Free Kurdistan is best butthurt to evey roaches. Upvote, If you want to see roach paste.
Free Kurdistan is best butthurt to evey roaches. Upvote, If you want to see roach paste
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This, fuck Turkey and fuck Donald Drumpf
This. Free Kurdistan for a better world !
Hozan, çewani xalo?
Siktir lan piç :DDDDDDDD
The entirety of the middleeast has to be reorganized. Saudi Arabia needs to be occupied by a UN peace keeping force.
I support this just to piss off Erdogan
Wake up, poo!
But definitely, free Kurdistan! But no-one wanted it :(((
What is it about Kurds that makes them better than anyone else in the ME? It seems to me that the only reason people like them is they're an oppressed minority, if the shoe was on the other foot does anyone think they wouldn't be just as bad as every other collection of Islamic shitstains?
Take the /kurdpill/
Thanks for your uprightness.
Smelly stubby roach call anyone poo.
Achmed I'm no turk
Upvoted for butthurt roaches.
How's iraq right now user?
upvoted for peshmerga
>Occuipied by UN peace keeping force
been lurking turk boards and top things they get most butthurt about : being manlet, being bald; everyone around them having sex except them
>Bald manlets
Never a good combination... but it also explains
>Everyone around them having sex except them
Fact: Kurds are the MOST POWERFUL race in TURKEY
A damn shame most kurdish parties and movements tend to be very left. They are nationalistic and not about the whole global revolution nonsense, though, so I can respect that. If they want, they should be able to do as they please in a self determined, free Kurdistan, even if I don't agree with their politics. It'S their decision to make, not mine.
Note that their leftist movements are different from the degenerate leftist movements we are used to in Europe. Kurds support traditional gender roles and the natural family for example. I support their struggle for survival and that's it.
Yeah, I acknowledge that. To be honest, their idea of socialism is more connected to seperatism and communitarianism than actual communism. I am a Hoppe libertarian and I have the feeling many communities in a actual AnCapistan would function similar to Rojava style. Free trade and accepting a free market are a different story, since they don't have their territory yet, so we can't judge them on that yet, but as long as they keep to their own and don't force their ideology on anybody I am perfectly fine with them having souvereignity.
>roach paste
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