Holy shit white people as well as the narrative eternally BTFO forever
Holy shit white people as well as the narrative eternally BTFO forever
>FBI/CIA are so good at preventing Islamic terror attacks that the native whites are the biggest supplier of terror attacks
*sips drumpfkin tears*
Yet have extremely low crime rates compared with anyone other than East Asians. Sorry nigger. Maybe you can talk when you don't have murders at parity with 1/4 the population.
Really makes me ((think)).
How is white terror defined
>dune coons keep murdering people
>white people barely murder anyone
makes sense
on a diet or just bored of paki dick?
'Study'. Fucking lol @ half-assed pseudoscientific kike studies with sample sizes of 100 kikes that throw their personal opinions around. Only stats rule, and those stats say niggers and muslims are the threat to everyone.
>White Americans
>Biggest terror threats
Yeah, maybe to the liberal agenda. Watch as we slowly destroy it.
You're the same type of shit that comes soaring out of a person's ass at high velocity only to be slowed by water. Do yourself a favor, and have an IRA member shoot you in the back of the head.
You intolerable smug Euroshit.
P.S. MSNBC is about just as trash as CNN or Buzzfeed.
You guys are getting upset over am article from 2 years ago kek
Proportionality dumbcunt
In other news, Japanese are the biggest terror threat in Japan. On a per-capita basis, however...
>Study says
>Evidence suggests
>Scientists say
>Some have speculated
>Sources say
Never give these articles any clicks. Ever.
Timothy McVeigh was right
If you wear cargo pants you should kys
Umm...sweeties there's nothing you can do about it. As a white woman I know better than to date sexist, racist, terrorist white males like yourselves. White males are destroying earth.
*sips drumpshit tears*
Ahhhh...tastes good
*sips again*
How do you suggest I hold my spaghetti then user?
Do whites really commit less crime?
When do you wanna meet up, chica? I'm an illegal fyi. Fuck drumpf!
reeaally weak troll gotta say
>paying $250 for a shirt
They commit most of the child rape and white collar crime. ;)
How did those faggots rationalize this?
>They commit most of the child rape
Why get mad, even the most bluepilled normie can feel this is total bullshit unless they're halfway through a liberal arts degree.
>its the same study again
i see this is from 2015, that study has been utterly debunked as pure nonsense. which is why it was abandoned post haste.
a few small examples,
>doesn't include 9-11
>uses Obama State Dept talking points as gospel for legitimate terror attacks they deemed not to be terror attacks like the Fort Hood shooting.
>some white guy shoots at a cop after being pulled over = white supremicism terrorism.
>some white guy who robbed a liquer store was a member of some branch of the KKK 20 years ago.
its a joke.
>White people are the real terrorists
>nearly $500 for a belt
This is old. See how it says 2015. The Orlando shooting alone pushed islamic terrorism to the number 1 slot in the US.
>doesn't understand blatant satire
you must be reeeeeeeealy new gotta say
>Mass murder and terrorism being defined separately because stacked facts look better when pushing a narrative
is this the study that had a way to wide definition of acts of terrorism?
Cargo shorts
Someone messed up the headline and I hope they have been fired. It should read, "White Americans are the biggest threat to terror in the U.S., study finds."
This white kid was being watched for having a legal to own weapon and being in the wrong neighborhood. He took advantage of the moment and asked "is this what you were expecting?" by drawing graffiti. A way of the CRAZY white boy to say "I know you're watching me and expecting something else".
Imagine the embarrassment of the helicopter pilot, having to go back after broadcasting LITERALLY NOTHING.
This kid was going to be labeled a terrorist, no matter if he killed 1 or 20 people. The second he opened fire, he would have become a negative example of white people everywhere.
So ask yourself, why does just ONE person get to define the entire race/religion?
Well that's the thing about numbers - it depends on which ones you're looking at. Is it really just "one"?
>le nigroes are bad so whites are good meme
Consider where you get your news sources, also.
Did you fucks even look at the date on this tweet? SAGE SLIDE THREADS NEWFAGS. Pic fucking related.
Guys you should really check the sources of these articles. It makes you more effective in debate.
So in this case, just from glancing at it (see pic) I'm sure you can recognize a pattern here. There's plenty of Jihadist attempts here. Counting all of their data there's 199 instances of Jihadist terror in their dataset out of 221 (I picked a smaller slice of the set for the picture, it's hard to fit on the screen and they had been ordered to show more non-jihad at the top initially, coincidence).
The lesson to draw from this study is that american security is better at dealing with Jihadist extremism than other extremism.
The thing about these news sources is their bias is just that. It's not that studies are inaccurate usually. It's the interpretation they lay ontop. None of you can say they're lying. They're clearly right in that other groups are more of a risk due to the current efforts against jihadism. But it doesn't give a correct image of the situation.
You find this everywhere, it's extremely rare for there to be actual lies. If I wasn't alone in trying to present the underlying stats maybe you guys wouldn't get played all the time.
