I miss her.
I miss her
Imagine not having to wake up every day and hearing about the president doing or saying something dumb
>I miss her.
Did the bitch die?
Ayy that bitch got smoked- schlonged by the Don.
she mentally ill
Me too. Remember her first appearance after her (((medical episode))) on 9/11? When we were waiting for her to start coughing on stage.
Why? Why always Hillary? You guys are even trying to conjure up wicked hillary's spawn chelsea. What is your strange fetish with the clintons? Usually when one side loses in absolute shame, they dump the loser and pick a winner. You guys are stuck on the loser and it is truly sad. It is why you guys cant come up with your own original shit. You even take the stupid terms of your enemy like "woke" and the idiotic "tears" meme.
Someone edit Hillary's face in here.
I would so hit it. Look at those toes.
Yeah no shit. Melania needs to step it up and have Sessions burn some women and childen alive within the next month to hit Hillarys milestone.
Oh fug
>>. You guys are stuck on the loser and it is truly sad.
>Begging for the Presidency since 2004.
Hillary is probably done but they are trying to float the imbecilic daughter.
People think Trump is verbally gullible? Watch Representative Chelsea walk into rhetorical trap over and over again.
Soon enough
Dude why
What in the fuck is this guy babbling about?
he ´needs moneiy for da kids
I was babbling about Liberals hitching their wagons to falling stars.
now wondering why you have such weird personal clinton pics.
She misses the stupid minions that she knows are idiots and who let her down
You are even a poor excuse for a fool
Hnnngg..I would go down on her too.
I miss her corruption the most.
I enjoy collecting images. Doesn't matter of what.
she's tugging Bill in that picture
Imagine young Hilldawg giving handjobs...
Okey-dokey I guess.
I guess.
I miss him
Your in luck - just in timer for some ass puddin!
calm down mark
how many likes did you get?
She died?
That's just mean.
Wew Ass to mouth all day long.
She would bite your dick off.
Yeah there is that issue.
>I miss her.
Are you a prison warden?