>For 78 days NATO bombed Serbia and Montenegro
>20000 airstrikes , 250 daily
>Usage of depleted uranium leading to high number of cancer cases if following years
>Usage of cluster bombs
>3000 civilians killed
>1000 soldiers killed
>79 children
>Huge number of schools, hospitals, bridges, factories destroyed
>Hundreds of billions of dollars in damage
>280000 Serbs displaced from Kosovo
>Number of NATO aircfaft shot down (officialy denied)
>American multibilion project of "invisible" aircraft shut down after F117 was discovered on a radar and was destryed by the Serbian AAW for the first and only time in history
>2017- Europe geting fucked by kebabs, you are welcome
18 years since the start of NATO campaign against Serbia
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck serbia and fuck white people
serbs aren't even human
Those kosovans trash need to go home
But they were filthy s*rbs.
You forgot the most important part:
>Serbia permanently BTFO
Shut up burger. You are either a negro or a cuck whose girlfriend takes BBC and makes you watch.
Oh shut the fuck up already about removing kebabs.
You killed Bosnians and Kosovars, two groups of EUROPEAN people who happened to be Muslims, and not even real Muslims at that, just LARPing ones that fast and maybe do a prayer now and then but still drink alcohol, eat pork and don't even practice Sharia law.
You also killed Christians of those groups, as well as Christian Croats - but oops, I guess that doesn't matter because it puts a dent into the whole "lel good Christian serbia vs. the muslim hordes" 14 year old teenage fantasy you have.
You never had the balls to fight real arabs, real sandniggers direct from Syria, Pakistan, Egypt - real fucking non-European pieces of shit that have been practicing sharia law for thousands of years, who are actually inbred and completely foreign to Europe. No, all you could kill was white Bosniaks, Albanians and Croats - and now you LARP as some kind of LE EPIC DEFENDER OF EUROPEAN CHRISTIANITY
Fuck off with your bullshit. The whole conflict was ethnic, not religious. The paramilitaries and volunteers that did most of the "removing" were fucking criminals and drug dealers, not some European Crusader holy Orthodox warriors.
>a country of niggers obliterated your country of "whites"
how does it feel to be inferior to niggers?
Remove yourself disgusting kebab
>being this assmad
Remember the time we disregarded any ramifications of WW3 by telling troops to fuck Serbs and Russian only to have some pussy brit whose only claim to fame being a shitty pop song in the mid-2000's prevent the scourge that is Serbia from being wiped off the map completely like it should have been in 1914?
>t. Turkish rapebaby
Kek. Salty Serbtrash
Pic related: You know
One small country of 7 million people vs an alliance of 20 countries
You are funny. It will be your last.
>Waah fuck NATO for not allowing us to commit genocide
I agree with the burger. Look at this serb, she dosen't looks even human. Awful eyes, no tits and shitty rural music in general.
Top jej.
Good Goys!
>Clark commanded Operation Allied Force in the Kosovo War during his term as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000
>Clark's father's family was Jewish; his paternal great-grandfather immigrated to the United States from Belarus
Serbia was fighting the KLA which was recongized as a terrorist organization before the war. But when burgers wanted to attack they declared them peaceful civilians.
Does anybody ever think that Serbia will happen again, but in Germany and Sweden, possibly the muzzie populations will split off into their own countries and slowly but surely devour the rest.
>all the diaspora niggers with american flags
Its funny every single time
>americans are niggers
it's funny cause its true
>serb kills austrian heir to the throne
>starts world war one
>made world war two possible
>reason why the world of today is what it is
i hope someone will bomb you again.
If you knew anything about history you would know that AH empire planned to attack Serbia long before the Sarajevo assassination .
check yourself nigger, (((They))) Would have you think that but they are our brothers in the future fight to save europe and white culture
>Doesn't know (((they))) literally sponsored the rise of the Karadordevic dynasty and ensuring the start of WW1 and continued divide and shill tactics in the region
>Doesn't know (((they))) have used slavs for this exact purpose since then, doesn't know they even used czech and polish people to deconstruct the remnants habsburg monarchy
>Doesn't know pan-slavinism is a controlled ""movement""
>Thinks the Balkans is a legitimate conflict area
This guy
is actually right, except both sides were ideologically subversed. There are only 2 groups in the Balkans: I2 and E.
Race is the most important thing here. It's white on white crime but one side is brainwashed into islam and the other into Russianism. Wake up.
