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TBF they'd all be dead and the only thing stopping them from attempting a genocide of non-muslims is the fact that they wouldn't stand a chance against the white man.
They'd kill us if they could. Literally the only thing stopping them is the fact that they're all stuck in their own little shitholes.
stop fuckin stop
>when the post ends in 9/11
First post best post.
lol you actually believe this shit don't you. Its ok buddy muslims are your friends, why don't you head on over to a muslim country and make small talk with them?
And there are over a Billion Catholics....your point?
Ok I think I will go travel in a Muslim country. What could possibly go wrong?
If there are a billion Muslims and 0.1% of them are terrorists then thats 1,000,000 people willing to fight and kill others.
Most countries don't even have an army that size.
They try but can't figure out how ICBMS work yet.
Here's another example of tolerance
They don't need to kill you, they'll just take over your neighborhood and burn your car in the middle of the night until you get the message to leave.
1 Billion Muslims
6 Billion Non-Muslims
Do I need to go over the likelyhood of the Non-Muslims winning this battle
They are muslim in name only. The real muslims are the fundamentalists that are full of hate and violence.
Many of them are too busy killing each other for having slight differences. When they all start getting along, there will be a lot more to worry about.
How does Canada go from this...
Step right up, camel jockies! We like the odds.
to this?
For now
> Stop letting your TV tell you who to hate
... what channels are telling me to hate Muslims?
you fags still don't get it?
first world white nations have a frightening weapon at their disposal
a tool of apocalyptic implications against which there is no prospent of MAD
far more powerful, far more dangerous and FAR more inductive of widespread generation long-term destruction than any nuclear device
muslim nations are fortunate that regardless of how unruly and damanging they are to western powers, they still were never exposed to such a weapon, not because of some manner of conventional agreements prohibiting use, or by any form of backlash - as the utter devestation of communication lanes and civic infrastructure it would cause is so immediate and absolute no military retaliation would be possible to even pooled and organized, nevermind carried out
the only defence one has against such a terrifying force is the basics to human decency and empathy which would prevent any sane human being from ever wishing to unleash it even upon the very worst of his foes unless forced to by the most dire of consequences
dread the white american, muhammad
for the weapon he's packing will not only obliterate you
but erase your very fucking name from the annals of history, for your written language would be eliminated also
dread, and be silent
Imagine the stench of being in a crowd of 1000 Somalis in 100 degree heat.
I'd rather stick my head in cow shit.
They actually would kill whitey if we let too many in. This pic is retarded.
They throw faggots like you off the roof
We used to fight them off, not invite them to our countries
>((((((your tv))))))
Why do leftists keep insisting that their opponents are getting their opinions from the TV when it's the left that's supported by the establishment?
Oh right, honesty is poison to a leftist.
its 911 backwards and forwards too
For what exactly? I call bullshit. If I travel to Qatar or Iran, or Saudi Arabia I'll be welcomed as a guest.
I worked in one. I've travelled to three more. You guys are laughable