Are video games bad for your health?

Hear me out guys. Computer games make you ignore reality, send you to a virtual place where you can do anything, be anything. Is that healthy? I'm writing a report on this topic. All serious comments welcome. Anyone who Sage will get a branch to the jaw.

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Are you going to source your report with posts from user from Sup Forums?
You must be over 18 to post on this site kiddo.

I've always been a fan of video games. I remember falling asleep to my mom playing nintendo's zelda..

im lazy and a degenerate

videogames don't help

No but they are an incredible waste of time.

>I'm writing a report on this topic

So your first source is Sup Forums? What a retard.

Time spent not doing something productive is not deconstructive. Just like not spending money isn't actualy income

It's my prerogative.

I love NOT FOR RESALE it is my favorite game

quite the opposite. video games showed me it is healthy to hate nazis and kill them for hours on end. I might even hunt and kill real nazis now.

Videogames are among the most mentally stimulating activities. FMRI studies done on the subject show the brain light up like crazy when playing games.

People with neurodegenerative diseases have shown to maintain more function in their hands if they play videogames. An improvement in visual acuity has also been shown.

As far as violence is concerned, a negative correlation has been shown in most studies on the matter, meaning that people were less likely to show violent tendencies after having played violent video games.

There are two groups of people who shouldn't play videogames: People with excessively addictive personalities and people who have trouble differentiating fiction from reality. So unless you fit into one of these two categories, having a reasonable portion of your hobby time go towards interactive entertainment is perfectly healthy.

Vidya isn't any worse than watching a movie, shitposting on Sup Forums, or pretty much anything. There's a difference between having a couple of hours of vidya fun and spending 10 hours playing nonstop every day, just like there's a difference between reading a few Sup Forums threads and spending 12 hours spamming race bait. It's all about moderation, don't let it consume your entire life.

If you actually have a problem it's you who is degenerate, not the games.

Again, it really depends on the game. Synthesia and RockSmith, for instance, while very clearly videogames, teach you to play the keyboard and guitar, respectively. Or do you not consider art "productive"?

>I remember falling asleep to my mom playing nintendo's zelda..
>cucked by your own mom

Occasionally playing games that provide a steep learning and difficulty curve is fine.
Games like Dark Souls are basically massive puzzles that challenge and hone your problem solving abilities.

Games that just fill the void and give no challenge are degenerate and a waste of time.

Your parents didn't play vidya?

I remember we'd quickly make and eat lunch during lunch break so that we could get a few rounds of Doctor Mario in before I had to head back to school. My father was the first one in the family to 100% Goldeneye.

If vidya and atheism disappeared overnight the west would be saved.

>It's all about moderation, don't let it consume your entire life.
Except that's where video games actually are worse than watching movies and shitposting. Two hours on a video game these days only gets you past the fucking tutorial, by which point you'd be done watching a film or a couple episodes of television. They're constructed with longer play sessions in mind. This wasn't always the case back in the 80s, but it's the norm now. Every video game demands more of your time, and they're better able to hold your attention because they exploit the brain's reward system to deliver cheap pleasure every 5 seconds.

If you want to reduce obesity rates, remove the corn subsidy. Suddenly, corn syrup won't be the most cost-effective food and it won't be put into fucking everything.

My father did, but he stopped after he went apeshit and tried to choke me one day after I beat him at some game.

No offense, but your father sounds like a shitheel.

>be 12y/o me
>playing evader holyfields real deal boxing
>be champ defending your title
>game says your boxer is getting old, maybe it's time to retire
>Fuck that, defend your title
>game makes your guy lose stamina so fast you can't win
>get btfo
>get mad
>rip out game cartridge and bite it
>chip tooth
>tell mom
>mom tells dad
>dad gives you the belt for being a retard
>then makes you cut grass
>come inside the game is gone
>dad threw it away

lol ameribro

no but shotgun bullets are

>Two hours on a video game these days only gets you past the fucking tutorial

That really says more about how shit modern games are than anything

Shotguns don't fire "bullets". They fire shot or slugs. Get the terminology right.

i play videogames every day and there is nothing some internet anonymous faggot can do

dark souls 3 is a blast of fun btw