Brits, if the opportunity arose, would you vote for or against relaxing our gun laws?
Brits, if the opportunity arose, would you vote for or against relaxing our gun laws?
shut it down.
I'm definitely in favor of allowing people to keep guns at home for self defense.
What do you mean with "relaxing"
Allowing to own more guns for sporting and hunting?
Allowing to own guns for self defense?
Allowing to own and to carry guns?
>relaxing our gun laws
So chavs like you can own one?
Fuck off.
Yes, every white man should be armed and know how to shoot.
Yes to all three.
Bit late for that sentiment.
Considering what Vicky Ford and Julian King did to the EU, I doubt they'll let you have anything more than you currently have ever again. And they'll probably go for more control very soon, as you're exiting, you'll need your special brand of gun control.
Repeal the semiauto ban (fuck it, full auto ban too)
Repeal the handgun ban
Allow CC
Adopt Castle doctrine (cos an English man's home is his...)
They're cucks so they'll vote against.
You realize that GBR is like 25 mooooslim. You wanna give the fullautos? Lone wolfs cant get guns. Trucks arent their first choice. Homo pelle nekru xdddd
You're not wrong mate. I don't know why us brits got so pussified about guns.
Chavs can already get one of the 4 million illegal ones you fucking cuck.
Those cunts can get them easy enough if they want them anyway. Banning handguns did fuck all to their use in crime. Bans only disarm law abiding citizens and stop them defending themselves.
More guns for everyone
Literally the only reason I don't have a gun is because my landlord won't let me install a safe. Dump that part of the law and I'll have half a dozen by the end of the week
>giving all the muslims guns
Genius, what could go wrong?
Oh yeah, you could constantly get shot by non-whites like these retards
I think they're fine
Did you not see Paris and Munich? Surprisingly terrorists don't care about the law, if they want to use a gun they'll get one. This onto affects law abiding people.
>It's me Bren gun
That's funny as hell. When you do get your hands on firepower in Britain, you get old WWII surplus
Fuck gun hysterics and hoplophobes
Thread theme
The effort it takes to get something that isn't a 3 shot maximum shotgun is fucking ridiculous though. Barely anyone has them for a reason.
How easy is it to convince the police that you need a .50 cal rifle?
And it should take effort. I don't want any random stranger to own a gun. What happened at Westminster could have been a lot worse if they had access to a semi-automatic rifle.
>Need to jump through half a dozen hoops
>Need to install a gun safe (banning the working class enterly because lol landlord/council restriction)
>"manual action" only for everything that isn't a pea shooter
>For a FAC, you need an interview with the police to make sure you're not a nutter, already setting the precedent that the police can declare you insane, then take your guns
I've never tried so I don't know.
>manual action in .223 and up
I wouldn't even count that m8.
how can it be fine? weaponry is a human right. self-defense is a human right. everyone needs to have a gun.
>having to prove to he police that you're not a nutter is a bad thing when it comes to owning guns
>you fucking cuck.
Not wanting ALL the chavs to have the right to be armed makes me a cuck?
Okay. You go lobby for a law that makes your life more dangerous.
And presumably the current law meant they could be arrested and their weapons confiscated.
>Bans only disarm law abiding citizens and stop them defending themselves.
Low IQ argument desu senpai.
"manual action" is not an ar-15 or an ak47. It is a bolt action gun styled like one of those. Nice try britbong
People in the UK have a right to own a gun.
considering the only illegal weapons are post ww2 and getto shit that would blow yer hand off
why do you want more guns, moe hammed?
He could've got a gun if he wanted to. I'm sure all his pals that were arrested were loaded with guns.
And yeah their should be some hoops, like proper background checks and a safety course, our laws are still retarded though.
why not?
Getting the FAC in the first place is the problem. After that if you are involved in long distance precision shooting etc, shouldn't be an issue.
I know what manual action is.
