Our ex/maybe new/ PM Boyko just told us on the news that Erdogan will try to repeat the Donbas scenario on Bulgaria. This kinda means war.
Will you eurocucks help us, or you will be the same cucks like ever? After we fall, you will fall also...
Our ex/maybe new/ PM Boyko just told us on the news that Erdogan will try to repeat the Donbas scenario on Bulgaria. This kinda means war.
Will you eurocucks help us, or you will be the same cucks like ever? After we fall, you will fall also...
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If Turkish militants show up in Bulgaria and start killing Europeans, I will personally come to Bulgaria to assist the Bulgarian people.
See ya soon then mate
We'll support you, but only when the war starts
If we do it earlier under mysterious circumstances you join the turk side
That's fearmongering.
Turkish first army(responsible for thrace and straits) has units deployed on Syrian border.
They won't do anything like that without mobilizing the country and increasing the number of soldiers to couple million.
My body is ready.
>Attack backfires
>Trump backs Bulgaria
>Russia back Bulgaria
>Syria jumps in from behind when their forces are at their weakest
Who would even help Turkey?
>turkroaches killing turkroaches
Why would I interfere in the shitshow. I'd rather watch you shitskins kill eachother from my basement.
You already attacked us with hundreds of busses with turks coming for the bulgarian elections.
You started this, and you will pay if you try to take bulgarian land.
These are Bulgarian citizens, you fearmongering moron.
There are millions of Muhajirs in Turkey. I'm also one of those, My grandfather is from Kardzhali.
Just sending wont help, or?
Well i though the ethnic religious war would start in the balkans. If it spreads to the balkan i am joining the fight. Have no connections to bulgaria. Would end up as connon futter in bul
>Tfw you will kill a turk before you die
OP is mad because the Turkish minorty (10%) takes part in their election. And he starts meaningless, unfounded threads so average clueless American/European idiot can fall for the trap.
Our ex pm just announced this. Its not fake news...
well we seem all too ready to suck erdogan's roachcock every time he makes a demand
Anyone other who is in favor of giving Kurdzali to Turkey?
-5 % muslshits like that. BAM!
Great deal imo.
They should not be able to vote. You need to take them all back.
Use the panic and cleanse Kosovo and BiH.
Muhajirs are mostly Kemalist, they have wealth and prosperity, and they won't get theirself killed in in a war.
You and your ex PM are tier 1 idiots
To be blunt, it is known in geopolitical circles that Europan Union would most likely do nothing. Just like if Russia rolled over Baltics and Ukraine, Americans will not risk nuclear war over countries that are mean more or less nothing to them.
Same thing is with Bulgaria and Turkey. Turkey, no matter who leads it, already has Europe by the balls with the whole immigrants thing. Bulgaria on the other hand is geopolitically irrelevant.
I would personally join your army as volunteer no joke.
get some fucking hype (even tho it's not yugoslavian)
Mate, turks/muslims crave blood. You are freaks.
bulgaria is nothing. we are superpower.
Permit Denied
You are a brainwashed moron incapable of having a realistic assesment of things.
But somehow every Bulgarian I came across on the internet was an idiot. I have never seen a clever Bulgarian in my life.
Why would Turks attack their babies?
The whole noise around it is to prevent DOST from getting in the parliament and splitting the turkish vote. Also a feint to agitate the population and maybe divert attention from ninova-ruskies, but that's secondary and minor. Without DPS as readily available monolith voter base, the mafia loses some power which is simply not acceptable to our political system.
>inb4 triggered "patriots"
Yea, but you are muslims.
Same goes for your orkish islamic kind.
Piss off.
brother, you have my arm
many of us would cross the Danube once again to fight the turk for brothers in suffering
keep this attidute and we'll send you back into the stone age
Third Balkan war when? (we won't turn on you this time we swear)
Count me in. I'll do anything to fuck with the roaches
BULLgaria cucking t*rk roaches WHEN?
This scenario is much better than Ukraine.
In Ukraine there are Christian Slavs slaughtering each other.
Bulgaria vs roachnest = Orthodox White Christian Slavs vs you know what, a real dichotomy with a well defined enemy.
Bulgaria should form a foreign legion ASAP. You'll get dozens of thousands of volunteers: international slavaboos, Russians and other Slavs, Greeks, Orthodox, Westerners who want to remove kebab, etc.
Also this Russia, Syria, kurd hobos, will get involved.
Imagine the glorious day of slicing up roachland.
West goes to Greece, some south to Syria, a little chunk to Bulgaria, rest to Russia.
I'd leave everything behind to join Bulgaria.
Two worlds collide
Rival nations
It's a primitive clash
Venting years of frustrations
Bravely we hope
Against all hope
There is so much at stake
Seems our freedom's up
Against the ropes
Does the crowd understand?
Is it East versus West
Or man against man
Can any nation stand alone
>Will you eurocucks help us
I don't think we have a choice.
And I'm telling you that the actual subhumans in Bulgaria are the Bulgarians themselves.
Even a gypsy is more clever than an ethnic Bulgarian
Nice try Erdogan efendi, are you mad?
