Looking forward to reading Trump's new book.
The Art of It Was Too Hard So I Gave Up
It's got nothing to do with difficulty. Obongocare gives a lot of people free healthcare who wont vote for him again if they cant keep it. The only reason he's pushing a new bill at all is because it was a campaign promise.
Yeah and if this fails, Obamacare prices go through the roof and a better bill is signed in a year or two.
I see nothing wrong with this. Win-win.
>Sup Forums finally admits Obama won.
Why did they vote for him in the first place if one of his promises was to repeal a healthcare bill that they rely on?
Trump wants paul ryan to fail because ryan is a backstabbing snake, trump's looking for a real dent in ryan's credibility.
That is some high stakes poker. Only two questions:
1. is it a bluff?
2. will anyone call?
rolf kek. Obamas programms is so fucking butchered that there is no fucking need to fix it. people will leave it after few new "corrections" Trump offered an alternative and none wants such shit a at all. so here we go "Obongo won" clapping. in 5 years everything will be gone.
well obamacare is a democrat fail
if democrats calling themselves republicans dont repeal the shit
leave it
dems get all blame for obamacare failures rememeber :))
Then why did he shill for this bill so hard, thus ensuring that his own credibility is damaged as well when it fails?
There is an entire chapter in "The Art of the Deal" just about walking away from a deal. When he returns to it, it will surely be a much better deal.
>dems get all blame for obamacare failures rememeber :))
You have near a supermajority in the house, a majority in the senate, control of the judiciary and the presidency. Every one of your members has run on an outright hatred of the ACA and called it a failing program.
Trump himself has said that he could just let the ACA fail but won't do that because it's too important to his voters.
How in the hell do you think this is going to hurt democrats? The democrats think the problem with it is that the republicans wouldn't let them do what they needed back in 2010.
>Obama won
>why won't trump act like a clammy desperate retard to get this shit passed
You don't win then that way, you fucking faggot.
This is a good move.
You're IQ just too low to realize it, couple it with your irrational hatred for Trump and you get stupid ass posts like yours.
fuck medicaid expansion fuck poor people lazy entitled faggots in fly over states. fuck trump for not getting this shit repealed.
This. This is RyanCare, not Trump's plan in the ways that matter. How does anyone not see this as a ruse to torpedo that sniveling Ryan?
trump is a bitch who said everyone would get coverage for cheaper. he needs to repeal goddamn medicaid expansion fuck subsidies for poor people make them pay their fair share.
love it
needed to boot him
wonder if trump planned it
4D niga
lol obama is worst president ever and never won shit
ignorant quota school, and job quota hire
The vast majority of people didn't vote for him.
>trump is a bitch who said everyone would get coverage for cheaper
>poor people need to pay more
>being this delusional
this administration is a fucking joke. no one wants to work with this idiot.
You're fucking retarded 100%.
I'll rest easy tonight knowing you will die a virgin that will never reproduce thankfully.
Wouldn't want to subsidize your retarded fucking offspring.
because the facts don't matter.
I'm not even being critical of him here, that's just his strategy and it works.
Seriously, Trump can go right on after and tweet something and its just like he never touched the thing. He's done it before and he'll do it again. Spicer did this about Paul Manafort's involvement in the campaign the other day.
It's tough read Trump, but I have to believe he understands that this healthcare bill is important, so he's going to let the Republicans who hate him fail, and then he's going to try to come in the conquering hero.
but in the mean time, the "facts" dont matter.
Trump literally said that you can call it Trumpcare if you want.
poor people do need to pay more. Fuck these lazy entitled faggots. trump has made the most ridiculous claims about everything and no one calls him out for it
>no one wants to work with this idiot
but user, they have to.
there is a law that states that if congress passed a law and the president refuses to sign it, it gets passed anyway. it is simply postponed 10 days. this law was made so the president would avoid the blame if anything goes wrong. and this is exactly what trump is doing. he is leaving the mess to paul ryan to get him blamed for the awaiting disaster.
bitch get your ass to france you faggot, Trump makes u his bitch
yeah right retard. I can't wait til they gut the ACA and my tax dollars don't go to you lazy faggots.
shut up you fucking fag
my thoughts exactly
if he said dont call it trumpcare then people would have called it trumpcare even more
How does that help your argument?