>man who is known to the police as a terrorist sympathiser tries to get a gun
How many months of police investigation must you subject yourself to before they consider your may-issue permit and registration? Are you allowed to store them in your house? What are ammo laws like? And most importantly, if they decide it's just a little too dangerous to own, what stops them from knocking on your door and confiscating them?
These are the important questions.
You can do all that research yourself, I'm sure. I don't know all the details about the time it takes to get a gun.
Unequivocally for, if they implemented educational courses on safe handling, maintenance and accuracy practice to bring us up to speed as much as possible. With the absolute fucking state of this country, its populace, and our general inexperience with firearms it would not be a good idea to just suddenly Yank the place up overnight. In today's world we need guns again and we need them right now.
Not while the country is full of nogs and pakis. Even our terrorists are using knives.
For. I would like to be able to protect my family should the need arise.
Tfw You use this gun pic related and points to a brit who can tell what type gun it is but
kek when you use this to defend your own home and then its off to jail .... bye bye for defending your own from a jihadi, crook, rapist, murder, kek nope your the criminal hey who knows maybe you'll meet the guy who broke in for whatever reason and you can be liek so what are you in for :)
Not here, we have AKs and ARs converted to man op. Basically the action is cycled manually with a side handle.
Also work arounds: semi auto is defined here as a firearm that fires, extracts, ejects and reloads with one trigger pull. Soooo you can get vz58 conversions where you pull trigger, gun go bang, but the bolt locks back. Pull again, reloads, bolt runs back into battery.
Not me. I already regret voting for Brexit.
I want guns for self defence, but I have seen some of the state people get into over here and imagine the chavs would just pull them out over someone looking at them the "wrong way". If there was a way to make sure the dreggs of society couldn't get a hold of them then sure I would be all for it.
Banning knives worked really well, as proven by 2 days ago (^:
There is, and it's called background checks.
This. Going from one to the other would be a disaster, simply from people who have no idea what they're doing blowing their own dick off five minutes after buying one. It would need to be phased back in slowly.
>and it's still a .22
I don't know what that cunt was getting at with that infographic. Are we supposed to believe guns are legal in the uk? In the us if you want an ak, in the caliber it's meant to be in, all you have to do is be 18
Must admit, I don't get the Americans and their gun-eroticism, and their worshipping of their constitution. But a gun is a practical thing.
The law doesn't stop criminals from killing people. Criminals don't care about the law.
It just makes it harder for decent, law-abiding people to defend themselves.
Weren't there shots fired in latest GBR happening?
This post is how duraking looks like.
Stripped away from common sense, ready for living in his socialist zoo, a true homo sovieticus.
Brits, you can obtain firearms.
Join a rifle club
Complete 6 month probationary period
Apply for firearms certificate
Acquire firearms.
Because semi-auto is banned in centrefire, get an straight-pull AR15, easy to convert to semi when SHTF.
Or it could have went a lot better if a would-be victim was armed and gave that sandnigger a dirt nap.
A minister's bodyguard shot the attacker.
Because every American thinks they're John Wayne
Yes, with the caveat that first generation immigrants and convicted felons waive their right to a firearms permit.
For, and it's a fucking insult that more people aren't demanding them back seeing what's happening right now. Do we just wait for a Paris style attack? Would people even say anything after that? Ridiculous how people aren't fighting for the right to protect themselves.
People who support gun control belong in mental institutions.
I'd support a law making that happen.
>Acquire firearms
And do fucking what with them?
That's because we are.
For, at the moment every scumbag with a healthy disregard for the law can get a firearm for the cost of a used Corsa, they shouldn't feel safe when they turn their illegal weapon on the public just because armed police are absent.
Yes, don't believe the memes. The law is semi auto only in rimfire. Single shot in centrefire. So you can get an AR in 5.56, but it will be man op - basically a mechanism added to cycle the action by hand.
Although, it's not that hard to get the license.
You know exactly what they'll say. "#notallmuslims" "#terrorismhasnoreligion" "#prayfor" and variations thereof.
