What's so bad about communism?

what's so bad about communism?

it says a retard deserve as much as I do simply because he exist and is also human. fuck me for wanting more because I do more

isn't it about that the factory worker has just a little bit less on his paycheck than the director and not like now where the director is the richest mofo but the worker can't pay his bills?

Reduction in personal freedom, more authoritarian state, less music, art and culture.
Government always makes things cost more than they should and work less well.
Public sector businesses almost always work best since they are constantly tailored to the customers need.
I would certainly miss things like advertising if they were gone, makes the place a bit brighter.

It's anti-nature therefore it is anti-God.

Commies are godless heathens and are, quite frankly, not human.

> Let an elite class tell you that you don't need that much money as long as it helps others live in a lower class too
> While the elite class of gov. workers and participating companies live in luxury

It's a trick for a ruling class to preach with an equal worker policy to make them think life will be better with less, while the ones that handle all the money are the only ones that have it to spend.

it is a philosophy so unnatural that it requires the deaths of millions to enact in human society.



It is an assault on basic human dignity. Under communism,the "worker" only lives and prospers because the collective (which in practice invariably means an all powerful tyrannical government) permits him to. In contrast, capitalism behooves you to live and prosper by negotiating a relationship with the market and entering into voluntary transactions with your fellow man.

also a doctor earns the same as a janitor

It's bad because humans ain't ants

It goes against practically every proper aspect of human nature.

Not much just horrifying living conditions, short life span, working for free, constant government supervision, consumption of humans when the foods gone. Sounds great, pic related.

what's so bad about stealing other peoples' property?

>How much effort do you put in to working when you are forced to do it for free?


>How much effort do you put in when you are rewarded for it and your reward is commensurate to your effort?

>How long do you compare prices to find a deal or save extra money when you are spending your own money


>How long do you spend trying to save money and comparing products when you are using the company credit card?

Socialism and communism are at best idealistic dreams that ignore all psychology and basic laws of human nature and at worst the product of incredibly evil, manipulative people.

forces me to get a job.

fuck off.

inability to reap the rewards of one's work
totalitarian system required
having property is wishful thinking
supports the most subhuman of subhumans at the expense of their betters
retards tech progress because no incentive
enforced equality is cancerous because we aren't equal

I bet OP likes it because his nation enjoyed the most expropriated wealth from other nations in the abomination what was yugoslavia

Its the Jewish religion for gentiles designed to enslave and control you.

It's intent is to give the average person a higher standard of living, in practice it does the complete opposite

>that gif


well my parent's had money to spare with my mom being a teacher and my dad a chemist in a factory.

now my mom can barely pay the bills and my dad is ded.

the hunger

Well, have you considered working?

It requires my consent and you dont have it.

communism is jewish creation, and they use it to destroy and loot countries.

i live alone in another city and am paying my own bills.

The genocide, the lack of personal freedom, the hunger and the cold.

Try getting a job and moving up the ladder
I can only speak from my experience in USA, but I went from minimum wage to 30k/year in a span of two years by going to bulllshit meetings, remembering peoples names, jumping around through connections, taking risks, and hopping around companies. I even worked two jobs at once (80-100hrs/week) for a while.
My only wish is that the government didn't take so much of my fucking hard earned cash to help some old obese fuck get medical treatment.

I'm not talking about you personally but in general
having freedom means that one is able to succeed just as one is able to fail
>money to spare
yes, money that could afford you decades outdated shit if you couldn't pay 300% more on decent imports
must be why DM was king back then, as well as expats bringing shit in

Communism is an inherently unnatural idea, everything is wrong with it.
Libertarianism/ancapism are inherently natural ideas, what's so bad about them?


i have a job and i'm paying my own bills.
i'm talking about the fact that as a teacher my mom is being payed the same as my girlfriends mom who is assembling cables in a factory.

How communism works in theory:
1. Government confiscates and takes control of everything
2. Government redistributes as needed

How communism works in practice
1. Government confiscates and takes control of everything
2. Why the fuck would there be a step 2

lrn2private enterprise: gather thick-headed retards with well-off parents and tutor them; first as a black market activity then go legit by founding your own tutoring company when you have enough clients/network
education workers are parasites like all other government (make)workers

Dragane, bili smo u tom sistemu. Nije funkcioniralo. Kapitalizam je okrutan ali funkcionira. Komunizam je sljepa ulica.

Communism is for lazy people who lack vision, it incentivizes niggerism.

Is communism about making everyone financially equal? If so then it not possible in the current state of humans, because class system is embedded within our genes, if AI rules then it might become possible.
Also does it eliminate individualism? If so then it's bad, individualism is what defines us.

Everything. The only redeeming quality Communism has is the ability to kill millions of people and still be considered a "good idea" by the general populace

Is she letting out a fart?



Now that you've said that it makes me view (((capitalism))) in a totally different light. Note: I'm talking (((capitalism))) not capitalism.
Jews are Communist, right? What they want is to make everyone Communist (though they call it Globalism and people call them Globalists, but regardless of the labels it's still Jews pushing Communism). We don't have actual capitalism because we use fiat money, therefore we have (((capitalism))).
Under capitalism there's a limited amount of whatever substance is used to back up the value of money (generally gold). If you take a risk with capitalism you actually lose money, which is what calculated risk is. If someone asks you for a loan and it was a stupid idea you wouldn't dream of borrowing them the money because you wouldn't get it back and you definitely wouldn't be getting any (((interest))) back.
So what's the difference between capitalism backed by gold and (((capitalism))) with fiat money? Well, you can borrow money to as many idiots as you like and if they can't pay it back it means nothing. In fact it's probably better if they can't pay it back because now they're indebted to you and the money you borrowed to them you can simply print off again because that's what fiat money is. Which means that (((you))) can never lose. If someone beats the odds and pays the money and your (((interest))) back great, if they don't nothing has been lost, not by (((you))) at least.
So these same people who do this, are the same people who control inflation and through that control wages. By pure coincidence they're the same ones who cry about the bourgeois (ironically the only people who listen are other members of the bourgeois who embarrassingly think they're proles). Who do they blame? What's the only way to combat this gulf in inequality between "proles" and the richest 1% of (((white guys)))? Communism. Or because it's the 21st century, Globalism.

tldr typical Jewish cancer.