Compelling argument. Sadly it doesn't change the fact that Trump's touted business aptitude couldn't get anything done. Especially after years of GOP cuckservatives saying "WE NEED SOMEONE LIKE ROMNEY WHO'S BIZNESMAN." Turns out politics should be played by politicians.
You bootlickers will do mental gymnastics all day on this, conveniently ignoring how hard Trump shilled for Ryan's bill. But 4d chess right? :^)
>who won't vote for him again
I'm referring to the people who did vote for him who would be affected
Obamacare is about to blow up into their faces.
This was an attempt to fix shit before it got too bad but Ryan fucked it up.
All Trump has to do is watch the inevitable outcome and then swoop in when people demand he repeal Obamacare.
>Why did they vote for him in the first place if one of his promises was to repeal a healthcare bill that they rely on?
Because they're rural and suburban retards.
Literally everyone in D.C. knows trump has nothing to do with this bill, he just hasn't done anything to stop its progress. Nobody is advertising it as "Trumpcare", it is clearly ryan's idea.
Dems are voting against it because of obama, and enough republicans do not like it.
ofc he won, handing out the largest expansion of free gibs in my lifetime by ramming it through the dead of night is a tremendous victory. Echoes of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.
The establishment is the establishment b/c they don't want to rock the boat. they aren't willing to repeal Obamacare because that means getting rid of gibs. gibs are gibs regardless of political affiliation, once they're handed out, removing them is virtually impossible.
Trump should entirely blame Ryan for this and use it to purge the GOPe. Next, start tying immigration to healthcare, and say that we can't provide the necessary care with so many immigrants in this country.
or just listen to the daily shoah, mike made this genius point
That's how politics work in the Western world. You don't just shoot your enemy in the face, you step them in the back.
You pretend to support them, while still making it very clear that they are the main architect of whatever the topic is. When it fails, like you hoped it would, you don't go out and say
>X should draw the consequences and step down
Or well, if you are super popular you might get away with that, but Trump wouldn't. All the Dems would immediately side with Ryan if he did that.
Instead you go out and say
>X should totally not have to draw the consequences, which would look like this and this
to plant the idea of what the consequences should look like into their head.
This. He has no leverage right now. He's in a position where he has to chase to moderates and the freedom caucus. It's simply not in the cards right now.
By moving on he allows voters time to get frustrated with their congressmen. This only plays into Trump's hand and increases his bargaining power. Instead of Trump wining and dining congress they will have to fall in line themselves.
Explain the art of this post to me
>Turns out politics should be played by politicians.
yeah m8, we need alot more people like McCain and Ryan to be running things. It's all Drumpffffffs fault.
Spoiler alert you fucking idiot; your tax dollars still go to those people who eventually get sick or hurt and still go to the hospital without insurance.
You pay more when uninsured get treated
Sup Forums scraper, using a ddos like algorithm to predict numerical sequence. its old hat at this point fag.
Its to force those who are looking for something better to realize that either they play ball or lose outright.
Its just the classic ultimatum. If it fails he'll let this fester for a while, maybe a year or two, letting the situation get worse and worse until those that opposed the repeal and replacement are being lambasted by their own constituents. Then, he'll be in a better position to control dealings and we'd probably get a better replacement deal anyhow, then downside being more time with an increasingly costly and dysfunctional healthcare system. He's president though, and the political leader, so he must play the long game when necessary.
The thing we need is less politicians, and less democracy. Trump would do wonders if he could run this country like a company, CEO/emperor/fuhrer of the USA
No, but you need people who understands political capital running shit. Trump is stupid if he thinks he can ever get the Senate to vote against their states' interests.
>using a ddos like algorithm
You what mate?
ddos isn't an algorithm, it's not even close
>a leaf questioning the motives of rural and suburban retards
The powerful and smart leader knows that sometimes you have to surrender to fight better another day. Trump is doing this.
It's pretty fucking funny actually. He wrote a fucking book explaining exactly how he operates.
And his opposition, which probably wasted billions on trying to prevent him from winning the election, apparently never spent the couple bucks it would have cost them to get a blueprint of his campaign strategy.
