if you are a westerner and you don't want to take refugees in your country. you are hypocrite,these people are coming to europe because THEIR HOMES ARE DESTROYED BY WESTERN AIRSTRIKES OR DESTROYED BY WESTERN FUNDED TERRORISTS. you don't have any choice but to take them. if you don't want refugees,simply don't bomb their country or don't try to destabilize it by funding terrorist organizations.
If you are a westerner and you don't want to take refugees in your country. you are hypocrite...
I don't run the government you stupid Turk.
shut up roach.
those aleppo niggers seem to always use the same destroyed city block. Why those kids always unattended wandering around
I'm not the government fag. I support Assad, unlike Turkey which will let moderate beheading rebels to make a shitty weak government that will fall to radicals immediately. Exactly like what happened with Iraq.
Their Homes are destroyed by Syrian, NATO or Russian airstrikes or by american-funded terrorists. That's none of our business, and any help we provide is charity.
Fuck them because:
1) Their religion is gay and made this sort of thing even possible in the first place.
2) They blame "THE WEST" instead of who actually caused the war—Obama and Jews.
Muslim countries are making no effort whatsoever to say, "Yes, Obama and his administration funded terrorism in Syria," and then pushing for an international investigation in the UN. Instead, they accept the terrorism because they secretly support it as all Islamic countries are closet theocracies, and 80% of the "refugees" coming in aren't even from nations at war. They just want gibs and white preteens to gangfuck. 65% of "refugees" being adult males between the ages of 18-35 is just fucking cowardice, by the way. What a cowardly pathetic race of people.
You made the mess you clean it.
But we didn't. Switzerland has nothing to do with Syria.
Nope you are a part of it.
Everyone who has tied to America or Europe tried to destroy Assad.
Isn't your planes still doing sorties in Syria?
That's why they should come to Canada. We need moar ppl here.
Good. They could die over.
Swiss planes don't even operate outside business hours, and we have no carriers.
We literally don't have the ability to bomb Syria.
This shit was planned under the Obama goverment mainly by Hillary in cooperation with Israel, So tell me why Europe should take them all in roach?
We should sink their boats
Cool I was wrong.
Fuck your trips, Obama called in more drone strikes than anyone. The clintons should let them into their homes and Trudeau is losing popularity fast. Fuck bill m103
>if you are a westerner and you don't want to take refugees in your country. you are hypocrite
>i am an untrustworthy coward who ran away from his homeland because i didnt want to risk my life defending it
>now accept me as your fellow neighbour
Better a hypocrite than inviting these rapeugees into our country.
>west is one country
fuck off roach
yes yes send them all to canada. ONE WALL IS NOT ENOUGH!
That's not what that word means.
I heard you a very good at waging diplomatic warfare
>why can't i hold all these brides?
>you have to take in your enemy after striking them
Muslims cannot care for Muslims
Cannot take the responsibility for Muslim wars
Muslims cannot take responsibility for the shit they peddle as divine truth.
Cannot take responsibility for the horror that emerges from a simple reading of their most fundamental book.
What can Muslims do except kill?
Fuck off roach
How about we destabilize the region, blow up all their homes, let terrorists run rampant, and then close our borders and let them all die in the desert
No they are coming here because the social system shoves all the excess males into other countries, it just happens many white countries have been cucked into welfare so they know they can ride the free gravytrain
Why am I expected to clothe and feed me and my cat and pay for a house, all by myself.
But yet, when a fucking mudslime wanders over the god damn border, I'm expected to DO THE SAME FOR HIM.
Fuck Trudeau, fuck liberals, and fuck Canada. And most importantly, fuck muslims.
do not care
You're fucking retarded. Do us all a favor and neck yourself, you stupid roach.
You get a reply because of the trips only roach.
The hordes of rapefugees began long before "the west" startet bombing. (and the " because Russia took the lead on this one).
We were pretty much, oooh let them sort out their own problem until YOU made it our problem.
