He's right, you know
He's right, you know
Those are just the retards that got caught. Otherwise the statistics would paint something like "90% of pedophiles are kikes".
Would that be the legal finding?
Fuck Mexico btw
its almost like they're not human.
its almost as if they're another completely different species.
Can confirm. Paedophiles don't shoehorn themselves into one feminine body type or hand to do things with. Ambidextrous paedophilia is just a result of the pursuit of knowledge.
A lot of traps are left-handed too
They are also faggots
I'm... Left handed.
>tfw my grandma used to beat me if used my left hand so now i'm right handed
She knew!?
is he just saying they are gay and bisexual in a camouflaged way?
30% are left handed!!!!! So that means 70% of pedo's are righties!!!!!!!!
I fap with my left hand so can hold my phone at the same time
I wonder how many serial killer pedophile homofaggots are lefties
There really is something wrong with the left
NYT: "90% of pedophiles are hook nosed shekel shavers"
So what does that mean for obongo?
I'm left handed and I jerk off to loli hentai. Am I actually a pedophile?
>Stefan posted about how sex dolls are bad
He's losing it
Not an argument.
The path pulls you. You still have a choice not to. Just take a shitload of red pills and you will stay clear of it.
I only use my left hand to write and fap. Am I saved during the argumencaust?
>tfw left-handed
Interdasting, left handed here (only write with left hand, otherwise right is dominant). No attraction towards children, or otherwise non-developed looking women.
I fap with my left hand cause I had to use mouse to rewind to nice spot on the nutbuster flick.
Same my whole life man same
Obama is left handed as well. Everything about him sucks