Why don't Americucks want a single-payer healthcare system?
Why don't Americucks want a single-payer healthcare system?
because they love failure
Because the government is naturally inefficient at just about everything it does. Private markets do it better
They'd rather get fucked in the ass by insurance companies as opposed to the government.
Becuase republicans don't vote, apparently.
I think its because nobody of them wants to spend all their money for the fixing up spics and dindus killing each other
What's single payer?
I see that term all the time. What does it mean and why does Sup Forums hate it?
But they already do, every dindu in America gets to go to the doctor for free.
Last time I went to the emergency room was becuase my grandmother fell, it was midnight.
Entire place was filled with niggers, these mother fuckers with hooting and slapping hands in the waiting room like they didn't know where the fuck they were.
Also, somewhat related, they apparently really do all fucking know each other.
Because single payer healthcare systems in this country doesn't change the fact that hospitals charge $300 PER NIGHT for simply existing in a hospital. All that means is that all the taxpayers get taxed a lot more to front a bill that shouldn't be that high to begin with.
Attack the problem at the source before it becomes a problem
id rather not force my fellow neighbors to spend money on health insurance when they are knocking on my door twice a week asking to borrow bread to make their kids lunches for school. have some fucking compassion you heartless liberal- do you want kids to starve so you can get knocked up by jamal and abort it for free? after you forget to take your free birth control pills? why do you need both?
Soviet style nationalized health care. Like you had in the Tito days.
We can't right now. A lot of things need to change to get there. Hospital prices are out of control. $20 for a band-aid, $45 for aspirin. There needs to be an overhaul in the system, specially in a single payer system it is basically impossible to sue a docter, everybody sues doctors and hospitals here. Adding costs and insurance costs that are sky high. Then you have to start dealing with the immigrant problem, single payer systems will always become the downfall of an economy with open borders.
In the end, if we actually fixed our system I doubt Americans would mind a low flat tax to fund it.
We do but the establishment doesn't because it will eat into their profits so they brainwash the masses of uneducated citizens into thinking its socialism and socialism is bad.
Hell if the DNC wasn't rigged Bernie might have had the chance and the main reason being was because he wanted to push single-payer
look at our VA, and tell me how well our government would run a single payer system
Because single player is utterly retarded. Having a public funded healtcare system shouldn't preclude the opportunity to also have access to private healthcare which isn't funded by the state, if you feel that what the state offers doesn't suit your needs.
I agree with the low flat tax but it needs to come out of something already in the budget. Fuck paying anymore. Shit, something like military does not to be as high as it is now even if we took 1/3 of what we spend now on the military and give it towards healthcare we'd have a huge improvement
Would you want the state dictating who can and cannot have access to health care?
Oh, by the way, who wants to know how much it costs an old lady to break her leg?
$25,000, $1200 after insurance + room and board at a rehab facility, $16,000 a month, $4,000 after insurance.
>writing prompt
>write my thread for me
>ignorance of basic terminology
>unanswerably broad question
Learn the difference between rights and services. Oh wait you can't, you're a bot.
Nixon tried it when it was possible, Democrats killed it.
Having your life subsidized by the government is failure.
health care needs effictiveness not effeciency.
xmassweater thnx bud.
There's a reason we have wonderfully inefficient road crews, police, and fire departments.
It's because politicians care more about human life than efficiency (dead people is bad optics) while businesses carry more about efficiency and profits than human life.
In my opinion the government should be in charge of anything that's a public health issue, and anything else they shouldn't be involved (e.g. market regulation).
That's a double edged sword. Military spending is millions of jobs. Not only in the military, but the companies that build things, contract, and so on. When you start defunding it, you have more people out of work causing another bloat on the system.
Mostly should be a fat tax. Tax items that cause obesity and diabetes, since those are the major causes of health care costs.
we chose open borders
>1/3 of what we spend now on the military
So you're going to run single payer with $200 billion? Literally impossible
Being prideful is failure
Poor bastard, Watergate seems like such a fucking joke these days.
Why should New York and California have to pay for the rural and suburban retards' health care?
And now the republicans are the bad guys somehow.
I've lived in the UK. Your healthcare is absolute cancer. You'd rather have people die than have someone just use their own money to pay for their healthcare.
Living in the UK has fully convinced me that the government should have nothing to do with healthcare and everyone should pay for their own healthcare.
It's not open borders it's fat fucks like you bringing us down.