Where are our reparations for the barbary slave trade among other atrocities, turk?
That's not how war works Turkey and you would know that if you studied your own history and acknowledged the Armenian genocide or the brutal suppression of the Kurds in the 90s.
>TLDR: no we don't and neither would you
Also the idea that terrorists are Western-funded is a bit of a lie. Some terrorists are backed by some elements in the West, but there would be no terrorists there if it weren't for the local people and Muslims from around the world.
Sand niggers deserve everthing they get and more roach shill!
Out of all people, it's always a fucking Canadian that gets me triggered.
you all are retarded and nothing you say solves anything but instead it creates more conflict and war
you´re like terrorists with this Sup Forums website
Okay. That's what the Trumpites are trying to do. We don't want terrorist refugees because Islam is poison, and we don't want to fight Saudi Arabia's jihad against the rest of Islam for them. So, we're exterminating the terrorist organizations our leaders founded when we were led by Saudi moles, and then we are going to leave the ignorant, inbred, extremist sand people alone so that they can exterminate each other and/or starve according to their preference.
>2) They blame "THE WEST" instead of who actually caused the war—Obama and Jews.
Close except you should have said "themselves and Islam" instead of further feeding their victim complex.
Lol, it was primarily planned by you, by which I mean Arabs and Muslims and almost 100% perpetrated by you guys as well with some help from Russia and Iran and the United States.
Your conspiracy theories and geopolitical paranoia about the USA and Israel is really much too clever.
wow, really fired my neurons op. I guess I'll stop performing all those airstrikes i've been personally fucking doing all this time.
So fuck what? I am not ashamed shill
t. Justin Trucuck shill
Neck yourself
i am turkish but i still kekd hard.
Last time I checked Americans didn't flee when the Brits tried fucking us.
Fuck u shill
Now now thats all water under the bridge, focus your adhd on the faggot turkish shills
No we don't you stupid roachniggers. Wars are instigated by kikes and racetraitors, not the people. Initially I'd want nothing but good for you, as long as you keep to your part of the world, but seeing as your hatred for us because of things WE (not government) are not responsible for, the only safe solution is to nuke you.
send them all to Brazil they are whiter than most people here
Go fuck yourself.
There's plenty of Muslim nations they can go to.
We don't need them, or want them, and there will come a day when we will be forced to start killing them.
You're implying that the civilians of western societies play any role in who their jewed out governments decide to bomb. Most of us don't want to kill random people, believe it or not. When you talk to actual westerners about foreign wars they usually take an isolationist view now. Some want them out of their countries, but not so they can kill them later.
We literally don't hear about who our military is destroying. Most people are unaware that the US is killing people in 7 different countries or whatever the number is now.
That's because the Jews direct the foreign policy and the media. But nobody is bombing Turkey, our great NATO ally. Roaches are fine where they are.
These people are coming to Europe because they are retarded and overpopulate.
Fuck off.
fuck off, joos, neo-cons, and Hillary are your nemesis. The rest of us could not care less about your shit holes. We wouldn't waste 1 tax dollar on you dusty infidels, if we had a say.
you will be heard, because kek wants me to read it. lets analyse your argumentation :
>>if you are a westerner and you don't want to take refugees in your country.
bad organization of argument we gor here. but yeah i dont want refugees. my country is too fucked up.
well, first of, you cant proof that. The researchers actually say it otherwise. The terrorists fund themselves by criminal activities. They basicly rob banks, transport weapons for warlords, traffic drugs, sell/buy weapons etc. they organize in cells like a company. So they fund themselves. I agree that part of that money comes from the west, but china and russia are big helpers. They are not shooting m4´s they are using ak47s for christ sake.
>> you don't have any choice but to take them. if you don't want refugees,simply don't bomb their country or don't try to destabilize it by funding terrorist organizations.
brazil took some, the christian ones. they are the good ones. we dont have the intel to pick the terrorists from the good muslims. But i dont think its a priority now.