A security report following the attack concluded that if the attacker had been better armed, with a gun for example, he may have found it easier to get into the door he was aiming for, get into the House of Commons voting lobby, and wreak havoc on a chamber of unarmed MPs, including the Prime Minister.
Instead, he had a knife, killed one police officer and was shot dead. Tragic though the loss of life was, it could have been much worse.
Hence I am okay with the current gun laws.
If you look at the USA, they are brought up with guns, taught how to use and respect them through multiple generations. so how do you suddenly allow a whole country to own them freely for self defence, who the vast majority have no respect for guns and the dangers associated, it would just turn into chaos imo. it would be like we would have to go through a period of unrest and random shootings before there was enough generations of people that had been used to being around guns that it was thought of as a tool to only be used under certain circumstances and not a cure all for any day to day squabble you have.
legally and safely shoot them at a shooting club or on private land with permission of the landowner
It would just make it easier for sodomites and barbarian muslims to use weapons against whites and Christians.
Link to the report? It's been two days, that was fucking quick.
Learn to operate a firearm, learn marksmanship, compete, hunt, have fun.
>t. cuckahmed
In Canada you can get semi auto assault rifles, pistols etc. You just don't have CCW.
We don't have a gun violence problem because we don't have niggers and spics.
Think of the red-pilling that could have occurred.
I think he means so you can just chill with your mates and some guns etc, i.e gun laws that demand you're in a relaxed mood in order to operate them legally.
Original comeback m8
may as well ask here, but does anyone have one of those twitter screencaps of UK cops confiscating "weapons" like hockey sticks, golf clubs, and literal sticks?
Yes there were - some police are armed. Like at parliament and at airports and at other high profile places you see police with guns. Not your average everyday police tho
>A security report following the attack concluded that if the attacker had been better armed, with a gun for example, he may have found it easier to get into the door he was aiming for, get into the House of Commons voting lobby, and wreak havoc on a chamber of unarmed MPs, including the Prime Minister.
You say that like it'd be a bad thing.
I thought about this too. Imagine how our MPs would view Islam if that happened...
Yeah they had a hard time killing whites and Christians in Paris right? Because of gun control and all.
There was literally an armed Muslim in Germany that was attempting an attack. They can get guns. Our law just makes it harder for "whites and Christians" to protect themselves.
Texas held a 'Draw Mohammed' contest. as predicted, to aspiring jihadists showed up with full auto AKs and a car bomb. They were taken out by a retired cop serving as a security guard armed with a .45 caliber Glock. It was noted that this wasn't particularly sporting as hunting over bait is frowned upon in Texas
Its a double edge sword for US, population in S. Chicago would be out of control w/o guns.
I read it on possibly the BBC or the Guardian...don't know for sure. But there was some MP or Police officer who said basically what I just said. Talked about "if there were more attackers, better armed, had floor plans etc."
"There aren't any armed police inside the palace corridors"
I'll try and find the quote at least.
fuck of swedistan, this thread is not for you
>your doing gods work, me mum was killed by a bike wheel...
>I don't get the Americans and their gun-eroticism
Americans associate gun ownership with liberty because we had to fight for our independence using our own guns and ammo. It is difficult for Europeans to understand our mentality.
Chicago is practically disarmed if you are a law abiding gun owner is Chicago you are required to have your gun in gun locker so :/ rip
>tfw it's just some teenager trying to repair his bike tyre
You're right, but see my post here: We should bring the military in to train our citizens since they don't do fuck all these days.
>a (((security report)))
Nice what if scenario. Here are a couple more: what if the attacker simply built an anfo bomb. Is fertilizer and diesel ilegal in the uk? What if he had a semi truck a la nice, france? Both of those scenarios could kill scores more people than a nut with a gun (facing cops with guns).
Also the whole Frontier Pioneer spirit.
>plastic knife
are those not allowed? How do you guys cut up your burgers?