>knocking on my door twice a week to borrow bread
that sounds like the single most annoying thing I've ever heard of. Tell them to buy that walmart bread that is like 60 cents. If they can't afford that tell them to consider abortion.
it's because RURAL and SUBURAN RETARDS don't know ANYTHING about economy, finance, or human empathy. so much for that BIBLE thumping you stupid fucking WHITEYS. Hilarry would've DOMINATED the Senate, The Congress, AND the house
we lose money bc all of our healthcare tax dollars goes to advertising and legal disputes for pharma companies. We spend more and more but are getting less care in return bc our system is set up to benefit the corporations not the people. trump supporters are the proliteriat of this time. rise up. fight.
Because I don't want to pay for Niggers getting shot
I'm for single payer, rather the tax money go to shit we can actually use like better infrastructure and healthcare instead of subsiding various different companies or to more unneeded wars. I'm for military but an efficient one and for where it is really necessary again not to subsidize private contractors or fight in places we don't need to be involved in.
We have enough military spending, hell some generals think we over spend because they don't have a say in what to order, its just congress running mad with spending.
No. Said it would help with our healthcare system was just trying to make the point that we could re appropriate much more money into healthcare from places we are overspending.
>How can you tell when a liberal is full of shit?
You can see it falling out of their mouth whenever it's open.
The weak die for the strong.
Quality over quantity.
More powerful than numerous.
Lesser is easier than greater.
The Greatest One will rule the Lesser few of the dwindling many.
In the end, every single one of them will wither away and die.
That equipment is jobs for the company making it. We have a set budget to create/keep jobs through the military. That's how the Gov. creates and keeps jobs when the private sector hiring isn't moving with the economy.
Because for every $100 I pay in tax towards universal healthcare $75 will go to non whites.
If America were white I would be all for it.
So ask yourself what society would benefit more from. Those jobs staying secure or more money for healthcare across the board probably leading to more continual funding and maybe even some more jobs created to offset the loss of jobs from the other industry.
In my opinion is its the latter.
Because single payer healthcare is dogshit.
I bet you unironically use the NHS don't you
shifting the cost to the government won't make healthcare affordable, it will simply reorganize who's paying for it. first step is to diagnose why Americans spend so much more on healthcare than other developed nations. shifting burden to federal government now would be catastrophic, and make the system incredible fragile
>Doesn't deny he's fat
This is exactly the problem that gets ignored constantly. Everyone tries to fix the problem by shifting who pays for it or how it's paid for without ever addressing the problem that it's way over-priced. Also, government spends, on average, about 8x more than the average consumer would for the same healthcare service/medicine/etc, so taxpayers would being paying even more inflated prices for something that they could have gotten cheaper if they just did it themselves.
Come to Germany. Even privately paid it might be cheaper over here.
Yeah, I'm not fat, glad you'd just take my word for it but I thought the graph was a more apt counter to your faggotry.
because it pays for pic related.
this is my opinion exactly.
Why are the prices so insanely high?
They do but Blanche Lincoln got rid of it in an attempt to save her seat and win re-election.
She lost anyway.
Because handing the government the keys to everyone's healthcare plan gives it too much power. The power of life and death over law abiding citizens should stay in the private sector.
>inb4 single payer works great everywhere else
That's because the U.S. carries your R&D costs.
more people can work an assembly line than can work in a medical field with a low level education. Military buys mostly American, healthcare would never be able to buy 70% little alone 30% American products. It's a cycle of jobs and buying products from those jobs. I get what you are saying, but you are thinking of it like this high school drop-out can work in the medical field if we defund his assembly line job. And for the amount time for industry to catch up and we manufacture more medical supplies here, we will have a blackhole of joblessness sucking even more money from the healthcare fund.
That's such a difficult question to answer. It's multifactorial.
Health insurance companies and pharma companies are greedy for profits.
Hospitals are run by corporate types focusing on profit instead of doctors focusing on care.
The education system puts a lot of debt on doctors who expect increasingly high salaries to pay of their increasing student debt and then to live the "lavish" lifestyle promised to them for their years of hard work and sacrifice.
It's a profit industry. After all their operation costs(including doctors making $200k+) they need to turn a profit.
>more Drumph
Are libfucks really that shit at namingcalling?
removed competition + anything the government lends money to instantly becomes a cash grab and expensive. Its no different than defense companies over charging billions of dollars for stuff just because they can. My grandpa's construction company pitched higher prices to the government all the time.
plus legal fees and doctors/hospitals have to pay for people to deal with insurance.
Yet you waste so much more on Healthcare.
