Would western civilisation have been better off if WW1 never happened?
Would western civilisation have been better off if WW1 never happened?
>No Hitler realising that communism was run by Jews.
Bad world.
Yeah no shit.
Yes no shit.
>no communism
Many argue that there were a lot of discoveries and technological advancements because of it hence my question.
The thought of all of those Europeans dying sickens me though.
But we would still have no knowledge of the Jewish Question, and NatSoc would not exist.
Without WWI the bolshevik revolution would've never happened so WWI was somewhat a good thing for Russia causing the end of the rotten tsarist regime.
Well duh.
tens of millions of fit young men would have been out in factories, farms, universities, work sites, laboratories, colonising Africa and Asia. Instead they're dead 6 deep in a trench because Germany likes to destroy Europe.
No WW1 = No G*rmans sending Lenin to Russia and funding communism in Russia = No Communism in Russia
WW1 is probably the worst event in history and most of the awful things today can be traced back to it.
>bolshevik revolution
>because Germany
Depends what you value. I think so, but then I'm a radical traditionalist who thinks equality is a harmful idée fixe.
Yes. It would have slowed down the rise of feminism.
In my opinion yes.
World War 1 ended the Belle Époque, an era of economic prosperity and technological, scientific and cultural innovations unprecedented in human history. But it went further than, that. World War I was the beginning of the end of Europe's most glorious era. Its reign over the world crumbled quickly.
World War 2 then provided the fatal blow.
The US took over the torch, even the Soviet Union did in a way. But the damage was done. Thanks krauts.
no fucktard it was bad 'cause bloody stalin and lenin personally sent to gulag and killed 100kkk people
Something like it was inevitable. The war ending in 1917 with both sides giving minimal concessions would probably have been best of any alternate history, since no Hitler and no French version of Hitler from the Versailles-esque treaty the Central Powers would've imposed on France and Britain afterward if they'd won.
The world would probably still have ended up with major postwar liberalization in Western and Central Europe (either under the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary if they managed to not collapse or their successor states) with those powers being aligned against the Soviet Union. That could still cause World War 2, but it's possible the Soviets would've held off without the Nazis to divide Europe's strength.
We need WW3 asap. After that people might learn something.
Well it killed off all the good and noble men, on all sides...
we never recovered
and the void was filled with Jew-negroid culture and nihilism
Jesus Christ nice meme.
No Hitler making Europeans feel guilty about the holocaust and having Europe by the short hairs, morally. Hitler wasn't the only anti-semite, in fact at first he thought it was the same low-tier thinking that everyone still does.
If it didnt happen, there wouldnt have been a psychopath becoming a dictator in Germany. Instead he would have been known as a painter with a funny moustache in our history books.
No, it'd be better if it happened again.
People are too soft.
They need to be made to understand that you can't save everyone.
.. less white guilt, we shrug off Jewish influence.
Also, many of the smartest whites died in WWI - back then officers led charges (from glory days of Euro battle) and were disproportionately killed. Even being proportionately killed would be dysgenic.
Ya. Fuck germany for trying to save the west but jewed shit hole coutries like the UK, US and Russia would have none of it
no because there would be alot more germans today.
>Under Lenin: bloody civil war, a few good years.
>Stalin: it's famine time. Also, the promising, inventive, radical avant garde which made the whole Bolshevist revolution exciting, gets killed off because they oppose a totalitarian leader cult. >The Nazis get beaten the fuck out, that's pretty great though, thanks for that.
>After Stalin: things go well for once, Russia is finally relevant again.
>The 80s: People realize they actually live in a decrepit authoritarian state. 70 years of going through shit, and we're back at square one.
Ww1 was necessary. Ww2 was the biggest calamity that Europe ever faced.
Yes, WWI is when it went to shit.
The downfall of European culture was Anglo war propaganda, that turned anti-semitism inacceptable.
Without antisemitism, Jews were able to subvert western culture, which now, 70 years later, could easily mean the end of European cultures.
>Why did the US, the UK and Russia defend themselves from a genocidal aggressor it's not fair! Waaaaah stupid Jewed shitholes waaaah.
You didn't need to invade France in WW1.
learn real history instead of memes
Nobody cared about the Jews. The Nazis could have send them all off in boats to Madagascar, or any fucking place, and the Western states would have send a disapproving letter.
Nobody cared until after the war, when it became clear that someone just had to create ze murdering factories.
>No Soviet Union
>No Soviet Union means no US involvement in Vietnam
>No Soviet Union in Afghanistan means CIA wouldn't arm the rebels.
>CIA not arming the rebels means no 9/11 or war on terror.
>No Nazis
>No Nazis means no holocaust
>no holocaust means no white guilt causing Europe to swing to the left
>no leftist Europe means no migrant crisis
>no migrant crisis means no terrorism in Europe
Fuck World War I.
I'm quite informed on Soviet history, I think it's a fascinating time period. But, while the tsar was a basket case, don't tell me that bolshewism was a blessing for Russia.
They did keep the Empire intact, which is a pretty solid achievement in an era where all empires were crumbling.
>the US, the UK and Russia defend themselves
>defend themselves
>that bolshewism was a blessing for Russia
Well, maybe not blessing, but definitely the best period of Russian history.
Without WWI neither the Soviet Union nor Nazi Germany would be a thing.
Everything I list is a reaction to another thing.
Without the Soviet Union there'd be no cold war. Without a cold war we would've never gotten involved in the middle East. Without getting involved in the middle East we wouldn't have the mess we have today.
>this is what communists actually believe