Are Jews to whites what whites are to blacks?
Are Jews to whites what whites are to blacks?
yes, except da joo actually is to blame
its not about getting laid its about not wanting to hear "IM DRUNK IM HIGH NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA" on the radio in autotuned on every top 40 station
It's more like feminists and the patriarchy.
No, jews use niggers to destroy whites. Niggers aren't people but mere tools.
Whites were bitching about der juden long before blacks starting bitching about dey whyte main keeping them down.
Blacks like stealing so much that they even stole the concept of blaming another race for their woes. LOL!
so wheres affirmative action for non jews in media and finance then?
the only affirmative action status for a white male is if he is a veteran, meaning he served the jews in another way. its like we're stuck in a web.
We were smart enough to get rid of discrimination against Jews at Ivy League schools nearly a hundred years ago. Asians and whites need to step up and get rid of discrimination against them.
and whites are the biggest dindus on the planet
>we dindu nuffin
they're like the blacks that go to europe
when they go to asia they think
>well these people are a bit smarter than us
>but at least i have muh dik
the white boi is a strange creature
No but Jews and blacks are analagous in many ways, not the least of which is that they are parasites who hate us but demand they get to live with us and refuse to fuck off and would be nothing Africans without us.
there's nothing to leech from niggers unlike whites
its not like white people begged jews to come into their countries. white countries also did develop by themselves at a good pace, developed civil societies and rule of law without them
Who was in charge of the USSR? Who created communism? What was the race of Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky?
It's da joos in both cases
Niggers are just too retarded to see that
not in their minds. "white ppl be leechin on our MUSICZ and FASHUN fo' centuries"
>Marx was german jew(10x worse than normal jew)
>Lenin was send to Russia by Germans
Resources, if you're to get technical. WE HAD RESOURCES N SHIET!!!
Really made me think, greatest ally
>colonization bad
Colonization was the best thing that ever happened to sub-Saharan Africa and Australia.
Niggers are almost as big as liars as jews. They actually believe they invented everything and White people "steal" from them. LOL-In reality the majority of Whites are disgusted by them and want nothing to do with that wretched species.