How do we get modern women to remember that they want babies? The drive to procreate is supposed to be the strongest drive there is, yet modern women are seemingly so effective at overriding it. Is the only way to trick them to "accidentally" cum inside them without their consent?
How do we get modern women to remember that they want babies...
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Don't procreate with women that want to go to college, fuck around, have a career, and finally want to settle down at 35+.
Simple as that.
I was with my ex for 5 years and she never got preggers despite no birth control and me cumming rawdog in her.
>having kids with whores interested in casual sex
No hymen, no diamond, user. The sexual revolution tanked birthrates anyway.
take away their rights.its literally that simple.
Either you're sterile, she's barren or she lied to you
Probably all 3
The truth about white genocide is that many whites simply do not want a lot of children or children at all.
Get your swimmers checked just in case.
Tfw almost 28 and the drive to procreate is getting stronger and stronger
Tfw no woman to impregnate
You or her are desert inside.
>No hymen, no diamond, user.
Well, you gonna be pedo, or scare every girl by presenting ring after 4 months of dating.
Shes on birth control, your sterile or shes as barren as mount everest
Sorry user, they have these days, so they just imagine being BLACKED and it takes care of that whole pesky "motherhood/procreation/survival of your ancestors genes" thing. So much easier to just fantasize about being BLACKED than to do something degrading like being a wife and mother to the next generation.
They genuinely believe that motherhood is degrading, that it is "too time consuming", and that they would rather spend their life on "experiences" like going to Vegas, taking lots of party drugs, and fucking an assortment of various non-white men.
But that's 90% of all white women. Our birthrates are bad enough as it is. If 90% of white women stop having children entirely...
Ban birth control. It fucks with their hormones and makes their body think they are pregnant which impacts how they think and feel. It even impacts who they find attractive which has been suggested to be a contributing factor to divorce rates as they meet an marry a man while pumped full of hormones and then get off them when they decide to start a family and their whole perspective changes.
Having kids ruins women's bodies. Better that they stay with good looking boobs, stomach, vagina, and not be fat.
Bottom line is if people had 6 or whatever kids, we couldn't maintain a First World standard of living very long.
when they turn 40
There is nothing simple about revoking rights. The only scenario this is credible is after a collapse. Liberal democracy has been expanding personal freedoms since its conception in the United States
>Is the only way to trick them to "accidentally" cum inside them without their consent
Yes. Females are notorious for their immorality in sexual affairs, we need to fight fire with fire. If you find a young qt3.14fu that you want to spend the rest of your life and she hasn't gone to (((college))) yet, poke a hole in your condom.
Their body screams it at them around the age of 30.
Unfortunately, by that time they are generally too involved with a career to do anything about it and they go stone cold crazy.
Really? Can't figure out how to manipulate women. Is you stupid, nigga? Sock puppet accounts with women and cute babies. Make babies a staus symbol and make it sound like you can still go drinking when you have a baby. Appeal to their narcissism.
>we shouldn't breed like rabbits, so let's just not breed at all
Nice try Shlomo.
We could we would just have to stop immigration altogether
So in the end a woman's worth IS just to be a sex object?
Actually though, half my sister's high school class had a kid before they were 25.
>Not marriying them and theorins birth control out the window
and yes, sadly
>everyone has six kids
>their kids have six kids each
>their grand kids have six kids each
It cannot continue forever and we have no need for that many people. We need to stop immigration, remove the shitskins, and focus on a birthrate that runs at about replacement rate.
we turn 'feminist' into a derogatory term like racist and sexist for people who hate femininity
I don't buy it.
Sure good looking women, who doesn't like that, but there is a divine beauty in motherhood itself.
>Well, you gonna be pedo, or scare every girl by presenting ring after 4 months of dating.
Yes, because everyone has to be a slave to their impulses, right?
It's the same for men
The purpose of life is to pass on your genes, at least try to
Yet he's suggesting they don't....
>divine beauty in motherhood itself.
Hahaha spoken like a true virgin
Not arguing against you there
And then you end up with a hideously overcrowded hellhole like India.
Look everyone, a virgin calling other people virgins
>talking about the beauty of motherhood
Do you need a talk about the birds and the bees m8?
you sound like a faggot when you talk like that
Don't care what it sounds like.
Am I right?
>Replacement rate
I hope you don't mean 2 because that just catches it.
Oh and no not 3 either, since 1 of your 3 kids will either die/be sterile or be some libcuck.
4 is the optimal amount, stop immigration aswell.
Not everyone can have kids, not everyone manages to get married to have kids, if we did 4 per couple the fertility rate wouldn't be 4 it would be slightly lower due to fuck ups and people not having kids so advocating people to have "just 2" cus "lel, its the replacement level" will have the fertility rate below 2.1.
Not all women are the degenerate sluts you think they are. Find one that has your values and have a family with her. Stop giving whores your attention. Let them ride chad's cock till 30 then diminish into obscurity with their 12 cats.