This is a very poor response.
"it's been debunked"
"doesn't include all the incidents"
"bawww they're being unfair in their methods".
I haven't looked into it enough to verify or deny any of these claims but they're irrelevant to the conclusion that was made.
fuck off
The sad thing is that most normies actually believe this.
We have been conditioned since grade school learning about the Civil Rights movement that the white man is the most evil, barbaric, sinister piece of shit responsible for all tragedies and wars, while all the minorities are just innocent angels that are constantly oppressed.
You have a whole generation of kids who grew up with this shit education, who believe that the redneck with a Confederate flag bumper sticker on his truck is more of a threat than a peaceful Arab, despite all the terror attacks that happen in ISIS name.
This narrative is pushed even further by the "new" KKK, the white police, who kill innocent blacks as covered by every leftist media incessantly.
Couple all this with the films and movies casting white people as terrorists, villains and in some cases cartoonish neo-Nazis that want to end minorities, and you have a recipe for disaster. White guilt is at an all-time high. I've lived in America for 23 years and I've never seen white people be so ashamed of themselves as I have now.
Satire is meant to be funny. I'm not fucking laughing.
Here's just the ascribed ideology.
For a better view.
And let's be honest. This is how the media is today. Making money of misfortune. You see people holding up cameras before offering a helping hand. Why do you think that is? Because it's not their problem and they don't really care as much as they say they do.
>studies find
>scientists speculate
>studies tend to show
>>provides no evidence of said study
>bank robbery
>right wing
Liberals, you've been played by the system you supposedly hate. You've been indoctrinated.
Never forget what the DNC did to Bernie. What they did to YOU, as a liberal. They rigged the election against him and he bowed down because that's what was expected of him. You want to keep fighting? Why are you fighting against a president that wants to drain the swamp? You claim he's awful without even really knowing the man - only what others have said about him. Use your own eyes and your own minds. Be the intelligent human being that you know you are.
Also I dunno wtf King Salmon is.
But it doesn't have an ideology. It's not me doing an edit mistake.
it's not the shitposter's fault that you have no sense of humor
What's it like to be fat, smelly and generally undesireable?
So is the Nigger Broadcasting Corporation a thing in America now?
Nice job Burgers you done fucked up your country good.
Jefferson Davis did nothing wrong.
How can you possibly believe Trump still plans to drain the swamp.
He gave jobs to the exact people he called out
"Hate speech" isn't dangerous unless people act upon it. Like making suicide or rape jokes. They're not telling people to go out and do those awful things. They're comedians. They're trying to get you to stop worrying so much about those awful things, because they realize how much power they hold over people. Especially today. But "progressive liberalism" has shifted to become closer to the old oppressive conservativism that the hippies fought against decades ago. The censorship, everything being labeled degenerate/oppressive. Admit it, liberals, conservatives aren't what you were told. They're better than that. They're made up of people that want to defend your lives and want you to support yourself. Liberalism has made you more dependent on the system that you claim to be against. Haven't you noticed this irony?
The point of life isn't immediate gratification but to work for it. To die knowing that you made a positive difference in your life and those around you.
Have you watched Star Wars?
It pays to have someone from the inside that knows how things work.
The chance of another Oklahoma city bombing is pretty low since I dont think Melania is going to be ordering anyone to burn women and children alive any time soon.
>study finds
>tfw you realize this is a bullshit narrative but you're fine with it
1500$ to dress like an average Joe plummer pleb
>liberals vilify a majority of population(still)
>surprised when they lost elections.
Liberalism is a mental disease
We should celebrate what we've built, not destroyed.
If we should build bridges instead of walls, why are we burning both?
"Love Trumps Hate"
Means love conquers all.
How is this being expressed by beating random people to death in the streets? Assaulting your fellow citizens for trying to tell you "you're wrong"?
Your mother would say "you're wrong" but you would know she has your best interest in heart. She says it in love and concern, not hate. She wants you to be right, to be better than you are today, tomorrow.
These are bleeding heart things that a conservative would never tell you because they are wounded. It hurts to watch their brothers fight against them, so they have no choice but to play the tough guy. "Nothing hurts me". It's not true. Watching you fall apart hurts them more than you'll ever know.
big sum for you
It's true that (((white people))) are the biggest danger to Western Civilization.
What is your picture depicting?
So they laugh.
They laugh and poke fun at all the stacked facts you throw in their face. Every passive-aggressive backhanded quip. Because they care.
And honestly, I think despite the tough guy act, Conservatives care more about you and their nation than you will ever know, so long as you hide in your safespace.
Do yourself a favor. With an open mind, without judging, ask a conservative friend or family member what they think about things. When you have a concern, voice that concern. Tell them how you feel and ask them how they feel about it. 9/10 you will understand that Conservatives aren't the monsters you were told they are. They just have a different way of protecting what they love.
Dude, Trump is just like Harry Potter, I mean Luke Skywalker and Hillary is literally Hitler, I mean Voldemort