Less serbs , less trash, better world
The guy was a member of the group Young Bosnia which was against the occupation of Bosnia by AH empire. The groups members were of every background, Serbs, Muslims and Croats and they had nothing to do with Serbia.
if u didnt have remove kebab memes you would be just another turk rapebaby shithole that cant win a war
Not enough. Serbia should have been glassed
>a literal nigger
Let me tell you this, negroid possible diaspora:
We killed nobody.
We're not the legendary kebab removers from the memes because the memes never happened.
Once you get that redpill into your monkey brain, then you shall be allowed to express your opinions on the subject of South Slavs.
shut up sandnigger
You realize that we know for an absolute fucking fact that Young Bosnia was funded and organized by the Black Hand and the Serbian government, correct?
>Usage of depleted uranium leading to high number of cancer cases if following years
Depleted uranium is poisonous heavy metal, like lead. It isn't radioactive and shieeet.
No, Young Bosnia had nothing to do with the government.
There's a reason why members of the Black Hand were sentenced to death for treason in Thessaloniki.
And Black Hand assassinated the Serbian king in 1903.
Depleted uranium is radioactive.
>people in the government were executed years after the fact because the Prime Minister, who knew about the plot, wanted to make peace with Austria-Hungary who made it a prerequisite for even making a consideration of peace
>therefore the government had nothing to do with it because one guy wanted to save his own ass
Great logic. I mean really fucking brilliant deduction. You should publish this. It'll push the historiography of the event into a new era. One where Serbia dindu nuffin and it was Princip alone.
Why blame NATO when the US did most if not all of the bombing?
They were not the government. They weren't even politicians. They were military.
If you knew anything about the period, you'd know about the Black Hand-Radicals conflict. The government never supported them.
Yeah. That Prime Minister did a fuck ton to stop the plot that he knew was in motion. Oh wait, he didn't do anything. He didn't do anything for 3 fucking years. Do you know what that is called? Accessory to fucking murder.
Dude have you ever listened to Serbian music? If that's European colture that India must be European to
you should know best poo man
>he knew about the plot
O rly?
How could he, from the position of Prime Minister, stop a plot to assassinate somebody in another country, even if he knew about it (which he didn't)?
[serbian revisionism intensifies]
>Oh shut the fuck up already about removing kebabs.
>You killed Bosnians and Kosovars, two groups of EUROPEAN people who happened to be Muslims, and not even real Muslims at that, just LARPing ones that fast and maybe do a prayer now and then but still drink alcohol, eat pork and don't even practice Sharia law.
>You also killed Christians of those groups, as well as Christian Croats - but oops, I guess that doesn't matter because it puts a dent into the whole "lel good Christian serbia vs. the muslim hordes" 14 year old teenage fantasy you have.
>You never had the balls to fight real arabs, real sandniggers direct from Syria, Pakistan, Egypt - real fucking non-European pieces of shit that have been practicing sharia law for thousands of years, who are actually inbred and completely foreign to Europe. No, all you could kill was white Bosniaks, Albanians and Croats - and now you LARP as some kind of LE EPIC DEFENDER OF EUROPEAN CHRISTIANITY
>Fuck off with your bullshit. The whole conflict was ethnic, not religious. The paramilitaries and volunteers that did most of the "removing" were fucking criminals and drug dealers, not some European Crusader holy Orthodox warriors.
Fun fact: This cunt almost made NATO enter in a war with Russia, thanks to the British Officers they refused to obey and avoided a conflict.
Singer James Blunt also helped to save the world we know. (Was a officer in this time)
>Unironicaly comming on Sup Forums and trying to grab sympathies for NATO bombing
What the fuck is wrong with you dude, fuck them and fuck EU, we dont need their pity, they know what they did, we dont need their apologize either, we know who are our friends and allies, fuck EU and USA, i dont give a shit about them.
As far as i know every Serb can get a passport, who like EU, western liberal values and shit, is free to fuck off.
Sure, you must also believe that USA attacked Afghanistan and Iraq because Al-Qaeda did 911.
>How could he stop a plot which originated in his country that he knew about because we have the documentation to prove that he knew about it and it's not Austro-Hungarian conjecture anymore
Good question. How could someone stop a plot they know about that is being organized from their country? How could someone not tip off some government that JUST MAYBE the heir to the throne is going to be assassinated? Again, accessory to murder. Fuck off.
this is the albo diaspora guy from france.while what princip did is debatable(good or bad), austria has been boasting for years how easily it can conquer serbia, it created albania, basically caused the serbo-bulgarian war of 1885 and the 2nd balkan war and had a trade war with Serbia.
