I'm a globalist. Ask me shit for an hour.
I'm a globalist. Ask me shit for an hour
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why are we here
THE ANSWER TO 1984 IS 1776
Most of you are all pissed off that globalism was working pretty well. The rest are pissed that it's not working as well as they thought it would. Both are correct.
Why U no like cuntreez N' SHEIT?
Fuck yeah it is. Also, Sampson option.
Do you think countries exist or do you believe borders are "gay and shit?"
Nah, both were shit visions for the future. 1984 relied too heavily on perpetual war based on nationality and not ideology. 1776 was too pie in the sky. At the very least, 1984 knew that people are shit.
I'm not a fan of them but I think they should, at the very least, be paid lip service. You can't just undo millennia of human instinct in a generation. Maintain borders but keep them open, allowing populations to comingle until genuine loyalty to one nation is nigh impossible.
So why do you hate diversity?
Why do you hate humanity
I think a little bit racially but who knows? The Abrahamic religions can all sit and spin desu.
Why do you think the west is obligated to coexists in its own land with a culture where 50 year olds marry pre teen girls and kill them if they refuse and whose prophet was openly racist and a warmonger pedophile?
a giant boar has been sighted by some of the farmers in the local farmers.
The high priest thinks the boar has been sent by the goddess of the hunt,
however it is ruining fields, but if we kill it the gods will punish us
Kill the boar
Don't harm the animal
Are you ready for hell?
Why do they deny the luciferian child trafficking wickedness?
Franklin Scandal/Dutroux Affair/Finders Case
Because it breeds conflict. Humanity isn't capable of an idealized version of diversity, where everyone exists as separate identities but maintain social and economic equality. Better to have everyone be the same to increase empathy.
Because humanity is a race of animals dead set on eating itself.
Because it'll lead to peace. The west stops seeing itself as an individual entity, the religious fanatics stop being assholes and nobody gets raped.
>humanity is a race of animals
That's very Animal Farm of you.
"humanity is a race of animals, but some of us animals know better for you than yourselves"
How does globalism benefit the 'common' man?
Elite Pedophilia. Answer the fucking question. Why are they denying the existence of Franklin/Dutroux/Finders
Kill the boar, exile the high priest.
Hell isn't real my man.
Calm your tits. I'm just a globalist in ideology. I have no connection to any elitist cabal, though I wish I did. Honestly, I think the Lucifer stuff is dumb. The blending of the races in an attempt to kill humanity's propensity towards tribalism is almost certainly real, though. I'd put money on it.
Why can't we wait until ISLAMIC ass-hats reform their religion and culture and no longer want to kill us before we integrate and sing koobayah 'n shit? How is globalism worth all of the explosions and kiddy rape?
What is your end game? Turning USA + Europe in a Brazil tier sandnigger hellhole?
I don't agree with you.
Since you took out all the jobs, are you going to provide universal income for us to NEET?
I might forget about (((((((((you))))))))) all if you pay for my vices.
So, if you worked your ass off for years and achieved a good bit of wealth and was able to afford a mansion in a gated neighborhood with your neighbors having similar circumstances, you'd be ok with 3rd world, non-skilled workers that don't speak your language moving into your neighborhood with tents and shacks on the sidewalks and vacant lots?
~whats your political leaning full on globalism no matter the consequences ?
Why aren't you British?
>because it leads to peace
That's the most naive statement ever. Islam's MAIN goal is to kill all non-believers and conquer the world. Nature dictates the most dominate and strongest survive. How would you prevent this from happening so everyone could live in peace?
>Because it'll lead to peace. The west stops seeing itself as an individual entity, the religious fanatics stop being assholes and nobody gets raped.
You have become aware that a muslim is going to bomb a public area in a busy part of New York. The resulting explosion will kill over 60 people, injure hundreds more and cost the American government a fortune to sort out. However, this incident will be the final straw for all major NATO countries to finally put an end to radical islam and almost all of the extremists with it. For the majority of people, the recent bombings will become a bad memory, and not an ongoing emergency situation.