>inb4 there are no women with my values
Don't spend all day on Sup Forums reinforcing the "modern women" meme. Go find the women who are disillusioned with the sexual revolution and be with them.
inb4 cuck, BLACKED, mudslime, etc.
we don't. it's over
Nigger I've got a kid, and I've seen what having one does to the female body. I'm not the one talking about "divine beauty" or some gay shit
Not your "m8" faggot
I understand in China, they discourage marriage before one's late 20s in order to keep the birth rate down.
Women respond greatly to shame
That's all of them.
I'd be more worried about the lazy shits that want to stay home at 18.
haha yeah bro ur alright
Your a fucking Normie.
Birth control is much worse than what you think, why do you think women suffer from increased depression, cancer, and infertility... birth control. What people don't understand is that birth control is a prescription drug and has extreme effects on the body. If you every wonder why cancer seems to be on the rise look towards birth control.
Over 25% of women in America actively use birth control.
I wouldn't. Those are the few left that still are looking for a husband to protect them and provide for them, which means they'll do the housework, have kids and take care of them, nourish them. As it should be.
feminist is a derogatory term these days. It is associated with angry candy colored hair land whales. Even normies don't like them and can see their movement for what it is.
They exist, but user, it's extraordinarily difficult.
I've attended three different churches in a fairly evangelical American town.
None of the girls, in churches that SHOULD be fairly hardline, that I bothered seeing for a bit were virgins. It was nothing but:
>God forgives me for sleeping with him xD
>I thought I loved him!
Yeah, virgin women exist, but they're extraordinarily rare. Serial monogamists are just as bad as whores. I'm on the verge of just getting on with my life and swearing off women entirely.
she should've got a C section bro. nice neat little scar. vagina intact.
Remind women that they are most fertile at a younger age and it gets more complicated the older you get i.e. more stillborn ect.
Kind of hard to directly. Need to show them in a subtle way or something. I'm sure most women don't know this and as a whole need to be reminded. Stillborn and stuff like that can be really traumatizing.
>Is the only way to trick them to "accidentally" cum inside them without their consent?
They all have IUDs and shit dude
That won't work
It's like I said. In a lot of societies, early marriage has been discouraged to keep the population down. Also people under 25 tend to be pretty immature and irresponsible to make decent parents.
Who's talking about virgins? This is [current year], you arn't going to find many virgins anywhere. You are going to have to loosen your standards a bit until you change society in 5 generations. A women with two or three past boyfriends that she was monogamist with isn't a whore. You should be avoiding the one-night-stand party girls, not someone with an LTR ex.
Women don't need to be reminded. They want babies already, just not with you.
You people are niggers. Only reproduce if both partners have real, proper jobs, and can afford to take care of another life without touching the tax payer's pocket.
Your mom sacrificed her body so you could be here shitposting on Sup Forums.
I'd rather die alone than marry a non-virgin, user.
I'm not going to commit to marriage, skew my whole life and risk divorce, etc. just so that I can have the "privilege" of sleeping next to used goods.
Look at the divorce and infidelity rate gap between 0-1 previous partners. Serial monogamists are trash and don't deserve anyone to settle down with them.
>settling down
>having fammilies
lol nice meme fuck that.
The replacement rate is an average across the board and accounts for mortality. That is why it is not exactly 2. If everyone woman has 4 you will grow your population quite rapidly as we have low mortality rates in first world nations. The point is that we do not need more people and should seek to maintain a stable population value.
>Your a fucking Normie.
I am aware of these other issues. Not sure why you are calling me a normie.
You're meant to cum inside them?? new on me.
Posted the wrong chart, refer to pic related.
and this chart. Plus here are a few relevant studies:
Male and female infidelity correlated with previous sexual partner count. Data from National Opinion Research Center’s General Social Survey 2010 compiled into graphs.
"On the other hand, for men, having had more sex partners in their lifetime was a predictor of less sexual satisfaction."
And many other statistics
"Having more prior sex partners predicted a higher likelihood of future ESI"
Teachman study correlating number of sexual/cohabitational partners with divorce, using 1995 National Survey of Family Growth
tl;dr: Serial monogamists don't deserve to be married. No hymen, no diamond is the only sensible way to approach relationships.
Yeah, but since about 25% of people do not breed at all, the the average family needs to have about 2.1 / 0.75 = 2.8 = ca. 3 kids.
Why the fuck do you people on Sup Forums keep repeating this tired ass church virgin girl shit. Especially the "Southern bell" stuff.
I live in the south this shit doesn't exist anymore. No southern bells no virgin church girls. In fact church girls are even BIGGER sluts than they let on to be. The church is literally a feel good house for used goods trying to make themselves feel better. All the while the preacher is fucking at least half of them himself.
And the south is literally BLACKED central. The amount of mixed kids will eventually dwarf black and white kids 10 to 20 years from now.
I'm not in the South, so I can't speak for that. I'm right where the West meets the Midwest.