I will voluntarily join the army to kill roaches.
yea, you will aid Turkey like always
considering Turkey couldn't even take fucking Al-Bab for months, you have nothing to fear
your PM is bullshitting you
Still better than turkroaches.
what's next? People gonna call Ukraine a superpower?
Im not scared of turkshit. Im scared from Europe, if the turkroaches say they will defend their people in Bulgaria you will be ok. Fucking liberals and leftwing must die.
Before sucking the teats of Germany, your women used to come Turkey for earning money via prostitution.
You are irrelevant.
Thank you, fellow balkanites!
True, first they will evoke international law while Turkey moves in tanks, then they will send special observation committees inside the occupied area, then they will denounce turkey, then they will send NATO to bomb your nationalist militias
There are turkish regions in bulgaria?
Nah. They prefer alphas with money not smelly turkroaches.
Nice try, muhumud!
I'll send you some OP.
not for want of doing away with them. they were even gassed a little by the communist army in '78 I think, gotta look it up.
All of uncucked europe will stand with you if that might happen. This will be the excuse to take Constantinople back!
You should change that disgusting "Bosnian flag" with pic related. Since we are making a universal Balkan flag
They are not bulgars, you ape piece of shit.
Eradicate the roaches.
Kill all roaches on European soil!
Sieg Heil!
Nothing is going to happen quit being such a pussy
They must be whoring for rich western europeans now. Meanwhile you are a kissless virgin. Back in the day, when Bulgaria was not a EU member, thousands of Bulgarian women were prostituting in Turkey.
>You already attacked us with hundreds of busses with turks coming for the bulgarian elections.
You are free to counterattack with busses full of bulgarian qts :ddd
Honestly I don't think Turkey wants your POS land, unless its to house refugees.
>Nothing is going to happen quit being such a pussy
do you read the Balkan threads here? this region is the Cradle of War. everything is possible.
>couldn't even take Al-Bab for months
No, nothing is going to happen.
We can all pretend we will do X Y and Z, and if A B and C happens then...
yeah nothing is going to happen.
>never won a war
>literal menorah
No. You are inferior.
> P-please send Potassium iodide
Russia will protect Bulgaria again
comfy natasha time :3
Turks were so inferior that ten thousands of Bulgarian women selling themselves in Turkey a decade ago. And Turks ruled your country for half a millenium.
This is fantasy, but i think bulgarians will be killed and splitted in case of such fantastic scenario
Europeans will not help you becase they consider you as subhuman (same as turkroaches) and russians will not help you because bulgarians are well known traitors and cucks
Do you enjoy the russian dick?
> Please finish it already Russia: The Post
LOL the amount of damage control and butthurt by Roaches ITT
bulgarians are gays and enjoy dicks, i am not a gay. But i can tolerate gays like you
it is truth, bulgarians are well know traitors. i dont even mention their gayness. they need to cleanse themselves to become normal again.
I used to like Ukraine, but i think now that the russians are right about you.
> well known traitors
> supports roaches
Please finish the job, Russia.
If your government accept foreign soldiers I will gladly fight for your country. I have nothing better to do anyway.
>nothing better to do anyway
tell me about it
nobody cares what bulgarians think, ukraine is a big country and i am pro-russia for example.
most russians will consider you as shitskin traitors because you fought on the side of axis and central powers and because you suck western dick today. just ask them. you was turkish slave, literaly belonged to sultan and you was liberated. in exchange you become slave of europeans by own will to fight against your liberator.
pathetic people.
this is well known truth.
You may rule us for some new 1301319023 years but you are and forever will be inferior, smelly, darkish roaches.
Piss off, trash.
Let's be honest. Nobody cares about Bulgarians but this may be a good opportunity to reclaim the bastion of Western culture that is Constantinople.
What? Source?
Also this could be pre-election memes.
>literally poorer than Bulgaria
I can't take you seriously.
How about you reclaim London first before you contemplate branching out, you stupid bong retard.
>this is well known truth.
You deserve everything that is coming to you traitor.
area where i live is not poorer, considering prices and other shit. Ss fast as we ger rid of jews economy will recover.
your gdp consists of overpriced basic commodities, gas, electricity and turnover of german spare parts.
its is pathetic to be a traitor, you sold yourself again, but remained poor lol
i am not a traitor, but bulagians are.
Russia desires to take Tsargorod and the straits for eleven centuries running, and never managed it. I doubt it will happen this time. It would involve genocide, and Europeans seem to have lost the appetite for wholesale slaughter.
> Supports roaches
> Not a traitor
i dont support roaches, but they, being an animals, are honest in their instincts
they want to eat, to bread and to kill, being physically weaker and dumber than europeans they hate alphas from europe which are stronger physically
bulgarians are not nohenst, they are traitors lol.
they were liberated from turks and in exchange they sided with enemies in both world wars and then sold themselves to west. it means that they are pathetic lol.
Christian Albonigger here. I would like very much to see T*rkey cucked.
New thread lads.
roches want to breed typo lol
there be some serious turkroach arse ache in this thread
keep it up
Turkey getting cucked means 3 million syrian refugees heading your way + possibly turk refugees. It'd be like Libya getting cucked but a lot worse. Turkey not getting cucked is in your interest.