Do you call in the bomb threat?
It doesn't. Like any system of government, it functions based on well it exploits lower classes. Unfortunately, globalism's lower class becomes middle class "whites" who ended up becoming incredibly whiny due to having had the lion's share for ages. I don't consider white genocide to be an actual tenant of globalism but I hope it becomes one, via race mixing.
They'll never change because you'll never change. Better to force it on both sides so we don't all kill each other.
No, because those places are still too diverse. One world government, one race. That's what I want.
>implying NEETs would exist
In the ideal scenario, you'd be properly provided for. Your life would be constant comfort.
No, that's just dumb. You wouldn't have had to work your ass off for years because the world government would have provided for you your entire life, same as those people who would have moved into your neighborhood.
I'm not sure what you mean.
Because the food sucks.
The point of globalism is to purge mankind of its nature to dominate. That is what drives us to act like fucking animals all the time. I don't want 1984, I want Brave New World.
Lower prices on consumer goods means they have more to invest in their future, plus multiplier effect grows American businesses.
That's like putting jaguars in a wolf habitat and hoping that they will get to be peaceful somehow.
do you support globalism no matter what ?
>importing and mixing incompatible ideologies will lead to peace
>it definetly won't lead to massive civil war and breakdown of society
How can you be a GLOBAList if the earth is a plate?
I really thought that a globalist would have thought this through a little more. I was holding out hope..... But, no. This is as stupid as I thought.
>I'm just a globalist in ideology
Me too in a way since there is no stopping it for now, if you can't beat 'em...and wandering apes will wander if given the means.
I am seriously considering acquiring some property in a third world shithole, at minimum a vacation home. So long as there is at least a small community of like minded folks to hang with and we all watch each others backs. People are the same everywhere really.
>he doesn't understand the dualistic nature of the universe or the fact that many worlds interpretation of quantum physics is true
there's a hell but it's not like the bible. it's more a summation of your existence leading to a shittier one. Like a chemical reaction that (as expected) corrodes or explodes.
What are your opinions on a non-capitalistic globalist society? Do you think it's viable or even possible?
>Unfortunately, globalism's lower class becomes middle class "whites" who ended up becoming incredibly whiny due to having had the lion's share for ages.
Wrong, they'd be whiney because their work will not earn the same appreciation it earned for millennia Same is true for every human
You're delusional, multiculturalism has failed.
Not only whites, but East-Asia is also suffering from this nonsensical idea.
Each country for their successor race.
Your childish game killed cultures, countries and languages.
How culture A with revanchist past going to coexist with culture B, which has completely opposing values and that advocates for an open conquest and submission of culture A? How is that going to create peace? By singing kumbaya and celebrating diversity? The real world isn't a gay Disney film
How much Jew cum can you drink?
Are most high lvl globalist still in panic mode and/or still don't have a grasp on the situation and can't understand wtf is going on in U.S or in Europe?
So what incentive do I have to become more than just a parasite reliant totally on government 'benifits'? I'm in my first year of medical school right now and it's pretty difficult, time consuming and EXPENSIVE AS FUCK. Why would I be motivated to continue if I was going to make the same income of Jose that cleans shit off public restroom walls? How would any science or technology advance without incentive?
tell me this asshole (i have a friend that u remind me off so fucking much)
How does it feel to see ur hopes and dreams falling down into irrelevance?
Why are you a satanic piece of shit?
No one can read that thumbnail you saved, bud.
Brah, he's Jewish. He can drink his own Jew cum all day and keep making more cum with the cum he just drank, like a Jewish cum-recycling unit... Except there probably wouldn't be enough race-mixing for his taste.
May kek kill you
I hope you and all who agree with you die a painful death. That's all.
>i'm an attention whore looking for (you)s
Please starting hiding or at least saging this shit...
Just to suffer
t. CIA
Real talk, call it in. Either way, people get scapegoated and angry. At least people didn't die horribly. I hate human nature but I'm not a monster.