You can even point out the exact page and line in the book that explains why he is currently doing something and people will still refuse to accept it because they just cannot see him as anything but an idiot so the thought that there might be a plan behind it is completely anathema to them
He actually wasn't that bad desu.
HAHHAHAHAHA fake news, bill doesn't pass, Paul Ryan looks like a faggot, queue rand Paul/libertarian plan boom btfo kys you Reddit nigger
Trump has done everything in his power to make this work. it was flawed from the beginning. you can't negotiate with people that in our own party that believe in gibs and those that don't believe in gibs.
removing gibs is an uphill battle. this is the state of conservatism, a small group at the top wants gibs, the rest don't. half compromise b/c they want obamacare repealed. the rest either just go along or obstruct out of principle.
Obamacare was rammed through because the democrats are like sheep. They will always vote in unison when their own establishment beckons, even if they vehemently disagree. that kind of loyalty just doesn't exist in the Republican party.
fucking lmao @ these mental gymnastics. So when Obama was doing a mostly shit job for 8 years, he was just selectively surrendering, right?
What's oval office carpet fiber taste like, huh bootlicker?
rand train!!
all aboard!
A really stupid campaign promise that no one but Paul Ryan asked for
Yes, he did selectively surrender. He surrendered to insurance and business interests to eventually push through Obamacare and reign in the more cronyist portions of the dems. A bill clearly aiding the American people was an impossibility if you wanted it without playing an underhanded game behind the scenes, which he was too inept to do. So, he caved, and sold out. That's a fair chunk of why the bill is so shitty today, it would have been mediocre if so many dems weren't beholden to lobbyist interests.
But Trump didn't do that though. He aggressively championed a shitty bill and then when he got tired of arguing gave an ultimatum with no actual leverage.
People will be pissed at republicans/ Bitch for 6 years and don't come up with a solution. Depending on how many people get fucked by Obamacare, it might blow back on Trump because he told his voters he would get rid of it.
Obama is probably CIA plant seeing as all he seemed to accomplish was an increase in surveillance. He had the house when got elected, and squandered it by not doing shit. "Progressives" always bitch about how similar the plan h passed resembles the one Romney wanted.
Your only hope is if you can win a 60 seat majority in the Senate in 2018. Then you might be able to do that but the way things are looking, the republicans are going to be extremely unpopular over the next few years.
This isn't a political argument, simply an argument about the mechanics of governance.
so republicans are now pro obamacare? shouldn't that make them somewhat embarassed?
>Bitch for 6 years and don't come up with a solution
Sounds like republicans desu
>not understanding the medical bill failing is his key to get rid of pedophiles in his cabinet, mainly Ryan
Plebs need to go back to plebbit
Fuck Obamacare. Its not free when it comes out of someone else's pocket. I swear any faggot that says Obamacare is good should be shot in the fucking face.
He fucked up when he cut the deal to allow Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State. Also had to take a bunch of money to compete against the Clinton political machine.
If you think about it, both Trump and Obama ran similar campaigns promising change. Both were "inexperienced" compared to heir opponents. I think both of them came in with plans before realizing that even the people on "their side" were out to sabotage them.
Honestly, they could keep all of Obama's healthcare bullshit in place for all I care as long as I wasn't forced to get health care. I shouldn't be forced to pay for health care if I don't want to.
He tried to push it through and realized there was too great an opposition from the hardcore fiscal libertarian sector of republicans. All he need do is wait a while, remove a few key provisions while negotiating behind the scenes with the two extremes of his party.
Am I entirely for all of this? Not really, I feel it would have been more prudent to hold off the first bill attempt, but then again rolling the dice on a quick passing of it or a public bungle of it not isn't so terrible either.
Anywho, politics is politics. Its always going to be ridiculous to a degree until you learn to sit back, enjoy the show, and learn from it. Or, actively participate instead of being an armchair coach/strategist, which will just make you irritable all the time.
In one year and 9 months the Republicans are going to lose a lot of seats, but fuck it cause we are back to THE DO NOTHING CONGRESS.
I think its a bit unfair to compare trump to obama's ineptitude. Besides, it's not called Trumpcare right now, it's being called Ryancare. He has yet to actually champion something, he's simply on it's side.
