Which country will be able to do this and why.
Sup Forums this is the next empire
الخلافة في أوروبا, Inshallah
An empire in the traditional sense, like Rome would not be able to hold this amount of land DIRECTLY. It would be possible through a system of client states.
The Empire will rise again.
sweden getting their shit fixed
Germany working with all muslims.
third time's the charm
we'll live in peace like the time before jews.
inshallah brother
muslims will rise again one day!!!
Fuck off you cut dick
You missed a spot, the rest of the world
Greater Albania
that's the borders of greater ysrael.
read your bible, heathen.
Is Chtuluh coming back ?
The Great Khanate of Binland of gorse :DDDDD
Becoz tru disiples of Genbis Khan
why didn't they grab the rest of siberia and mongolia? or are those tributary states to the great binnish ghanate?
Insha'Allah akhi we're rising
Not really gonna take a Country serious, if you cant even make a decent crescent
The Free American Empire.
You see, after Germany and the Islamic State reigned supreme in Europe, Trump declared that the Kraut and his Islamic friends ought to be thrown to the curb, so he underwent a cleansing for the sake of preserving European culture and "muh heritage."
It goes without saying that most were killed, but for a great cause, as after the European states were re-united underneath the Free American flag, we set our sights on Africa / Middle East and shortly after -- The stars.
It would be a 4th reich started by a coalition of European countries. Non european areas would just be extracted for resource.
I believe that is the Empire of Luxembourg. Or Andorra, I can never remember
Would Earth be 56% white if you took over?