You're still thinking that the ideal globalist scenario has different races and that they're not both still groups of human beings who can viably breed. Two groups mix and, regardless of ideology, something else will inevitably be the result. It's not about you anymore. You're a relic. White people will get darker and brown people will get lighter to the point where they all look roughly the same.
Buying the property is smart. Thinking people, as they are right now, are the same is stupid. People are still different and cling to those differences like badges of honor. I want my descendants to be free from that burden.
I can believe that one more.
I'd be down and I think it's possible but people will fight tooth and nail to prevent it from happening.
That too. Sucks for them.
I don't believe in multiculturalism, dingus. I believe in monoculturalism.
See my answer to Ants, etc. I don't know anything about super high level globalists. I know that, personally, I'm worried that there's been a step back but I have confidence that people will be so desperate to end the violence that they'll try anything.
If you were smart, you wouldn't be making the same, dingus. You'd parlay your skills into being in the elite class. What do you think I am, a fucking communist?
They're not. If anything, the limiter has been released.
>That too. Sucks for them.
Do you not understand that this is the downfall of globalism...? People want to be appreciated for their work and skills. You take that away, you are left with a angry populace.
Unless you intend to control them with bread lines or force opiates upon the population...
Why would you assume that community would accept you? More than likely, some or most would resent you simply because you would probably be one of the only or few white people in the area and one of the wealthiest. You having a vacation spot in an area where children pick through garbage to find food wouldn't create any tension at all, right?
Forced opiates, my man. People stay dumb and happy, nobody complains, nobody wants to kill each other. Domestication is the name of the game.
and nobody does anything productive for the system... Sounds like a flawless plan, my dude
>they're not.
Bitch please, i am spiritually aware beyond ur capability to understand. I am astral walker.
And ur kin has failed on so many levels, all u are now is annoyance.
Ur programs are being isolated for latter dissolvement. Everything u believe and are conditioned to believe has no point, will never see the light of day.
I'm not even talking about race, you have to groups of opposing IDEALS and VALUES who have a history of hating each other, one of which has maturated in its fanatism and the other which didn't. HOW CAN THIS WORK? DID I MENTION RACE? IS IT ISLAM EVEN A RACE? IS IT EUROPEAN A RACE?
>implying dumb and content equals unproductive
If anything, they'll be more productive. They'll do what they're supposed to and be happy.
Yes, opiate junkies are super productive
>parlay skills into being with elite
Well fuckin A, I'm sold now! Where do I sign up. How high of a gate/wall would I need for all the sub-human haters? How many armed (fully automatic weapons, of course) security guards would I need to go for a walk on the beach or a stroll through a park?
Some individuals of both groups breeding doesn't change the fact that their values and culture are pretty opposing the views of the other. But since you brought this here explain to me then why are Christians segregated in the middle east and Muslims segregate themselves in the west?
Now who's larping?
Abolish the notion of a European race with as much fervor as you abolish the notion of an Islamic race. Again, this isn't about multiculturalism. It's about monoculturalism.
You're being too literal, retard. I simply mean some kind of substance that affects brain chemistry enough to render the population docile.
As high as you want and how ever many as you can afford. The key is to make sure that the lower classes are docile on a psychological and chemical level. Seriously, it boggles my mind that there are rich people on this board who wouldn't be diehard globalists just because brown people rustle their jimmies.
Because they're shitty people who cling to outdated ideologies. Abolish both religions.
>You're being too literal, retard. I simply mean some kind of substance that affects brain chemistry enough to render the population docile.
Too literal? Try consistent with the conversation..
Perhaps what you mean is anti-psychotics? What's stopping me from synthesizing DMT and giving your system the finger?
Also, you're an idiot.
I take legal opioids every day for bulging discs and I go to class everyday and study my ass off. It's possible to be productive and take opioids as long as you don't allow yourself to become a fucking junkie and willingly ruin your life.