I know that a lot of church girls are trash, but my town has been apparently mocked and derided by the press in our capital (Denver), as being skewed towards Evangelism.
I was just hoping there would be a few religious girls that took marriage seriously. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case even here.
The Church is gone, but where in the Hell else is one supposed to find a virgin girl?
You're shooting blanks
I called you a Normie because of your ignorance to this issue. 90% of the population is ignorant of important topics researching and thinking are traits of an outcast.
ALL women are whores. Wake up faggots.
Distractions are what's keeping women from wanting kids.
Then they end up 30+ trying desperately not to end up alone. That's where we'll cash in.
You can't.
The moment they get an education and career prospects, it's over.
i actually take testosterone blockers so i dont become distressed by my failure to find a mate.
its just wrong for a unattractive male to want to breed. so i did what i had to do.
they suppress my sex drive but not to the point where my balls shut down and require t-shots
but damn its pretty comfy
kek nice sources faggot
Been together with the same person for 10 years. We used no protection at all; took us 8 years for something to strike.
It's not always about your boys being bad or slow, or even the eggs being messed up. Sometimes it's really just about the fact that your timing isn't right.
We REMEMBER and we want to have them, but we have been fed all this feminist career-having, be equal to the boys bullshit!
Some of us are waking up now so we will get on the white baby making thing, but give us just a bit of time please! We only just broke free of this brainwashing!
(tits or gtfo I know)
New thread lads.
Women are only ovulating for a week out of every month. The odds of missing are greater than the odds of hitting.
>What people don't understand is that birth control is a prescription drug
I think you're the retarded one here. Women know exactly what birth control is. Stop the "muh big pharma" shit.
>Bottom line is if people had 6 or whatever kids, we couldn't maintain a First World standard of living very long.
You are retarded. We have imported all the babies we didn't have. The population of developed countries still grows exponentially it's just with a replacement foreign population
Molymeme compiled a handful of peer-reviewed studies under a single web address, you stupid nigger. It's obviously unreasonable to expect people copy 3-5 web addresses from an image. After all, you couldn't bother investigating one.
>Actually though, half my sister's high school class had a kid before they were 25.
And now you tell me which high school and which state and city in every exact detail.
I won't lie, this post did warm my cold heart a bit.
It's too little and too late, though. The West is fucked unless a massive change happens.
You need to kill the current feminist culture. Women keep being told to go to college, do "something" with your life etc. If any girl dares to say they just want to start a family and have more than one child, they're shamed. Female teachers in high school are the worst at this.
Girls between 15 and 17 are prime aged but retarded burgers don't realize that.
Whyy the fuck is she doing the "a jason" illuminati hand sign over her pregnant stomach for.. wtf
Ya know, your message might resound better if you said "All women need resources to make babies. Gather more resources than the next guy and you win.". I guess I should admit that I'm beginning to think part of the problem is too many males being lazy niggers.
This seems likely as well. Why put up with an 8/10 man when you can rape him in court take his resources and move on to the next 8/10? Perhaps we should be pushing this change as well. Equalization of divorces and child support. I bet there's lots of bitter celebrities we could lure into this. I think Robin Williams was paying a lot of alimony before he killed himself.
In PA and they were mostly (90%) white trash. There were no niggers there and at most 2-3 spics.
I already have 5 kids.
Quite literally not my problem
Then why's Austria's birthrate 1.4 children per woman?
>I just hopped off the cock carousel please support me and ignore the fact that I'm worthless!
It also doesn't help that white couples are expected to wait until 30+ to have one child. They're taxed heavily, and forced to put off kids until they start careers. This leads to shaquan having eight kids on the whites dime.
Gen Z is poised to fix it all
I wish that wasn't the case. I'd like to have children before thirty... or at least one. But people get caught up in working until it's too late.
I didn't even have my first kiss till I was 21 mate. Trolls like you are why girls don't wake up
I'm all for the banning of birth control-but only used as a case to block actual pregnancy.
Birth control has other positive uses on a woman's body, and ignoring these shows how ignorant you actually are about a woman's body. Heavy, painful periods that keep women down for three days or more are lightened and shortened by traditional birth control (pill). I've seen it happen myself. My sister used to get periods so bad she would vomit for three days during the cramping, nearly non-stop. Couldn't keep any food or drink down, not even water. Sometimes she would be spewing from both ends. Normal pain relievers never helped, either, they just made her sicker quicker. She would need actual pain killers to help maintain the pain. There was nothing wrong with her either-ovaries had no cysts, tumors or whatever down there. She just had abnormally heavy periods.
When she started on birth control it was like night and day with her. So having seen that, I cannot say "ban all birth control"; there's too many women out there that deal with that kind of pain. And if you think it doesn't matter, think again-imagine you have kids with a woman like this. When it strikes what are you gonna do? Tell her to suck it up? It's not that easy. Bleeding constantly like that already tires a woman out; imagine all you can do is lie on the bathroom floor and vomit and hope you don't shit yourself in the process.