Esalen, Pedogate

Esalen = Tavi.

OP found a Pedo tied to Esalen.

Other urls found in this thread:


I am feeling so sleepy lately user. Haven't you? All this warmer spring weather is just brining a heaviness to my eyes. Perhaps I will have a glass of wine and a nap. I would advise you to do the same.


htt ps://

this pedo is tied to esalen, tied to tavi. Burn them anons, this pedo worships the owl

htt ps://

He literally worships moloch

h ttp://

This man was given numerous awards and worked with the UN, UNICEF



Fuck off it's getting annoying


"But four board members and two staffers say that over the past year, Werner confirmed to them that he had sex with underage boys from Mexico.."

He was abusing disabled boys in the "charity" he ran

and the UN types knew about it for years and did nothing

h ttp://

this man, is on the board of directors of the organization the pedo (werner) started AFTER he was accused of sexually abusing boys.

Weston works for Esalen, and is Executive director at HAI global.

h ttp://
h ttp://

Getting slid. BUMP

Esalen = Tav*st*ck

from this pdf

Did I mention Esalen also = Jesuits?

Apologies this is from a pdf



So Weston is on the faculty of said tavi/jesuit Esalen.

He is then a co director/board member at Pedo-Werner's new organization.

They also wrote a few articles together.

ht tp://

Jesus Christ save us all

Satan has taken control

So why do we give a fuck about Weston?

He's also the Executive Director at HAI global.

HAI Global leads us to Harbin.....

And to Lin T Chase. of Vixen Strat LLC

Vixen Strat LLC leads to this

h ttps://

htt ps://

which leads to both "illegal rodeo"

and "lilboppers"

h ttp://

Which is registered to Vixen Strat LLC, and on the site it describes how you can make "private appointments" with Chase.....

Advertising for 4 month olds to 7 years old.


h ttp://

Lilboppers has very little actual interaction on its facebook page, has no twitter feed.

But lin chase runs all of it.

It's all registered - Vixen strat, Lilboppers, - at the same location on a marina.


ht tp://

this is all terribly creepy ... those drawing by Warner make my skin crawl...

I have been to the hot tubs at esalen in the 80's but nobody was molesting children at the time.

Still good work ,user.. hope this makes an impact to wake people up

thank you, I just want people to see this.

I have to be afk for a while, if the thread gets archived I'll try again later.

If you want to keep posting interesting info to keep it alive everything is in the OP thread

who do you think is the god of this world? That is why jews are our enemies. The world around you is shaped to please the devil.Look at the numbers, look at the names, look at the symbols , find the secrets and expose them.

There is mention of Esalen and its ties to the CIA in this docoumentary:

I highly recommend it. At 23:40 there is mention of something called the Whole Earth Catalog, which Ted Kaczynski, CIA brainwashing victim while at Harvard, followed to a T. The Whole Earth catdalog is the forerunner of the WELL (Whole World Lectronic Link.) I believe pic related speaks for itself...


Esalen is a sort of vaunted 'Camelot' for progressive intellectuals. It has been a honeypot from the start for Derp State research.
See doco:


bring it down


sunday "dinner" email on esalen in wikileaks





OP's first thread got posted here, slimg links are dead but archives work. Thread got Berenstain sub banned a while back



need to look up every HAI Global facilitator and cross reference for Pedos etc