Giving people the freedom to check out potential medical issues before theyre deadly serious is just cheaper ib the ling run.
Preemptive care is more efficient and effective then reactive care.
where have you been for the past year
>Trusting the governament with your healthcare
Yeah such a good idea.
We talk healthcare and you talk about petty name calling. You must be 18 to post here.
Because I pay for mine.
Same reason I paid for my education.
Same reason I live in a big house and drive a new car.
>upset about name calling
>calls liberals libfucks
>being this buttblasted
Kek. Enjoy your shit-tier healthcare system.
I'm sure the insurance-jew has US citizens best interests at heart :^).
t. the health care system that literally needs to import stone age savages because their doctors go to other countries
Hell I got the bill right here from where grandma broke her leg, let's do some real world examples for our European friends.
Room and Board at hospital -$6,290
Pharamcy/RX(Drugs) - $3,981
Medical/Surgical Supplies/lab - $16,090
Radiology - $1,854
ONE CT Scan - $1,791
Room Services - $13,207
Anesthesia - $4,823
Respiratory Services - $204
Physical Therapy - $1,455
Occupational Therapy - $2,888
Emergency Room - $1,448
EKG/ECG - $302
Professional Fees - $2,774
Actually they do. Democrats are historically the ones who have to keep reminding their base to actually vote.
Because doctors and the pharmaceutical industry still want to bleed americucks dry in the name of "muh freedom".
>Medical/Surgical Supplies/lab - $16,090
This is another thing that needs to change. Profit caps on medications.
>Pharamcy/RX(Drugs) - $3,981
Highlighted wrong one.
Americans are idiots.
Insurance companies are just a boogeyman anyway because Marxists always require an imagined class enemy to blame for all of society's ills.
For 3--4k or even way less you could possibly get the entire treatment in Germany. Privately paid.
70% of us do, Republicunts are just delaying the inevitable. Healthcare is part of a constitutional right to life. 100 years ago healthcare was mostly just giving drugs and amputations. Cunts need to catch up with modern times.
Maybe not the rehabiliation though but that didn seemed the greatest expanse there.
That's a good question, there are alot of factors why are cost are so high. This article does a decent job explaining them. I should note it's really long like over 40 pages. But worth a read.
Grand total of $57107, in case anyone is wondering.
Because hospitals can charge whatever they want and they are forced to treat illegals.
I ruptured my achilles tendon 2 years ago, and I spent nearly $26,000 on it because I didn't have insurance due to obummercare raising the premiums to ridiculous amounts.
With obummercare, it still would have been $10,500.
Both of these numbers are unacceptably high, and every bill that's presented doesn't deal with the underlying problem in US health care: COSTS ARE TOO DAMN HIGH.
Because muh rugged individualism and muh taxes
A corporation could put a bullet in your brain and America would applaud them for it and if you say a mean thing about those companies they'll lynch you for it.
>Healthcare is part of a constitutional right to life.
We should just cut out the middle man. The fact that insurance companies can make a profit means that we are being screwed because they are taking more than they pay out. If you don't see the problem with this they you're a cuck.
Economic problems?
Print more money and give another bailout.
Our economy is squishy and so far nobody realizes the power level of our money.
Cutting costs is a publicity stunt.
> inb4 am liberal.
Costs are high because of excessive government regulation. The health care industry is one of the most stupidly overregulated things in all of Creation.
Healthcare is not the role of the federal government. It is not a right, it is a privilege.
>constitutional right to life
Almost thought you were being serious there
>100 years ago healthcare was mostly just giving drugs and amputations
And today its drugs and they cut off your wrong leg
There's a law that says the ACA and Medicare is expressly forbidden from negotiating for lower prices for healthcare, which is something private insurance is allowed to do.
It was an intentional method of hamstringing the laws in order to increase prices to score political points off of it.
>the life portion of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is just a privilege.
Why are so many Americans so un-American?
I think the voters have decided that it is a right and as long as we live in a democracy the end result of that is that healthcare has effectively become a right
But that's wrong, no? With a single-payer system, like you have in Austria, you would negotiate prices like this, and since you'd be the only customer to the hospitals you could essentially drop prices to a small fraction.
The high prices are a a result of the insurance business, not the cause.
Because we don't have the luxury of being a homogeneous white nation that refuses care to non citizens. Ask anyone who works in a hospital in a diverse area. The minorities are a MASSIVE problem.
What document is your quote from shill?
>single payer is Soviet style
Lol no.
Soviet style is what the UK has.