You can only post ITT if your country has never lost a single war

You can only post ITT if your country has never lost a single war

Where my ameribros at?

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What are you talking about? You lost the civil war.


They were traitor faggots britbong

They were traitor faggots you britbong



>civil war


You lost the war of 1812.

America did lose in Vietnam

>inb4 we didint lose in vietnam it was the media
>inb4 1812 was a stalemate

The Union won the civil war
Therefore the USA won the civil war

Vietnam got BTFO in all but words

the war of 1812 is a myth.

No we didn't. If we did we wouldntcan eexist aa a, bastion.

Brazil never lost a war.

America lost the Vietnam war.

Also, you are a failure in the middle east.


We burnt 50% of the country and left lol


>canadians burn down a building and call it a win
>didnt kill anyone important

Nice try

>Civil war

Killed rednecks and stopped the splitting so we won


Battle of New Orleans

yo try that again dawg


>war of 1812 is a myth
No it isnt,you got BTFO
>union won
A yes,the nigger lovers.The true USA.
It doesnt matter,you wanted to keep VIetnam yours,you failed,you retreated and your enemis took over.That means you lost.

You invaded Canada and were pushed back. Sounds like a defeat to me.

E-Emus don't count, r-right?

False, America lost the war on drugs

>>canadians burn down a building and call it a win

>country who lost in ww2

>posting in this thread



Sorry I don't care for wars that never happened lol

>>union won
>A yes,the nigger lovers.The true USA.

So your definition of victory changes based on whether or not you like who won?

>we burnt 50% of that country lol
So? By your logic RUsians lost the batlte of stalingrad.

Careful there my plumbers the burger can not admit they lost the war of 1812, it's impossible for their brains to accept it

No we literally didn't fucking want it. Nobody wants Canada.

At least the only contestable war in our history can at worst be said is a tie.
Americans need to to step it up tbqh

>union wins
>niggers free
>america is now 60% white
seems like a defeat to me


Oh wait that was a 'tactical withdrawal'

War on Christmas.

>american education
If nobody wants Canada, then why did you invade it? Kek

Nah bro. 1812 was won. We BTFO the Brits. The history books say it was a stalemate, but they don't rule the US, and they don't press American sailors into the Royal Navy so win. We did lost the war in Vietnam in so much as Communism still exists. Idk about the civil war. I don't think there could have been a complete victory unless the south took the north. That wasn't about to happen in any timeline unfortunately.

but you are poland
you literally got assblasted in WW2

Vietnam war

Don't open your stupid fucking mouths about things you've clearly know nothing about. The US won every single engagement in Vietnam, forcing both the NVA and Vietcong to fuck themselves so hard that we had to start bombing other countries just to keep killing them. The Tet Offensive was a massive defeat for the NVA and was the last time they were ever on the offense. We forced them into a peace treaty and then left. It was two fucking years later that the NVA broke their word and attacked the South, and the liberals in power refused to honor our agreements to help them.

Fucking kill yourselves for willingly spreading jew lies.

>Sorry I don't care for wars that we lost lol

>space race
you lost all of these

and no stanley kubrick's short moon clip doesnt count as victory

Very good attempt at psyops

We didn't invade it, we were already there.

Whew lad

>war of 1812
Your goal was to take canada,you failed and signed white peace.
Generraly white peace is considered victory for the attacker.
Still better than france.

Who cares

Shut the fuck up, it was Canadians that did that shit. Wasnt you tea drinking euro faggots overseas.

>In the early days of the Korean War, President Harry S. Truman referred to the United States response to the North Korean invasion as a "police action" under the aegis of the United Nations.
>The Vietnam War and the Kargil War were undeclared wars and hence are sometimes described as police actions.



WHo cares?
You didint achieve your war goal,you retreated and the enemy chieved theirs.
It means they WON and you LOST

>country that lost to mentally retarded farmers and was armed with the best navy


>Nah bro. 1812 was won. We BTFO the Brits.
You outnumbered us 10 to 1 and still had double the casualties we had,is that considered a victory in America?

Heyo, we never lost a war.
You, however, had to leave vietnam with your tails stuck between your legs.

