(((the invisible hand)))
The problem isn't the market, the problem is that people are fucking retards who pay for and watch disgusting and shallow turds of entertainment.
Which means, there needs to be government regulations on degeneracy.
A society which is capitalist and Christian will keep the market from marketing to the base desires of people. If the Christianity is removed, then the market will do whatever it can to manipulate human psychology for profit. See 2017 for case in point. No wonder Muslims hate us.
Dat ass
we need to start realizing that not all men were created equal.
some people are just better off if they aren't allowed to think for themselves.
I'd fucking smash that like my life depended on it.
Sorry, not sorry
I don't remember her ass being that nice.
what does sex feel like, Sup Forums?
I'm 29 and never touched a woman....
She is wearing skin-colored pants.
They hate you because you bombed them for fucking 20 years without any kind of proofs.
The reason for retarded hoes being multi millionaire pop stars who sing to electronic programmed music is that nigger culture began to take over pop culture decades ago. Sorry to clue you in, but Christ was himself a nigger jew.
Shit you not my first time I'd thought that masturbation was better. To this day I still have yet to find a womans pussy that feels better than my hand.
I really enjoy anal though. Fucking girl butt is the best and you can nut in that without worry.
Just go fuck a prostitute.
Disappointing honestly. It's like sticking your dick into room temperature ice cream.
Something wonderful wraped up in distain.
so close
See some people can't think for themselves, can't enforce Christian values on themselves. Others need to do it.
>I would go there, go in the front line and just watch her slightly in the eyes
>at one point she will notice me
and it will make her uncomfortable seeing a solid person at her concert watching her dancing like a whore#
>maybe she will even suck my dick afterwards
this! Entartete Kunst when???
You can see her tan line.
>muh dik
>The problem is the consumer
Oy vey.
Capitalism is the cancer that supports a state economy when Goldman Sachs is in the shitter but doesn't bother to bail out the every day hard worker. Communism and Capitalism are psy-ops for gullible retards.
What happened to her? Shes so nasty now compared to when she was hannah montana. Doesn't she shove things in her pussy on stage now?
you're fucking the wrong people.
i'm 21. lost my virginity like 2 months ago to my gf who is 23 and has been sexually active since she was 14.
first time was shit. didn't know what i was doing. didn't know how to move properly. didn't realise how much movement was involved on her end. couldn't find her vag. didn't know how to put a condom on. so she mostly took over. i was like yeah, i may as well be wanking. but since finding my feet i've come to realise that wanking is actually shit. doesn't feel close to as good. and you don't get the added class feeling that comes from pleasuring someone else at the same time. it's probably different if you're fucking someone you don't care about, but for me, as someone who probably could have gotten laid before but didn't really care enough to invest the time in finding someone, it's definitely something i can't do without now.
you're hand is not a substitute for feeling her insides around your whole dick pressing against it and feeling her ass pushing against your body while she uses your dick to pleasure herself. seeing the look on her face as you hit against her cervix. feeling her wetness.
god, i love miley
i want my first (happy) lesbian experience with her
>gf who is 23 and has been sexually active since she was 14.
150% sure she's fucking refugees behind your back, laddo.
Im glad I'm not the only one. Beating off is way better and alot less effort. Though I'd take blow jobs over either choice.
lol you're probably right. been really insecure in this relationship top kek
There's no refugees in Ireland.
Never EVER get into a relationship with a confirmed slut. Fuck and dump.
Sex without emotions sucks, when you care about that person it is amazing.
desu she's kind of a reformed slut. literally hadn't fucked anyone in like 6 months before meeting me. i think being sexually active from a young age ruins sex. by the time you're an adult it means nothing to you.
No such thing as a former slut.
Then what's the best system then?
you could be right lad.
>sexually active since 14
its the fucking best, its like a warm jacuzzi dick hug
pretty awesome really
reason for your existence and all that
but it becomes better when you get older because you lose most pleasure in life so you turn to sex as a compensation whereas while you're young and juicy you may very well find sex fine but not that amazing
Yeah...because girls will never lie about how recently someone else fucked them inside out..She was probably still dripping seed when she told you that.
