
Posting rare Pepe's and getting (you)s gives me a dopamine rush. Why do anything else?
Wow is that Kasia?
Kaj nam fali kurcino?
Die already you old fuck.
If that's true the west as we know it might be over in a few decades
you realize that this boomer generation you talking about was growing up with nothing in communist regime? do we rly need to gas every single american? they are so fucking retarded, degenerate and cancerous.
When you dont have dumb fucking boomer parents.
When they actually help you and only ask you try your best in return.
When your dad actually looked into circumcision before you were born and realized what a fucking awful practice it is and you got to keep your foreskin.
Looks like she would be doing the jerking in that pic while he does something else.
Nah dont think so.
shitty kids have shitty parents. who raised millennials?
This. Also thanks for betraying your anscestors and handing the world over to the jews in ww2
Skip them. Gen Z is here to take over.
Nah, granpa, gen X here.
The millenials know more than we ever did, there really aren't plenty of jobs out there, and people are aware who's rulling them and their plans, and it's just too easy to "unplug" in a passive reality than partecipate in this rat race.
On the other hand some millenials engineers and programmers I know are doing fine. Like user above said: the perception and the narrative is the one that counts(for "them"), think about what "they" are saying, but most of all what "they" are not saying
I was at the March on Washington with MLK, I've seen more than you ever will you snot-nosed little shit.
>Handshake and Work Ethic don't mean much if you cannot actually get into the door to interview when your already selected out for the people who already have work experience applying to your entry level position and have masters degrees for ??? reasons.
Handshake is very important. Your grip has to be firm, and you have to make eye contact. You have to make sure to let the boss know you're a hard worker too. These are just basic things that you kids don't understand, but if you did, getting a job would be much easier for you.
>Hahaha is this some new level shill posting
I don't know what this means, but thanks for the complement friend.
>get a bachelors degree
>graduate with honors
>apply to 400-500 jobs
>hear back from two
>one says you are overqualified
>the other gives you a pittance to work for them
>go back to school to work on your Masters
Thats my life... I am sure you just stumbled out of highschool and got hired making more than I did with a Bachelors though
>muh handshake
fuck you old man
dont worry trump is in and repubs cleaning shit up from worst ever obama
>hard working immigrunts
hard on welfare.
Neither are millennials this is as retarded as people claiming all boomers were Woodstock hippies
You are taking this weird group of like 15% of the college population in the last 6-7 years and claiming it's the other 80 million normal millennials
>fuck you old man
I'll bet the reason you can't get hired is lack of respect
my dad is a 60 year old boomer and he hates all of the liberal boomers...also he has no idea what Sup Forums is because he really is 60 and not a larping faggot like you
You're the one who ruined them, you massive faggot.
>They're aware of the elites and their plans
>Promote globalism one world government and open boarders and join paid shill protests anyway
>the way I act on an anonymous shitposting board is representative of how I conduct myself in life
Most of the hiring processes now are done by some faggot in India or an HR department hitting CTRL + F and typing in keywords and making sure you have 20 years of experience
GEN X'eR here.
BOOMERS: Most destructive generation
Benefits from the most prosperous time in history (post WW2) by riding coat tails of Greatest Generation.
Ushers in sexual revolution. Sexual Revolution leads to moral relativism & the homo sexual revolution. Run away debt and indebtedness made the new American dream. Steals from social security when it wasn't supposed to be touched making Gen X'eRs pay for it. Men pursuing their own ego and an entire generation of boys raised by women. Fucks up the economy so bad by off shoring manufacturing base to Mexico and China. Spends all their money on materialistic nonsense. Biggest generation of Hoarders. Don't say what you mean and don't mean what you say mentality. Rips off the wealth of legacies by using reverse mortgages resulting in NO inheritance for future generation (in other words: would rather give it to Jew bankers than their children or charity.)
Maybe in Eastern Europe, but not here. I'm sure the boomers in your country have profoundly different attitudes towards life than our spoiled curmudgeons
How so?
May end up like Brazil where only a small elite can live a modern lifestyle.
That's pretty much what Europe was like from the start of the industrial revolution until about the late 70s, anyway.
Sounds like a lame excuse to me
"Oh my god a man is doing something he enjoys and not letting a whore who won't have sex with him unless he pays distract him from it."
Maybe if you weren't a 60 year old virgin you'd realize ignoring sluts like this is the only way to get their attention.
And most of east Europe still has close to nothing even though they had nothing to hold them back for the last 30 years.
not you sleep tonight do die respond mother will if post
This. I pretty much just know my parents' names and a few other superficial details.
Don't even Disgrace yourself by saying you're a Boomer. Your Generation should be sainted for putting up with those Soviet Son's of Bitches.
>boomers caused the collapse of the industrial capacity of america
Pretty sure that was the democrats and globalist conservatives
O I am laffin. Very nice bait thread.