That alone is evidence that there are different avenues to, what would be for him, a successful outcome.
yes the people will demand to pay beyond their means for healthcare soon
>>Bitch for 6 years and don't come up with a solution
>Sounds like republicans desu
you shouldnt be forced to have it, you should just have it by default
I had no idea this was the only opportunity ever to deal with this issue
wow... sad.. too bad they couldn't re do it //like even right away...
who said it has to be done as it right now?
Keep working the thing out and vote on it when it will pass..
The key to decreasing the cost of healthcare is to have all people buy into it so it spreads the costs.
Without an individual mandate the only people that buy insurance will be those that with large risk. This decreases the profitability of the policies and increases he overall cost of insurance.
Good, let Obamacare blow up. It will only hurt Obama and lock in a second term for Trump. Meanwhile he can focus on other shit while creating a solid plan.
>who said it has to be done as it right now?
As you can see from the OP image, Trump is the person saying that.
>W-we didn't even want to win this one... so the fact that we didn't win means that we win!
Fucking retarded.
It's because you don't sit there and waste time with people who won't negotiate.
>It will only hurt Obama
What world do you live in? How could this "hurt" Obama seeing as he already has been a two term president?
Like I said before
>You have near a supermajority in the house, a majority in the senate, control of the judiciary and the presidency. Every one of your members has run on an outright hatred of the ACA and called it a failing program.
>Trump himself has said that he could just let the ACA fail but won't do that because it's too important to his voters.
>How in the hell do you think this is going to hurt democrats? The democrats think the problem with it is that the republicans wouldn't let them do what they needed back in 2010.
I thought he was the most unintelligent president we've ever had, but this might actually be a master stroke. Killing obamacare is political suicide; you can't take a benefit away from people once they get used to having it. That's why we've never once scaled back "entitlements" despite the fact that both Democrats and Republicans worry about the deficit. But every Republican including Trump has promised to repeal obamacare for the last seven years, so it's suicide to just ignore it too.
Trump has said that if this bill fails, we'll just be "stuck with obamacare." Well, isn't that the best case scenario for him? He can truthfully say he tried to repeal it, but congress fucked it up, but all the poor saps who voted for him get to keep their healthcare. Win-win. Obamacare might collapse on its own without legislative help to prop it back up, but the "uneducated voters" won't blame Trump for that, they'll blame Obama.
Forcing this vote now is genuinely a brilliant move.
Obamacare sounds good to me, America can pay for their people's healthcare just fine but some people find it so damn important to spend the same money on F-35's bombs.
>Trumps first big deal as president is a failure
>being investigated for collusion with Russia
>his national security adviser was forced to resign
>all in 2 months
what a miserable excuse for a president.
>Obamacare sounds good to me
It's a pretty weak system that isn't even sustainable. It relies on insurance companies to just take on the role of a national health system, and make their profits by negotiating with providers. The cost of healthcare in the United States is just too high for that to work though.
The dems are going to control both houses in two years.
The fire that got lit under the SJW's asses from Trumps win will be a windfall for them.
why waste your time on stubborn assholes who will NEVER change their mind now matter how good, sound or logical the argument or alternative may seem. these people have an agenda, one against trump. no point in this, it's time to move on
this. trump is a low energy cuck bitch
fantasy land.
Are they afraid it'll turn them into a republican? I don't get it. The book isn't even political, it's a fun read and interesting story.
Plenty of right wingers read Karl Marx to figure out the mindset. Some democrats probably read it, but they are probably ignored.
Nigger it was 48%/46% pop vote so the vast majority didnt favor one or the other.
>Looking forward to reading Trump's new book.
He knows what we all know.
If this does not change now, eventually THE PEOPLE who support this bill (financially) will become so enraged by the increasing costs that there will be no choice but to cancel it entirely.
He knows this. We know this. Others do not want to accept this. The costs will become unmanageable before 4 years is up, and Trump will be given power by the people to find a way to remove this bill.
Not likely. I wish it were because I'm so tired of this "conservative" idiots who only pay lip service, but Ds are at a huge electoral disadvantage between the makeup of the congressional districts and the fact that way more D senate seats are up for election in 2018 than R ones.
>the republican party wont even exist next year
that was you, last year.
But most people don't even vote. Voters are less than half the people, and less than half the voters voted for him. So >75% either voted against him or didn't vote at all, i.e. the vast majority didn't vote for him.