>you're hand is not a substitute for feeling her insides around your whole dick pressing against it and feeling her ass pushing against your body
Yeah...until you realise that she'd been sitting on a toilet seat earlier that day, which other people had sat on before her and contaminated, and that her ass is now smearing all manner of germs around your lower body – not to mention the fact that she'd probably farted multiple times during the day, adding her own fecal matter into the mix.
>seeing the look on her face as you hit against her cervix
Yeah...until you realise that you're sticking your dick into the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and nastiness that has gone unwashed since all of her previous fucks because there's no way to wash the inside of a vagina; until you realise that you're gay as fuck for getting the residual traces of another guy's sperm from years ago all over your dick and you hump away and moan.
The fucking Irish, I swear.
sounds like you have hit your groove. Good work.
Yes of course fucking a vagina is the best. Better than an anus, better than a mouth, better than a hand. But you must find a good vagina - one that is wet, but not too wet. Too wet, and there is not enough friction for you to feel it. Too dry and she is going to call it quits too quickly.
Best position is one where your nuts are banging into her clit. they love that. Every position you need to think about how you can stimulte that clit. With the clit being stimulated and your cock inside her, she is totally not in control of herself - just a bunch of jelly. You learn to fuck like that, you will have a gf forever
AT THE VERY LEAST, keep an eye on her. Also keep yourself in charge. If she doesn't want to follow, dump her. You don't need her, she needs you. DON'T let yourself become a cuck lad.
oh my god you're right. i'm a retard.
Sorry buddy...
some tell the truth senpai. pol is a virgin extremist board just breathe
>Best position is one where your nuts are banging into her clit. they love that. Every position you need to think about how you can stimulte that clit. With the clit being stimulated and your cock inside her, she is totally not in control of herself - just a bunch of jelly. You learn to fuck like that, you will have a gf forever
this is really important shit that u can't appreciate until ur not a whiney 21 y/o virgin anymore. literally the clit is the most important thing. they don't give a fuck about being penetrated. especially if ur not long or wide enough for them to feel it.
More like the invisible cock. The market is led by thirst and immigrants are the thirstiest.
and 21 years ago? why were they like they are now?
lmao it's not a tanline it's elastics in the fabric.
Let me guess, you are a virgin?
Kek help us
I feel bad for that car
Distributism senpai.
You have been shitsposting all day. Don't you have anything better to do being in Denmark? sad.
>you've been fucking the wrong people for the past 13 years
>MFW I've been sexually active since I was 13
Look famdiddlyamalam most women don't know what they're doing. Finding girls who actually know what to do is far and few between. I'm glad you've found one and lost your virginity so soon but you need to calm down. Most women are like fucking a mattress or a dead fish. Too many of them were too afraid of being sluts so they didn't have a lot of sex and as such don't have any moves. I made it my goal at a young age to never get ripped on for being a virgin. I've fucked fat chicks that were better than cheerleaders just because they were huge sluts. Don't feed me this shit of all women are huge sluts that constantly crave potato nigger dick because it's not true. In a world where the good women are modest you have to be aware of the trade off of sexual inexperience. I'm with a 5/10 aryan qt right now (I'm NA) and she's not very good because she's only been with 3 other guys in 25 years. Teaching this hoe to do anything is like pulling teeth because it's either funny to her or she feels stupid. Any man who is any kind of charmer knows these women will eventually become wife material after a little grooming.
Fuck outta here with your experience of sex is greater than the sex attitude.
>you're hand is not a substitute for feeling her insides around your whole dick pressing against it and feeling her ass pushing against your body while she uses your dick to pleasure herself. seeing the look on her face as you hit against her cervix. feeling her wetness.
Fucking kek! You're such a cuck I'll bet you kiss prostitutes.
>There's nothing like watching your cock slide 8 inches deep into a 4'10'' 95lb 24 y/o's asshole as you rip and tear what was left of her innocence
Sex is about dominance and emotional ferocity. That bitch shouldn't be able to walk afterwards. Fuck off with your mamby pamby she needs to feel good shit.
need fake tits and longer hair
Leave that car along , you raw chicken monster.
any reason my nutsack doesnt hang?
I took SSRI's and a few Test cycles with PCT
balls are kinda on the small side desu but I have high test levels
Nigga, you're dumb
you're right lad. i'm such a cuck. i'm going to burn myself with a cigarette when this thread dies ;_;
They seem to have that invisible touch.
no idea lad. but if you fuck her from behind while on your sides you can reach around and stimulate her clit. she won't care.