>union-provided breaks, 7.5 hour days, and unlimited sick leave.
Well that about sums up my job, but I'm Gen X.
What is considered the generation of millenials?
>everyone born after the millenium?
>people who grew up around the millenium?
I was born in 91 and I've never roped myself in with the millenials. Gen Y and Gen X maybe as I've still got a lot of the old grunge tendencies and a general disdain for society while holding general inquiry of everything in a scholastic manner.
>what THE FUCK is wrong with millenials?
The ready availability of high end tech. When I was a kid a cell phone was either a Nokia brick or one of those big pain in the ass military-esque phones. If I saw then what we have now I'd shit my pants. Nowadays kids have microcomputers in their pockets that have a free source of all the information in the world. They haven't been taught how to use it properly and we haven't been shown the down side of it yet.
>how do wo go forward with such a worthless generation at helm?
Show them that the tech they rely on can go away and fail. That there are still things you can only learn in this world from experience. Things like war, poverty and starvation can only be understood if you experience them first hand. We show them the consequences of abusing technology too much. We as the pioneers of this marvelous future tech have a responsibility to show the next generation the implications of new technology and that it is not something to be taken lightly. It has the power to do good and bad. We've gone soft on this generation wanting to shield their tech from harming them. Well fuck them and fuck their safety. You want to use technology you have to learn to use it responsibly. They don't want to take responsibility anymore and we're just letting it happen.
If you're reading this and your kid is a millenial with a tech abuse problem I want you to go in there whoop their ass and break their phone. Tell them you know what they've been doing online and show them the proof. Make them take responsibility for what they do online.
I knew american eduction was bad. but damn.
Be polite, Shlo, or no handouts for you.
They literally fucking had it all and think they "worked hard". Yeah we'll just fucking see how that holds up after we have to redefine what working hard really is to be able to retire before our 80s.
Nobody was talking to you chex mix.
That's just a truly Naive statement. Eastern European and Russian Israelis maybe but non of the ones that stayed home where they belonged after so much blood was spilled liberating Europe and their homes from the Nazis.
If you kill yourself, nobody would miss you.
heh, we have all been young once, the propaganda is strong and the hormones run wild
we just got one of highlanders drop dead few days ago, hopefully the trend speeds up and takes the rest to hell too, bear in mind that the shit show is in place already for 50-70 years or more
Millenials are born in the 80s and 90s, idiot; the last generation before the third millennium.
I swear half of these posts complaining about 'millenials' are made by millennial who think they're talking about people older/younger than themselves.
The internet completely buttfucked the hiring process.
Personal presence/conduct/interview skills are nearly moot when 99% of applications sit in a pile for months and result in zero interaction with a person.
The only quick way to get hired is nepotism.
Out of everyone my age that I know (~25) that are college graduates I would say the average income is ~30,000/yr. The only success stories I know of out of hundreds of people are a few hot girls that sucked dick to get some fashion/design/modeling/recruiting type jobs that mostly consist of looking pretty and sucking penis for money.
People are depressed because all jobs will be fully automated in 10 years. I have a good job right now but I worry about it everyday.
It's all the estrogen in the water supply. That's why I drink exclusively rain water.
Good job.
>There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends
>demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years
>mid 1990 to early 2000's
This is where I would start millenials. Anyone born after 96 and sometimes 95 seems like they're just completely different to me. They don't have any of the nostalgia I have for the 90's and no notion of what it was like. Most of them think MCR as their generations musical height whereas other 90's kids like myself think Blink-182 something universal we've all heard at least one song of.
So you consider Gen X part of the millenials?
>in the 80's
>The only success stories I know of out of hundreds of people are a few hot girls that sucked dick to get some fashion/design/modeling/recruiting type jobs that mostly consist of looking pretty and sucking penis for money.
Sounds like that's the field to get into! L.O.L.
Let me take this one - as a parent of two millennials, I assure you that there is only so much you can do to deprogram them from what they are constantly exposed to on social media, communist teachers at school, through their blue-pilled idiot friends, literal faggots on every fucking TV show, and every other overbearing part of our current society that pounds the progressive BS agenda down their throats.
Both of mine are red-pilled, but it took a huge effort. You have to start young to have any hope at all. It ain't an easy thing to accomplish these days, especially if you have to live in any urban area for work.
Here's an example of how it goes, and let me start by saying that we live in Texas: My daughter got ripped apart in elementary school when they were asked if they would fight for the Union or the Confederacy during a lesson on the Civil War. My daughter was the ONLY one who said the Confederacy. Of course, she was hit with all the slave, blah, blah, blah shit, but when they finally asked her why, she just said - because I live in Texas and Texas joined the Confederacy - duh. Nothing more politically incorrect but all the bullshit. I'm just lucky they didn't suspend her.