How does Sup Forums vote on the AHCA Obamacare replacement bill?

How does Sup Forums vote on the AHCA Obamacare replacement bill?

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No it's garbage



Rand's is better but I'll take what I can get.

it's better than what's in place but it's still not good.

My dog could shit a better replacement than that.

what happens to cuckservative representatives when they have to go back to their constituents and tell them that they didn't repeal/rollback obamacare?

So you'll pass the bill to see what's in it?

My opinion is that they should let Obamacare collapse until you get 60 votes to fix it right and all at once

The AHCA is pretty garbage, better than Obamacare though. The benefits of it is that it allows for tax reform and for trump to gain more political capital with Ryan. To me that's enough.


>vote for another shitty Frankenstein bill


He'll no

interesting split

Conservatives always vote Republican. It's a non-issue. They'll get pissed but even if they primary their Representatives it won't work. Just like Paul Ryan got primaried and destroyed the challenger. What the GOP has to do is keep a hold of the moderate voters who pushed them over the top while still not outright pushing 20 million people out of Healthcare. If that's the case those people won't vote Republican in 2 or 4 years.

Unless they make an Evan mcmuffin party

Voting for your slow painful death Trumptards.

this. at least slowly dissolve medicaid if we can't get these other welfare queens on board. Fuck subsidizing these lazy fucks

When is the vote happening? For congress?

If it passes this is gonna cost Trump's re-election

3:30pm supposedly

Obamacare doesn't need a replacement, but a repeal.

17% approval rating.

Gives more money to insurance companies than Obamacare

gives insurance companies much more power in terms of plans

premiums have risen 40-50% in some states, they will go up 20% and then go down by 10%, which means this bill does fucking nothing to combat premiums

does nothing to combat drug pricing

shifts the costs of the plan to the sick, the poor, and the elderly

high risk pools = high premiums and coverage

no mandates on what insurance companies can charge = sick people paying many times more than what they are paying now, women paying more, elderly paying more

in every way it is worse than Obamacare. Saves only $150 billion in 10 years, meanwhile Trump proposes a $500 billion spending increase in that amount of time for the military.

The establishment is consuming Trump and his agenda.

Is Ryan kill?