>they don't care about being penetrated
>they don't even feel it
3" cock detected
stfu kike, you've been fucking up the middle east since the creation of the terrorist country known as isreal, where was al-qaeda before that? or did you forget that it's your own creation?
reported for being a subhuman shill
does anyone have the full concert on vid?
i'm ok size wise. just trying to give hope. my gf was with a guy for 3 years who made her cum once from penetration.
>literally the clit is the most important thing.
this triggers the orgasm
>they don't give a fuck about being penetrated.
no, they actually do.
>especially if ur not long or wide enough for them to feel it.
oh alright
clit orgasm is called climax not orgasm because it's superficial
real deal is when vag is involved, or ass
but even then they need some clit stim, even if it's just the balls hitting it doggy stile
I'd bet it would fit, easy.
>has been sexually active since she was 14
Enjoy your cuckoldry.
Girl pleasure is all psychological. If you have a decent penis and a ripped body, the girl will still orgasm, even if she's not getting any more stimulation, because she knows on a primitive level that she's breeding with a real man. Anything less won't work and they're lying to you
(((the invisible hand rubbing)))
You think anyone bought Ghostbusters? This shit is made to lose money. They don't care- they can print more.
Their purpose is to poison our minds.
>1 post by this ID
Really activates my almonds
You do realize that having a toilet inside your house insures that you get aerosolized feces with every breath, right?
Google "thin patina of fecal matter" sometime
T.virgin lying about having sex
That or you're fuckin crazy, pussy feels amazing. It's like a wet, warm hug that squeezes the jizz from your sack. How is that better than a dry, lonely and shameful experience with only a moment of pleasure?
>implying my toilet isn't in my shed
>implying I don't wear a disposable mask every time I use it
Good. Go get your hot bitch to jerk you off when you do it then bust the load in her mouth. She'll love every drop of it.
>"“a woman would rather be with a guy that beats her to death than one that bores her to death.”--Pretty Boy Flizzy
Now you got two choices either get gud and entertain that bitch with shit her slut ass has never seen before or whoop her ass.
Nut up cupcake and then your Irish ass can come talk with the big boys.
>Friendly reminder Irish guys always choose to beat their wives instead of getting freaky
Lying is the most degenerate thing and official government does it all the time. Fuck outta here you wannabe American
You are delusionnal, people feed themselves with what you put on the plate.
Look at your country, you are a disgustingly obese nation with the most fucked up diet that ever existed, not because the pleb chose it but because the elites thought it was a desirable outcome.
It's exactly the same for entertainment but in a much more coveted manner, that's called the Culture War and it's a never ending battle in which most of the "entertainers" have no fucking clue they are influenced and subtly programmed to push an agenda, especially dumb sluts like Cyrus/Madonna/Beyonce and co.
>you're fuckin crazy
Desensitized my man. My "quickie" sex session lasts around 2 hours. I can pretty much jerk myself off in 10 minutes if I'm concentrating.
>virgin lying about sex
I could show you pictures of my goofy ass with my ex's. I'm no looker though and only a few of my ex's are lookers themselves.
Not true. It's mostly physical, hence them cumming from rape you silly Muslim.
Iraq was prettya dvanced desu
Second ever heart surgery was performed there
most advanced arab nation
Usrael bombed the infrastructure directly
OY VEY thats Fascisms!
>Which means, there needs to be government regulations on degeneracy.
Fuck off back to /tumblr/. The whole point of the Western Revival/Identitarianism/Alt-Right is for the culture to heal itself from the bottom up, not for some asshole's idea of ideal culture being mandated by the state. You are just as bad as people that prosecute holocaust denial.
I know how to smash, just read stories about the nutsack hitting the clit and im like uhhh do i need an old man sack for that lol
>Fucking girl butt is the best
My old lady's back door make me nut like the Oroville dam spillway
Had sex a few times, found it boring as hell. Don't really bother anymore since. Maybe I'm just asexual, idk.
Kys Hoppe libertardian scum. MUH WEALTH TRICKLES DOWN MUH REAGAN!!!!
Absolutely kys.