You lost the war against the Jews inside your own country faggot. Jews own your fat asses.


Germany didint declare war on Poland either.
Oh shit bois i gueess we won haha goyim



Revisionist history lesson.

get on our level


America sued for peace

Well we were colonised by the Japanese for a few years, but that was the British, not us.

Britbong is right here. Leaves had jack shit to do with 1812. They were British citizens at the time. The British burned down the White House. The queen should invade Canada for all the shitposting they do on this subject.

You were conquered during WW2 by communist Yugoslavia.

Yeah yeah yeah

Vietnam. Iraq. Afghanistan. Syria. Serbia. WW2.

american has lost quite the few wars.

The world lost in WW2

Did you achieve this goal yes or no

it was a cease fire bong, technically the war is till going

america only came in and mop shit up after everyone else was worn out and tired like ww1 and ww2

Has north korea ever lost a war?

Canadians didnt even exist in 1812 nevermind a Canadian military you muppet

So many asshurt beta countries crying and attempting to change history through the intrawebz. HAHAHA

We didn't want to take Canada. We wanted to liberate Canada from British rule. They spat in our face by killing us, so we we killed back.

At least my country has never been occupied by a foreign regime.

>Invade Canada on thin pretext of press gangs
>Get thrown out of Canada
>Get capitol city sacked
>Get white house burnt down
>Somewhere along the way 4k murcans surrender to literally 80 Brits, such was the horrific disparity in military skill
>All the while British fighting real war against Napoleon
>Finish off Napoleon
>Murca quickly sue for peace
>Call it a draw 200 years later

Please feel free to Google any of those points sirs.

croatian commies won ww2, the fuck u talking about lmao

>ITT butthurt yanks

They win 9 wars out of 10 yet still deny the handful they lost for decades, even centuries. Truly the most fragile of egos is the gringo's. Even we don't carry as much butthurt from the Malvinas, a war where we clearly got wrecked, whereas mmmuricans can't come to terms with those few they almost won. Sad!

tfw never defeated.


Nope. NK confirmed for strongest military force on earth.

Continuation War wasn't a loss for Finland, it was a "defensive victory". We are still undefeated!

Even if,you still failed.

Winning militarily != winning

We lost Vietnam. Rip

>civil war
>vietnam war
>cant even beat sandniggers.
>cucked by jews

>cant refute the argument
>attacks the person.
Typical Sup Forums argument

>croatian commies won ww2
lol no they were mostly Serbian, and the Croatian state didn't exist after war until independence in the 90s.

kek, why does your army follow the style of Nazi uniforms?

fock off harm

You were occupied by britain though?
You were occupied by Mexico though
You were occupied by the French though

Well then Everyone gtfo only North korea can post here










Which war did we win? I know war of independence , Indian war , Mexican American and war of 1812. But honestly Russia won both world wars and our constant string of skirmishes with hooks and sand niggers keep turning into quagmires

>pic related

and without firing a single shot

Dumb medkit

Go to bed, idiot child. We obliterated them and forced them out of the country. We achieved all of our goals and forced them into a treaty. We never had any intention of invading the North as South Vietnam was not worth starting a war with the Chinese. They had two years to rebuild and recruit after we left before they attacked again. It was an entirely separate conflict at that point.

Let me put it into terms that you might understand. It would be like if you unclogged someone's toilet, and then the next week it got clogged again by the same person. You want to go help them but your fat hairy bitch of a wife won't let you leave. They certainly couldn't get mad at you as if it was somehow your fault. After fixing it the first time you left and had nothing to do with it, as much as you wanted to return.

American: We wuz winners!

No. But that wasn't the reason we went to war. Canada was a secondary thought. We went to war because the Royal Navy was pressing our sailors.

The greatest tragedy in US history is the CSA losing the civil war.

I dont know whear your country is so who gives a shit lol

Who's history you been reading lmao?

tito, a croat, ruled Yugoslavia after ww2.

Serbia was the one conquered by commies, as they were liberated by russians instead of their own people, like us.

>and the Croatian state didn't exist after war until independence in the 90s.
eh? republics existed