Also, in WW1 AH was like Italy in WW2.In the beginning they couldn't break a 11 times smaller country for a year and only managed to do so with German help and Bulgarian backstab, only to get BTFO 2 years later.
What are you doing here Italy don't you have to do some surrendering and shit
This is true, I know a Bosnian guy who fled the war and he's "muslim" but drinks alcohol and doesn't really pray. He's a based mechanic.
>18 years since the start of NATO campaign against Serbia
Holy shit. That was my first war. I'm getting old as fuck.
that's a straight up retarded statement, especially coming from an albanian leaf(works for both statements)
to a good exent true, however we were definitely anti-muslim more than anyone else in that war and memory of turkish occupation is undoubtably what lead many(especially in bosnia) to join the war.
replies itt show that pollacks are idiots.
at least at this time of the day.
the nato bombings were actually planned at least a decade before. clinton send his campaing staff who got him elected to germany in order to get schröder elected who then agreed to the nato bombing that ofc is against international law. those same ppl also got jelzin elected in russia.
>really makes u think
dude, killing of civilians were on both sides, that's "normal" when you have war based on religion. Croats were burning Serbian churches, we were killing their civilians, they were killing ours, same with Bosnia, ffs it was war.
There were civilian casualities on both sides.
That loss was nearly 20 years into the service life of the 117. it was on borrowed time anyway. the way the serbs downed the 117 is pretty neat. They cranked the wavelength wayyy up on their T/A radars allowing them to detect the aircraft when its bay doors are open. It was really innovative and resourceful using old tech.
As for the depleted uranium...sorry not sorry. That's kinda our thing. Just like fighting over trivial tracts of land and random demographics is your alls.
Thanks tony Blair for fucking everything up
Idk why my people hate west, NATO and US when Clinton was LITERALLY responsible for everything.
Thank god that cunt isn't in white house
Nice to see someone based around here for a change.
but you albanians don't have airplanes, i know it's hard :^)
I only regret that our military wasn't around for you Slav bro. The US is a thug, which can only attack the weak. Nigger tactics all along. Let's hope the day of reckoning is close.
It wasn't organized from Serbia. It was just supported by the Black Hand (they were not the government).
The government didn't know about it. They knew of "something" that might happen, and warned Austria-Hungary that "something" might happen.
Austria-Hungary wanted the war and dismissed the warning.
>burger education
You people seriously need Betsy DeVos.
>implying drones and paper planes can't defeat any army in the world
albania is too strong user, we are powerless
after trump's election people are starting to like the us again.rn i am pretty sure germany and uk are hated way more compared to usa.
btw does someone have that "when albanians provoke you" pic?
>4000 deaths
You're gonna mention most of the bombings happened in the territory of Kosovo and most of the victims were citizen of Kosovo-Albanian ethnicity or are just gonna sweep it under the rug?
I love that image
based NATO
why are you fucks renovating your miniatry of defence? the tomahawk hole was a fucking awesome turist attraction and a reminder of how the west fucked you guys. even im mad about that. what the fuck man?!
So you would join NATO even tho there are "monuments" of their destruction and fotage of wounded civilinas who had nothing to do with Milosevic politics and Kosovo all over the youtube?
Good for you man, i would honestly be embarased, death is better than cowardice and servantry, at least death is imiminent and waits for us all, but cowardice is a choice.
NATO is pretty important in my opinion, a military force so large that no one dares to go against it has to exist for world peace.
Thanks for sometimes sending your air force over here USA and Canada to watch over us.
Please Annex us USA.
Yeah I know bro. I was pissed about that too.
Serbs aren't human
Serbs aren't white
Serbs aren't decent
Serbs are almost as subhuman as russians
Serbs are hairy
Serbs are swarthy
Serbs are consummate rapebabies
Serbs are bloodthirsty gypsies
Serbs snipe schoolchildren
Serbs were a mistake of history
Serbs are barely humanoid let alone human
Serbs are hated by all
Serbs are a rump state
Serbs will not exist by 2100
The Race who Owns your Stinku Slave Asses
Come to my thread please.
t. Romanian Croat
>a military force so large that no one dares to go against it has to exist for world peace.
Was never attacked by anyone.