Opiate can also be defined as "a thing that soothes or stupefies." That was the definition I was using because I'm not a moron.
You're still thinking entirely in the long-term, and refusing to acknowledge the short-term. How will you be able to create one race without massively importing those of an opposing ideology? If you attempt to slowly trickle it in, you'll end up with a country like Brazil. Your ideas are a marxists fever dream and can never be implemented.
No, an opiate is a derivative from the pod of the papaver somniferum.
Also, you read too many books and your ideas are too lofty.. Enjoy the life of mediocrity that you wished to impose onto others
1. Please explain what are you referring to with monoculturalism.
2. I see you don't understand the concept of dhimmi. How is it that Christian societies are opens to others but Islamic ones close to others? Both are equally shitty?
globalism is the real red pill. we must help the world and become one as god intends us too. love thy neighbour.
>brown people rustling my jimmy.
As a med student, my class forced once a month to assist in routine check-ups at impoverished clinics. I go to school in Jackson, MISSISSIPPI, the areas we have to serve are 90% plus ghetto thugs and their ferrel children. There're super rude, inconsiderate, condescending.
One of the 'browns' spit flem in a this super friendly classmates face just because the man thought she was making fun of him because she couldn't understand his Ebonics.
How do you think 'as a potential elite globalist' we fix this unwarranted hatred?
Short term doesn't matter to me because I know it's fucked. I'm more concerned with making sure the human race calms down and doesn't kill itself. I'm pretty sure that's what the globalist elites are worried about to.
We're both right. You're just choosing to be an idiot about it.
I'm fine with mediocrity, so long as humanity survives.
Monoculturalism, meaning literally one culture. What is there to explain? And no, I don't care about whatever dhimmi is.
I'm done. Thanks for helping me kill an hour. Eat shit, you nationalist pig fuckers. I hope your darker/lighter descendants spit on your graves :^)
Yes.. He wanted us to breed with each other... WE ALL MUST ASSIMILATE JUST LIKE THE OLD TESTAMENT SAYS!
it was against racism and discrimination based on skin is part of that. get your facts straight and stop whitewashing the lord's words because you're racist. if he's christian he's part of us regardless of his colour.
>I'm fine with mediocrity, so long as humanity survives.
hahahahaha... says the guy who wants to kill human nature...
>I'm pretty sure that's what the globalist elites are worried about to.
They're interested in control and creating the perfect consumers. What you're saying is nonsense.
why haven't you killed yourself?
Have a nice day commie fuck, I hope my mestizo grandsons which whom I wouldn't have a problem as long as they aren't degenerates like you beat your grandsons asses and rekt them for good :) .I.
The whole goal of globalism is to make a god out of the government, and to kill the religions of the old, as it doesn't serve the purpose of making servants of the government out of humanity.
Get YOUR facts straight
There are much better things to make the sub-humans docile rather that opioids (the proper term for any substance derived from poppys is opioid, the only the that is considered an opiate is opium because it's unaltered) such as small doses of Haldol.
no it isn't it is to help one another.
Sure it is... nothing is stopping you from helping the world become a better place. Why do you need a one world government to 'help'... Use your brain.
Exactly. Your ideas won't work because they are based on massive leaps that cannot be logically come to. The "elites" aren't focused on saving anyone but themselves. Just like you, they're closet marxists hoping to exploit the masses.
And P.S., you won't be grand chancellor in your dream world. You'll be the factory grunt on opiates.
You wont die in WW3 nuclear attacks.
Last thing before I go. You're wrong. He's right.
Are you a free market globalist or a commie globalist?
At least you're somewhat honest
Communism and capitalism are to sides of the same internationalist coin. ~ Adolf Hitler.
Already leaving? What a half baked thread.
Globalism is code word for American imperialism
Communists don't support American imperialism
He's a closet communist. You can tell from his praise of a "world government" (a major pillar of marx's work) and his complete disregard for people in the short-term (bloody marxist revolutions that cause complete chaos and don't fix anything).