What's Sup Forumss opinion on the Irish. Are they the most unproductive white group on the planet? Are they even white?
They are our only ally and destroyed the evil Anglo Empire, I'm ok with them
>resisting westernization while religious divisions duke it out using IEDs
Pretty much the white middle east.
Most who I've met are borderline retarded. There are a few who redeem themselves though and are genuinely nice and educated people.
Stop preaching against white European people.
They have cute women.
Could probably say the same thing about the English.
the british thought they were slick when they got that fresh new island
it was like swallowing poison
>Are they the most unproductive white group on the planet?
They don't have to be, they just have to be good survivors, which they are.
Fuck the english. Look at what they've done to us.
Fuck off, KIKE!
The Irish are WHITE and REDPILLED!
> Are they even white
They break the limit of whiteness and paleness. The only reason they couldn't be considered white is the freckles that make their face look like a shotgun blood spatter
You're both kind of shitty my man
We are the superhuman master race and true lords of these islands.
They only are if you don't consider Slavs white. Solid 2nd place if you do
Irish is 98.2% white, we have the fastest growing economy in the EU and is ranked in the top 5 best countries to live in
Lifted you from the ooga booga tier stone age society?
Koreanon, you have to let her go my dude.
Reminder that Trump was a supporter of the IRA during the troubles
Fast growing economies are usually 3rd world tier. Stable large economies don't fluctuate strongly
Jews anyway are better than inferior subhuman gentiles like you.
Got to remember Ireland was hit hard by the recession due to corruption in the government and bankers. We have since bounced back and have paid off our loans years in advance and will continue to do so
You're inferior mudslim pajeets.
Match tonight. Buzzin.
There's a special relation between our nations I guess. The Irish did lost their way a bit recently with making same-sex marriage legal et cetera but I forgive them. They are way more exposed to the Western infestation than we are. Still high-tier lads and pub bros. Every time I meet an Irish in Kraków on a friday night I end up with gigantic hangover next day.
Daily reminder the real army of the Irish people is the Irish Republican Army. They are the freedom fighters and will continue to uphold the rights and freedom and act as a deterrent force against British aggression in Ireland.
Tiocfaidh ár lá mo chara
Not good enough. The lighting doesn't add up, the angle isn't great, you can still see his leg missing at the bottom.
I'll give you a 4.5 for effort.
The Irish are fine. Had a raw deal over the course of history and they're still more respectable than most of the world.