Tfw your country will never have an empire as big as the British Empire
Maybe on paper.
Shame the Jews ruined it.
Fuck kikes.
>tfw we had a good run, but you gotta give credit where credit is due
none can surpass the anglo in their cunning
>It's the kikes fault
Kikes didn't force you to bend the knee to global pressure. You cowards chose to. Most nations under your rule turned into poverty ridden shit holes when you left, British Empire was actually a good thing.
Yeah as if Empire was a product of superior whites? huh it was a KIKE money machine and you were jewed.
Now the very same jews are destroying you,like a toy.
>tfw your country's empire is roughly 48 million square kilometers
Stay mad, Earthfags.
Meanwhile Britistan today
"if you really love something, let it go"
Mongolians had bigger. Live your lie longer anglo
>>>Bongs beating the Roman Empire ever.
Tsk, and it was going so well too.
You know, the Romans weren't actually like your films portray them.
Atleast we won't have an Empire to lose to the Irish.
The anglo always wins Jorge
money maybe but it was the sweat of the anglos brow that built it
No they didn't. Learn how to count, little Gopnik.
___ __ ___ ___
all these none countries with brown shitskin getting all mad in this thread,the empire triggers you dont it lol?
our current state is a bump in the road not the end of it...you will all freeze once more in the shadow of britain! mark my words sub humans!
congratz on slaughtering millions for a cup of fucking tea. Angelos are truly the masters
it's all thanks to our eternal ally, portugal
>The ottoman's facial hair isn't a mustache
k then
Yes, but after it fell apart, we indirectly inherited that burden.
tee hee
seriously you bellend cucks couldn't even compete with your own fucking colonies
It fell apart because of you yanks and what you did at Suez.
meanwhile Scotland and Ulster will split making of what will be left from the UK, a tiny country
>tfw my country will never have sharia law zones
"Anglo's" as pol calls them are all of those ethnicities on your pic, that's where they came from and who they descended from, you're literally saying they BTFO themselves. I thought you guys were supposed to have high IQ? lol.
I'm Italian
> btfo
British might be biggest but Spanish Empire is fucking amazing based on Cortez alone. Get fucked Aztecs.
>those ethnicities on your pic
>dozens of generations of literal cuckoldry
>until some other bull appears
and the cycle continues to this day
Jews did nothing about that, the americans did.
1776 was money and manpower well spent.
we had a good run
French nobility ruled the anglo peasants, unless you are from aristocrat heritage you indeed got BTFO.
delete this
>Being brain dead
>kikes fault
The juice did it m8s.
We all had a good run Portugal
Bitch please
hey jew
don't get butthurt
take a sad shoah
and make it better
to mention the
trillion jews
then you begin
to get your shekels
>america thinking they're of any significance
Well atleast we still have a subcontinent to ourselves
>Still living in a monarchy
Pick one you limey rat
monarchy is best, it's simply established fact
>Being a shithole with guns being the only recognisable feature
>Having an actual culture
Pick one you yankee lardball.
Shame the Falklands are ours :-)
>Sides eternally BTFO
>conquer half of the world
advice 2017 ad
New thread lads.
I wish the Turks would build a superior civilization and invite me to come leech off their welfare system and outbreed them in their own country.
>Greenland is still Danish in the last frame
It may not be India, Australia or the Americas (Technically is, but meh) But because of low population we managed to keep it. I guess that's something after all.
>my mfw face when a redcoat cuck pretends he ever owned the United States of America and includes a fully shaded in continental US and Alaska and Hawaii on on his map
pick one faggots
>KD ratio
>White house
>Even without it we're still number 1
>yfw america is put down as Empire of Zion
>the combined history of the UK and Canada creates this one victory
Yeah, We had one war and were allies ever since. You tied with a state that had literally no power at the time and has relied on them for generations since
Nice "empire", Mohammed.
Do the Scots and Welsh and english poor and middle class count as having empire? They were canon fodder.
Over the top boys! 72 virgin queen victorias for all men who die expanding the empire.
Muh empire and sheit. We wuz kangz.
>our culture gets exported globally
>bongtard too fucktarded to notice
Fix your teeth cunt
is that why you don't control it?
tea is the ambrosia
the very fact you are calling them by their english name shows you know this not to be true hernandez
>American Revolution was the downfall of the British Empire
do you kikes not know fucking history?
Well it was an empire, Tyorne LeThaddeus Johnson.
t. Irrelevant cannon fodder
>implying your culture isn't anglo in origin
Fix your diabetes and brain cunt
shame youre a nigger
Does that include modern Britain? lol
>implying that is even close to rebuking what i said
pretty desperate to stay relevant, huh cunt? Milking the anglo card for all it's worth like some sort of sadcunt.
Meanwhile France still has lowkey colonies, we just changed the name.
>Be Anglo
>Get raped by Muslims
>Get arrested for watching porn without a license
>Pay €50 billion pounds to the EU for leaving it
you know, Britain still has overseas territories as well.
ikr.... these britcucks
250 k people.
Ours are home to 2.7 M million and represent 17% of our actual territory.
neither will you its over
Well whether you like it or not we are still definitely relevant, we play a huge role in your country. You are speaking English and whether you are German diaspora or something, you are culturally Anglophone and it should be quite obvious to you, no need to be so mad.
What did I do to get you asshurt this much? You are just our colony and we are the majority (or, nearly the majority) in your country.
2.7 million *
Thanks for changing the world
Autism, never seen someone so desperate to insult
t. comes from the country where the cuckold porn genre emerged from
Good for you
fuck off britbong
Sadcunt needs his diaper changed again.
>Be Irish
>Starve because potatoes don't grow and you're too stupid to go fishing
>Bitch about Britain ruing you tot he point you idolise unironic Marxists who trained with Muslims on how to kill white people
>End up being ruled by a literal non-country anyway
Indeed it is.
Your future PM will be a shitskin, not white. Suck it up, bongcucks! :^)
>someone actually was mad enough to make this
why do you hate us Hans? I love Germany
t. the person who is obviously very fucking enraged
What's wrong, friend?
You've already had a shitskin President
Besides that's actually quite unlikely
>muh cuckold
>Your former Presiden was a shitskin, not white. Suck it up, burgercucks! :^)
The roman was way superior
>be bongcuck
>have a female PM
Bongedesh is literally the reason niggers are free.
>the guy that is continually replying to literally every post in the thread accuses me of being bottom bothered
Projecting, like a sadcunt no less.
Well, you already have Sadiq Khan in Londonistan.
I mean, I don't want to be Alarmist but I'm actually concerned about that, you seem on tracks to having Sadicuck as a PM one day in the near future...
>picking some trashy comments off of facebook made by autistic teens
Why are you so mad at us? What makes you this desperate?
you likely have African and Native blood in you
now that I notice, a lot of these have Irish or Scottish surnames kek.