I bet you're voting "yes" aren't you?
Their homes are destroyed because your shithole country flooded Syria with Jihadists
The entire war is your fucking fault
Since when was North Africa being bombed? There are so many somalian cunts across the west, you'd think we deployed every one of our bombs across that continent. Regarding muslims, I'd prefer if they were gunned down by pork fat bullets the second they cross European borders.
Do you fucking realise that Turkey is funding al qaeda, turkmen and rebel fighters in Syria? You dick fideling, pedo worshiping fuckmuffin.
Your militery broke international law when it crossed into Syria + Your sultan shitbrains got a fuckload of money from selling ISIS oil.
Talk about hypocrasy.
Other then being a spastic roach, your point is valid.
If you dont want imigration, stop fucking up their countrys.
Why doesn't your country take them?
The fact that there are still enough left to come to Europe and the US means we did t bomb them enough
It's even man, we won the first one, you won the 2nd.
This, desu.
What the fuck. I typed T B H
Fucking hell.
>us are bombing a country like for the 100th case
>US is linguistically and socially in the European cultural sphere
>Lower everything to the lowest denominated to suit your dishonesty
>OMG "west" did this, quick Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Italy, France , Spain LET US IN
Lol no , mudslime. Your semitic tactics only work on braindead libtards
Fuck them and fuck you, too. They are not Christian and (most) are not white... I have no obligations to help them. If they come here and are not Christians and love and honor European Cultire then they are invaders.
Well with that logic, all turks are personally responsible for isis beheadings. Fuck you dirty inbred piece of shit. Islam will fall because of it's own retardation
We could always just kill all of them and then eventually we wouldn't have to deal with roachposting
I don't remember bombing any fucking Syrians, Mahmud. Fuck off. Others maybe, but fucking Syrians?
Seriously ?!?!?!
So why are the fucking turks and russian there then ?!!? muh western emperialism argument dont work in this conflict anymore.
as if we're calling those shots.
Wow the shills are getting kinda good at trying to blend in
>implying i ever voted for any of that
That happens because Muslims and Christians who want to take away any discussion rights from people and put them under control of religion. Now lets be honest now, do those Muslim terrorist want to give us more choice or less? If answer is less, which we know is true, then such bomb attacks will happen more. You want help from people who are anti-terrorists, you want to create terrorism. Go kill some terrorists, CIA, royal families, elites and spare me with your bullshit.
Sorosh is funding imigrants from all over the middle east, not just Syria.
He is doing that to destabilize Europe and create civil wars in western countrys.
Turks are genocidal cunts
By that logic Germany should've taken in a load of UK migrants during the bombing of the UK in WW2, they didn't do that though because it's WAR and they weren't fucking stupid and neither were the Uk citizens being bombed. They actually wanted to fight for their country because it's great. Most middle eastern countries are literal shit.
yeah, im sure us evil slovenians are bombing the shit out of all the muslims right now. even countries like somalia, morrocco, algeria and other countries absolutely RAVAGED by war, whose citizens are coming here en masse for safety (definetely not to get free money from dumbfuck liberals and to rape white wymin).
fuck off, mahmoud. why isn't saudi arabia taking people in? UAE? iran? im pretty sure those are closer and equally safe.
>Turks are genocidal cunts
Wanna go mussie hunting? Let's meet by the river at 9:00, I'll bring my kalash.
you see them lyric spamming? they try so hard, and come so far
a lot of us want the war to completely ended. We are sick and tired of it. If any of your friends are radical muslims and planning attacks tell them to do it to the politicians. The politicians lie and don't listen to us this shit is fact bro.
Only America and Russia bomb them, rest of the world is too retarded to take the refugees in.
You cunts have been funding terrorists, staging coups and influencing elections for years now.
You're more cancerous then ISIS.
The muslims might be dumb goat fuckers, but at least they're not spastic asburger monkeys with nukes.