It ruined my country and made into a even bigger shithole OP

Humans are garbage so anything requiring them to not be will fail.

It requires everyone sharing the same ideal, which will never happen. Because it will never happen, it will either fail or default into violence. Gotta force people to share if they don't want to willingly.


It is unnecessary. Humanity got along well for thousands and thousands of years without it. All attempts at implementing it have failed to curtail or prevent any misery, vice, or tragedy that is common to humanity under any other system. And, in some cases, those vices, tragedies, and miseries were made worse under communism.

Unrelated question, but..

How is life under a Shia government and Sunni isis tearing the fabrics of society further apart?

It assumes humans are all very generous and kind beings who look after one another and also don't mind having their freedom taken away.

Nooooooope. But it does look like that.

Actually maybe she is...

>brap gallon

It doesn't work as intented and gets people killed (or otherwise ruins their lives).

It's inherently anti-christian.

I'm in the Kurdish region and life's shit because of the economy and corrupt politicians.
But it's pretty safe here

It probably echoes through the whole valley.

A brap cannon.

>gotta force people to share
It's not sharing if you force people. Stop this forced meme.

Just remember what you where told in the last 6000000 MUHH GOMMUNISM threads you leftist shitposter have started.

>coddle impoverished subhumans

>heaven or hell
>the one true path or heretical doctrine
>(((communism))) or (((capitalism)))
You have advanced a type of fallacy known as a false dilemma, in which something is falsely claimed to be an "either/or" situation, when in fact there is at least one additional option.

It will only work if human beings were a hivemind.

Prove me wrong

Airing out her cooter.

braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap cannon

Requires an omnipotent government to seize the means of production
Requires an omniscient government to distribute the wealth evenly

The only way to get that is for everyone to voluntarily yield all their weapons and information, or be purged, else the government will never obtain a monopoly of power.

No luxury or leisure economy. Enjoy your life with no 120fps computer, luxury car, or pool because you don't NEED those things.

That's the best part

If you believe in Capitalism you aren't human.

I'm glad you're safe.

Surprising wise anons in this thread. Needs more brap cannon though.

lol. kill yourself trolling leaf. I will ignore you the rest of this thread.


Meme Ideology.
Same as Nazism.

I personally think doctors should go to jail but I'd love to see them paid as much as janitors

Thanks Romanibro

I am having you banned for trolling. If you were anything but American you would have legal action on you.

we can make an exception for dentists
dentists should be killed

I find it super hot when a girl doesn't have a penis between her legs. It's so weird.

collectivism is the single most evil thing

more evil that gang-raping an entire mountain of babies, then crushing them slowly into a paste, then using that paste to make a giant sized amy schumer, then fucking the giant sized baby meat amy schumer

I think anyone who makes over $20/hour in a capitalist would should be paid 50% as much as the working class in a communist society. I just hate people with good jobs.

Me, too Finn bro. Me too.

Hey who won the Great Finno-Korean Hyper War?


Enjoy ban

I can hear the wolf howling from here.

I thought I heard the sound of music, but I suppose a howling wolf works, too.

t. sunshine

Anyway, back to Communism.

Communism is retarded. Absolutely retarded. If I didn't believe in Freedom and the beautiful American way so much, I'd ban it altogether. Truth is, I love laughing at Commies and, if I were to ban it, I'd never have the opportunity to laugh at it ever again.

No one is biting the bait. We are laughing at you.

I mean, how many times must Communism be tried before we stop with the madness?

I mean, I'd tell Commies to just go ahead and kill themselves but they'd just fuck it up. And then I'd have to keep them alive. How do I know this? Because they're Commies. They're too stupid to even kill themselves. Why would I have to keep them alive? Because I have morals because I live in a society of God. Unlike Commies. Moralless, Soulless, Godless heathen inbred retards.

I mean, I'd tell Commies they should be ashamed and embarrassed and I would if I had any faith they'd actually have any idea what those words meant. And I would if I thought that they could actually feel shame or embarrassment. Yet they've proven they can't. Because they're Commies. If they could, they would not be and would have never been Commies.

Do you see what I'm saying?

kys nannystate leaf, down here we don't approve of the government sticking up for peoples feefees, thats not their fucking job

the jews that made it
the jews that implemented it

For the most part, your taxes are paying for an underclass that will attack you, break into your home and kill you for a half pack of cigarettes.

Taxes for "income redistribution" or benefits as they call them is basically taking your money and giving it to government employees and government dependent losers.

It's theft.

As I finish up my final points here (which is really just one point that I've needlessly dragged on the entire time to continue posting pictures), history has shown that Commies are brainless retards. And if you encounter a Commie living in your midst, whether as a neighbor, or at the local watering hole, or in your Church, or wherever, I highly encourage you to highly encourage them to get the fuck out of your country and never come back.

Step 2. The wealth (goods) go through several beauracratic chains where pretty theft and mismanagement ensures that when the goods arrive at the final there isnt enough goods to distribute equally.