Attacked numerous countries.
i never said that i would join, i didn't write that anywhere. I just said there are no reasons to hate French people, Brist or Yankies for something that one guy did. If there soldiers didn't do that (doing what has been ordered to them) they would go to prison and lose milit. service, meaning their children would prob be hungry and so.
I met one guy from Missouri who is American two-three years ago and he told me that many US citiziens protested the war in Yugoslavia (bombing of Yugoslavia)
A Amerika se nama koliko toliko oduzila investiranjem u Srbiju (oko 60% srpske ekonomije). Da tvoja braca investiraju toliko ne bi ni ovolike plate imali.
Vise smo ratova vodili vojnik pored vojnika sa Britancima nego sa Rusima, zanimljiva cinjenica ;)
germany was the key player. US needed to have kohl removed because he would have never let this happen.
you have to nkow that the minister for foreign affairs was from the green party, which was in power for the first time and their basic agenda was: peace and environment. still their first thing to do was bring back war to europe. when ever ppl still believe in democracy i bring up this example. all politicians are puppets of the military-industrial complex.
the effects of depleted uranium are insane. that stuff changes your dna. i cannot wait for the annihilation of the empire
>it wasn't us
>it was the ebuul Clintons
Nobody reading and participating in this thread will exist in 2100 and by the geopolitcal situation and anti-russian propaganda in the world, i doubt that whole world will see 2100, we are on the brink of nuclear war if you didnt noticed.
When US runs out of Middle East countires to spread democracy only thing left is the rich Russian soil.
That's why all you niggers run away and go to Germany, Switzerland and France, cuz your country is perfect and everyone likes you
>Clinton being a pedosatanist and acting corrupt in america
>It's bad
>Clinton being a pedosatanist an leading the charge of mbombing a white Christian Nation
>It's good
Poltards need to be gassed.
Redpilled my ass, the good goy programming is still strong with you
orthodox cockroach why rage ?
Aren't you the little bluepilled faggot? Here's a quick rundown:
>Be Slovenia
>Have good economy because of your geographic position close to the west
>Work hard
>Beliniggers get the lion's share because reasons
>you get barely enough to survive
>Be Croatia
>Have good economy because of your geographic position with an opening to the Adriatic
>Work hard
>Beliniggers get the lion's share because reasons
>you get barely enough to survive
Start to notice a pattern?
shit, you mudslimes are everywhere ffs
Who are the beliniggers?
Turks aren't human
Turks aren't white
Turks aren't decent
Turkx are almost as subhuman as Albanians
Turks are hairy
Turks are swarthy
Turks are consummate rapebabies
Turks are bloodthirsty gypsies
Turks snipe schoolchildren
Turks were a mistake of history
Turks are barely humanoid let alone human
Turks are hated by all
Turks are a rump state
Turks will not exist by 2100
Someone who isn't a subhuman roach
Remember their memetrain they sent to Kosovo?
Had to beg to get their people back lel
Ti da imas 2 grama mozga znao bi da sve pare koje se investiraju kod nas zavrse u dzepu politicara, mi dobijamu kurcinu koja se izlije, Amerima se svidja nas IT sektor koji je u ekspanziji, investira kod nas jer za platu jednog americkog programera moze da otvori softversku firmu ovde, imam par drugara koji rade u Ubisoftu ovde kod nas, nisi znao da imaju poslovnicu ovde? Evo sad znas.
Ceo zivot cemo da budemo zapadna radna snaga, mi smo evropski Indijci, a taj Britanac i Francuz sto su ratovali sa tobom su ti sipali bombe po glavi i unazadili nam ekonomski zemlju za 100 godina, svaka fabrika koja je radila potkacena je od NATO bombe, mi para nemamo da to opet dignemo, vratili su nas u kameno doba, mozemo samo da seremo ovde, al realno su nas usrali!
Word play, Beligrad (Belgrade) is the capital of Serbia. Beli means white in Yugo so it's calling them white niggers.
Make it happen, Serbia
literally the reason slovenia left was having to pay for albanian populated shitholes in kosovo and macedonia.no fucking shame.
for Europe there is no difference between turkish cockroach and cockroach from balkans . turks , serbs , albanians , croatians even greeks are cockroaches from same shithole .
NIce trips, we cant make it, we are westernized cucks, we cant even put our military radars back, NATO disarmed us and we singed treaties that prevent us from having anyhting serious. We are fucked, memes are everything that is left of us.